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poetics |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 青词 |更新时间:2019-09-11
POETICSby AristotleTranslated by S. H. ButcherPOETICS|1II PROPOSE to treat of Poetry in itself and of its various kinds,noting the essential quality of each, to inquire into the structure ofthe plot as requisite to a good poem; into the number and nature ofthe parts of which a poem is composed; and similarly into whateverelse falls within the same inquiry. Following, then, the order of... 
非色 |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 随便看看 |更新时间:2019-09-11
  大学教授隐秘情感剖白:非色 作者:尔雅  《非色》的女人和性(1)  在阅读中,我一直期待着,期待作者在最后关头告诉我们:其实余楠的故事是他杜撰的,从来就没有余楠这个人,式牧在孤独无助中为自己创造了那个意念中的女人;或者说式牧与余楠的灵与肉的完美结合只是一个梦,一个幻觉或错觉。(那是一种彻底的虚无与绝望,那是一种毁灭后的快感。)然而没有。尔雅是善良而又温厚的,在冷峻和凄凉中,他为我们留下了希望,犹如鲁迅先生在夏瑜坟前留下的花圈,犹如画家画在寒风里的那片树叶。在《南方》中,尔雅坚持希望那个叫谢彩霞的妓女接到"我"的电话后哭了。... 
anabasis |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 莫再讲 |更新时间:2019-09-11
Anabasisby XenophonTranslation by H. G. DakynsDedicated To Rev. B. Jowett, M.A. Master of Balliol College Regius Professor of Greek in the University of OxfordXenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was a pupil of Socrates. He marched with the Spartans, and was exiled from Athens. Sparta gave him land and property in Scillus, where he lived for many years before having to move once more, to settle in Corinth. He died in 354 B.C.The Anabasis is his story of the march to Persia to aid Cyrus, w 
lucile |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 温暖寒冬 |更新时间:2019-09-11
Lucileby Owen Meredith"Why, let the stricken deer go weep.The hart ungalled play:For some must watch, while some must sleep;Thus runs the world away."Hamlet.DEDICATION.TO MY FATHER.I dedicate to you a work, which is submitted to the public with a diffidence and hesitation proportioned to the novelty of the effort it represents. For in this poem I have abandoned those forms of verse with which I had most familiarized my thoughts, and have endeavored to follow a path on which I could discover no 
乌托邦之恋 |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 阎王 |更新时间:2019-09-11
《乌托邦之恋》作者:王青松卷首语你想知道“桃花源”在哪里吗?“乌托邦新岛”是不是乌有之乡?“天宫”和“玉帝”有原型吗?“七仙女”源自何人何处?请随同到WUTOR星球一游!你身临星辰美境和时空变换吗?穿越百万光年宇宙度蜜月;你想乘航天汽车越洋过海吗?天马行空,跨上智能马……请随同主人翁一起感受!你想探索外星智慧文明之谜吗?破解“智能化机器人”的奥秘,修补基因缺陷,跳DNA舞,与外星人相识、相知,爱恋……请随同到“天外桃源”做秀!第一章 蜜月之旅... 
996-阅读莎士比亚 |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 想聊 |更新时间:2019-09-11
● 推荐书名:阅读莎士比亚 副标题:永不谢幕的悲喜剧英文书名Tales From Shakespear 书号:7-5306-4014-3 定价:38.00元作者:[英]查尔斯·兰姆(Charles Lamb)玛丽·兰姆(Mary Lamb) 译者:萧乾图注:汪若 出版社:百花文艺出版社 开本:16开 (书脊厚度:70克轻型纸,240页) 立品读书计划·红色计划 装帧设计:陆智昌(三联图书主设计师)责任编辑:刘 雁 特约编辑:何贝莉● 销售标语: 与其说戏剧好像是生活,不如说生活就是戏剧... 
how to tell stories to childre |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 闪啊闪 |更新时间:2019-09-11
How To Tell Stories To Children And Some Stories To Tellby Sara Cone BryantConcerning the fundamental points of method in telling a story, I have little to add to the principles which I have already stated as necessary, in my opinion, in the book of which this is, in a way, the continuation. But in the two years which have passed since that book was written, I have had the happiness of working on stories and the telling of them, among teachers and students all over this country, and in that ex 
twice-told tales- the celestia |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 无组织 |更新时间:2019-09-11
TWICE-TOLD TALESTHE CELESTIAL RAILROADby Nathaniel HawthorneNOT A GREAT WHILE AGO, passing through the gate of dreams, Ivisited that region of the earth in which lies the famous city ofDestruction. It interested me much to learn that, by the public spiritof some of the inhabitants, a railroad has recently been establishedbetween this populous and flourishing town, and the Celestial City.... 
转世暗号 |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 卖吻 |更新时间:2019-09-11
转 世 暗 号自序这个故事留下了一个谜:“暗号之二”将以甚么形式出现呢?我作了一个极大胆和匪夷所思的假设,由于太惊人了,所以暂时不发表,准备在找到有资格的人询问之后,再把这个设想说出来。命的奥秘,照例,不会有结果,只是种种的设想而已。设想极重要,许多事实,就在设想中求证出来。倪匡一千九百六十年之前,耶稣就在这几天,死后再生,所以称作复活节。... 
the musgrave ritual |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 世纪史诗 |更新时间:2019-09-11
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE MUSGRAVE RITUALby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleAn anomaly which often struck me in the character of my friendSherlock Holmes was that, although in his methods of thought he wasthe neatest and most methodical of mankind, and although also heaffected a certain quiet primness of dress, he was nonetheless inhis personal habits one of the most untidy men that ever drove afellow-lodger to distraction. Not that I am in the least... 
