Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchiefby James Fenimore CoopoerCHAPTER I.Certain moral philosophers, with a due disdain of the flimsy foundationsof human pride, have shown that every man is equally descended from amillion of ancestors, within a given number of generations; therebydemonstrating that no prince exists who does not participate in theblood of some beggar, or any beggar who does not share in the bloodof princes. Although favored by a strictly vegetable descent myself, the...
Arms and the Manby George Bernard ShawINTRODUCTIONTo the irreverentand which of us will claim entire exemption from thatcomfortable classification?there is something very amusing in theattitude of the orthodox criticism toward Bernard Shaw. He so obviouslydisregards all the canons and unities and other things which everywell-bred dramatist is bound to respect that his work is really unworthyof serious criticism (orthodox). Indeed he knows no more about the...
The Diary of a Man of Fiftyby Henry JamesFlorence, April 5th, 1874.They told me I should find Italy greatlychanged; and in seven-and-twenty years there is room for changes.But to me everything is so perfectly the same that I seem to beliving my youth over again; all the forgotten impressions of thatenchanting time come back to me. At the moment they were powerfulenough; but they afterwards faded away. What in the world became ofthem? Whatever becomes of such things, in the long intervals of.
Agesilausby XenophonTranslation by H. G. DakynsDedicated ToRev. B. Jowett, M.A.Master of Balliol CollegeRegius Professor of Greek in the University of OxfordXenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was apupil of Socrates. He marched with the Spartans,and was exiled from Athens. Sparta gave him landand property in Scillus, where he lived for many...
原笼粉蒸牛肉【菜名】 原笼粉蒸牛肉 【所属菜系】 沪菜 【特点】 【原料】 净牛肉250克,炒米粉40克,青菜叶100克,葱花、姜末各3克,甜面酱50克,郫县豆瓣酱10克。 【制作过程】 1.牛肉剔去筋膜,横切薄片,加甜面酱,郫县豆瓣料酒,酱油,白糖,花椒粉,辣椒粉和炒米粉拌匀; 2.用青菜叶垫在笼底,倒入拌好的牛肉,用大火蒸熟; 3.用香油,葱花调成葱花油,淋在牛肉上,原笼上桌即成。蛤蜊汆鲫鱼【菜名】 蛤蜊汆鲫鱼 【所属菜系】 沪菜 【特点】 【原料】 活鲫鱼2尾,活蛤蜊250克,熟火腿3片,笋肉5片,水发香菇一只 【制作过程】 1.鲫鱼治净, 从脊背出剖开, 从背上剞几刀, 下清水锅加调料, 姜块, 葱段, 笋片烧开, 用小火煮熟装入汤盆. 2.蛤蜊下清水锅煮到外壳张开捞出, 置于汤盆中. 3.滗出鱼汤,蛤蜊汤烧开, 加香菇, 熟火腿片调好料后倒入汤盆即成...
总 序内容简介一刀能割出多少爱医学院里,英俊潇洒的落拓处男卓左右22年未近女色,于心急火燎中陡然发镖,岂不知家境不凡的清纯小女生宁一早已悄悄注意上他了。解剖室里的猝然邂逅,一个是拔刀相“助”,一个是金屋藏“娇”,均暗暗种下情愫,远胜过山盟海誓。然而被贸然阉割的尸体又引发出连环命案的谜局,阴差阳错中,卓左右牵涉其中,又被卷入更深的情感纠纷……案中案,情中情,离奇情节,鲜言辣语,既有快意的爆笑,也有缠绵的泪水。总 序作者简介作者介绍卓左右,当初取这名是希望能够卓尔不群,踏入社会则左右逢源,万没想到是在真实生活里左右碰壁。他起始专为自己喜欢的人写作,不料一发不可收拾,成为文坛上横空出世的一匹搞笑黑马。其作《一刀能割出多少爱》《向作文开炮,不许放空枪》等皆以深厚生活阅历为底蕴,语言风趣,让人爆笑之后留有深思。...
The Metal Monsterby A. MerrittPROLOGUEBefore the narrative which follows was placed in my hands, I had never seen Dr. Walter T. Goodwin, its author.When the manuscript revealing his adventures among the pre-historic ruins of the Nan-Matal in the Carolines (The Moon Pool) had been given me by the International Association of Science for editing and revision to meet the requirements of a popular presentation, Dr. Goodwin had left America. He had explained that he was still too shaken, too depress
The Vanished Messengerby E. Phillips OppenheimCHAPTER IThere were very few people upon Platform Number Twenty-one ofLiverpool Street Station at a quarter to nine on the eveningof April 2 - possibly because the platform in question is one ofthe most remote and least used in the great terminus. Thestation-master, however, was there himself, with an inspector inattendance. A dark, thick-set man, wearing a long travellingulster and a Homburg hat, and carrying in his hand a brown leather...
"UNLEARNED VIEWS OF MEDICINE"_To Dr. Caspar Wistar__Washington, June 21, 1807_DEAR SIR, I have a grandson, the son of Mr. Randolph, nowabout 15 years of age, in whose education I take a lively interest.His time has not hitherto been employed to the greatest advantage, afrequent change of tutors having prevented the steady pursuit of anyone plan. Whether he possesses that lively imagination, usuallycalled genius, I have not had opportunities of knowing. But I think...