--【文案】好奇怪的书,好独特的妙用。 还不是表姐玩性大发,搭上了这冤魂列车。 难道这一切都并非巧合? 不过有帅哥同行,这不知是幸运还是倒霉? 不会吧,这么重的担子我可担不起。 呜呜,好想回家。 我的人生就这么葬送了?【书名】冤魂列车奇缘【作者】慕容蝶薇【正文】传说(1) 此文已完结,但因为每章字数太少,从今日起,加以调整,好像jj不能删除章节,那我就将空出的部分锁住,希望能方便大家阅读-刚吃完晚饭的我,正愁着不知如何打发周末,随手打开电视,发现又是那些播过来播过去的肥皂剧。周末真是无聊。当我拿起遥控器准备按下电源键,手机响了。“我在市中心图书馆,快点过来,我就在门前的沙发上等你。快点,我都等不急了……”。表姐若风兴奋的大叫,我不得不把手机拿的离耳朵远一点,一边揉着耳朵,一边猜想着她又发现了什么新大陆。“我这就飞过去,拜托老姐您有点耐性,我10分钟内到。”...
1.留得身前身后名 惊叹世间果然有这样的女人,集才气、集美质、集傲骨,也集热爱与事业于一体。她,一位惊世绝艳的才女,在1924年4月23日泰戈尔访华之际,被当时的上流社会惊叹为"人艳如花"。她的才华和一生的传奇经历都为当世仰止,又光照来人。如果她不是生不逢时,如果她不是多病的女人,如果她的诗作文集有人编纂整理,或许今人读到的会是一个真正的女诗人,会是一个近代建筑史上的泰斗。她就是被时人誉为"第一才女"的奇女子的林徽因。 甚至林徽因的早逝,也留给同辈亲友惘然的失落,因为她的离去,也预示着他们最具创造力的黄金年华的结束。用林徽因的儿子梁从诫对母亲的评价来形容,林徽因"算得上是一位多少带有一些´文艺复兴色彩´的人,即把多方面的知识和才华文学的和科学的、人文学科和工程技术的、东方的和西方的、古代的和现代的汇集于一身,并且不限于通常人们所说的´修养´。而是在...
[09:33:19] 各位网友大家好,李敖大师在复旦大学的演讲9点半开始,凤凰网将进行图文直播。[09:34:26] 复旦大学人文学院院长姜义华:尊敬的李敖先生,各位老师,各位同学,各位来宾,早上好,最近几天正值复旦大学百年校庆的庆典的高潮,数以万计的海内外校友和贵宾聚到复旦校园,欢庆这一重大的节日,在喜事连连的时刻我们迎来了尊贵的客人李敖先生。[09:35:14] 姜义华:请允许我代表复旦大学全体员工对李敖先生来复旦大学访问给我们校庆增添了异彩并表示热烈的欢迎。[09:35:55] 姜义华:我先介绍一下演讲台上几位先生,第一位就是大家仰慕已久的李敖先生,第二位是我们复旦大学校务委员会主任。...
Chapter II of Volume III (Chap. 44)ELIZABETH had settled it that Mr. Darcy would bring his sister to visit her the very day after her reaching Pemberley; and was consequently resolved not to be out of sight of the inn the whole of that morning. But her conclusion was false; for on the very morning after their own arrival at Lambton, these visitors came. They had been walking about the place with some of their new friends, and were just returned to the inn to dress themselves for dining with the
Martin Guerreby Alexandre Dumas, PereWe are sometimes astonished at the striking resemblance existingbetween two persons who are absolute strangers to each other, but infact it is the opposite which ought to surprise us. Indeed, whyshould we not rather admire a Creative Power so infinite in itsvariety that it never ceases to produce entirely differentcombinations with precisely the same elements? The more oneconsiders this prodigious versatility of form, the more overwhelming...
THE MYSTERIOUS PORTRAITPART INowhere did so many people pause as before the little picture-shop inthe Shtchukinui Dvor. This little shop contained, indeed, the mostvaried collection of curiosities. The pictures were chieflyoil-paintings covered with dark varnish, in frames of dingy yellow.Winter scenes with white trees; very red sunsets, like ragingconflagrations, a Flemish boor, more like a turkey-cock in cuffs thana human being, were the prevailing subjects. To these must be added a...
PHILOPOEMEN253?-183 B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenCLEANDER was a man of high birth and great power in the city ofMantinea, but by the chances of the time happened to be driven fromthence. There being an intimate friendship betwixt him and Craugis,the father of Philopoemen, who was a person of great distinction, hesettled at Megalopolis, where, while his friend lived, he had all he...
Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, V12by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de BourrienneHis Private SecretaryEdited by R. W. PhippsColonel, Late Royal Artillery1891CONTENTS:CHAPTER XXVIII. to CHAPTER XXXVI. 1813-1814CHAPTER XXVIII.1813.Riots in Hamburg and LubeckAttempted suicide of M. KonningEvacuation of HamburgDissatisfaction at the conduct of General St.CyrThe Cabinets of Vienna and the TuileriesFirst appearance ofthe CossacksColonel Tettenborn invited to occupy HamburgCordial...
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The Professor at the Breakfast Tableby Oliver Wendell HolmesPREFACE TO REVISED EDITION.The reader of to-day will not forget, I trust, that it is nearly aquarter of a century since these papers were written. Statementswhich were true then are not necessarily true now. Thus, the speedof the trotting horse has been so much developed that the record ofthe year when the fastest time to that date was given must be veryconsiderably altered, as may be seen by referring to a note on page...