青木仁志的成功学 |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 月寒 |更新时间:2019-09-11
第一章 通往成功之门“成功金字塔”要获得成功,必须正确认识人生中的“目的”和“目标”的“区别及其联系”。关于这点,太多的人或者是漠不关心,或者是态度暧昧。首先,所谓目的是人生本来的目的,即“我为什么活着”?可以说是自己“存在的理由”和“价值观”。有了最初的目的,还要设定将其具体化的战略性目标。所谓目标,是无论如何必须到达的目的地。当然,不能达到目标,也不能达到目的。要达到目标,每天按先后顺序安排行动是不可或缺的条件。若仅仅是行动谁都可以动起来。如果无论怎样拼命努力,也不能从那些行动中引出成果,则没有意义。... 
a footnote to history |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 宫本宝藏 |更新时间:2019-09-11
A Footnote to Historyby Robert Louis StevensonPREFACEAN affair which might be deemed worthy of a note of a few lines inany general history has been here expanded to the size of a volumeor large pamphlet. The smallness of the scale, and the singularityof the manners and events and many of the characters, considered,it is hoped that, in spite of its outlandish subject, the sketchmay find readers. It has been a task of difficulty. Speed was... 
威尼斯之死 |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 扑火 |更新时间:2019-09-11
第01章  二十世纪某年的一个春日午后,古斯塔夫·阿申巴赫——在他五十岁生日以后,他在正式场合就以冯·阿申巴赫闻名——从慕尼黑摄政王街的邸宅里独个儿出来漫步。当时,欧洲大陆形势险恶,好儿个月来阴云密布。整整一个上午,作家繁重的、绞脑汁的工作累得精疲力竭,这些工作一直需要他以慎密周到、深入细致和一丝不苟的精神从事。午饭以后,他又感到自己控制不住内心汹涌澎湃创作思潮的激荡——或者说是“motusanimi continnus”(拉丁文,思潮如涌),根据西塞罗(古罗马政治家和演说家)的意见,雄伟有力的篇章就是由此产生的——想午睡一会以消除疲劳,可又睡不着(由于体力消耗一天比一天厉害,他感到每天午睡确实非常必要),于是喝过茶后不一会,他就想到外边去逛逛,希望空气和活动能帮助他消除疲劳,以便晚上再能好好地工作一会。  时光已是五月上旬,在几星期湿冷的天气之后,一个似是而非的仲夏来临了。虽然英国... 
part13 |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 白寒 |更新时间:2019-09-11
A NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY_To Sir John Sinclair__Washington, June 30, 1803_DEAR SIR, It is so long since I have had the pleasure ofwriting to you, that it would be vain to look back to dates toconnect the old and the new. Yet I ought not to pass over myacknowledgments to you for various publications received from time totime, and with great satisfaction and thankfulness. I send you asmall one in return, the work of a very unlettered farmer, yet... 
新九灭重生(第81章-90章) |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 空白协议书 |更新时间:2019-09-11
第三卷 1 第四章 挑衅(二)  第四章 挑衅(战·上)  远远的就已经看到在玄宗的院门之外围满了各宗的弟子,当然更多的是那些还没有资格加入各宗的中华武社的正规学徒和一般学员。在被围观的一端,站着的是我玄宗的正式弟子,领头的竟然是童大伟。而他的对面,站着的就是那些穿着大和服的背插东洋刀的一群人,领头的则是一个面目冷瑟的中年人。这些人让一看不自觉的就是一股反感。  “这些明显一看就是本日人的家伙怎么会那么顺利就进入中华武社的?”我有些诧异的低声向身后的风泉问道。... 
一个推销员的诞生 |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 宫本宝藏 |更新时间:2019-09-11
未曾忘记1-50 |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 漂亮格子 |更新时间:2019-09-11
入梦羊 |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 瞎说呗 |更新时间:2019-09-11
《入梦羊》 第一部分目录目录作者序:我为什么要写童话小苞米飘飘和老鼠小坏狐狸拉拉的故事(图)红围脖企鹅的故事(图)企鹅布布和朵西的天堂之旅(图)小兔哈哈的故事(图)世界上最美的一颗圣诞树(图)桃子和她的鱼(图)入梦羊(图)曾经有一片孤独的树叶(图)田鼠小志和小猫缪佳的故事(图)来自天空的花朵(图)失恋的夜晚遇见海豚(图)永别了小巫仙(图)编辑后记... 
只许我爱你 |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 九十八度 |更新时间:2019-09-11
with lee in virginia |热度 13 | 经管其他 | 上传: 冬儿 |更新时间:2019-09-11
With Lee in VirginiaA Story Of The American Civil Warby G.A. HentyPREFACE.My Dear Lads:The Great War between the Northern and Southern States ofAmerica possesses a peculiar interest for us, not only because itwas a struggle between two sections of a people akin to us in raceand language, but because of the heroic courage with which theweaker party, with ill-fed, ill-clad, ill-equipped regiments, for fouryears sustained the contest with an adversary not only possessed of... 
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