《英语语法大全》(简版)1.名词 名词可以分为专有名词(ProperNouns)和普通名词(CommonNouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词又可分为下面四类: 1)个体名词(IndividualNouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun。 2)集体名词(CollectiveNouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family。 3)物质名词(MaterialNouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,如:air。 4)抽象名词(AbstractNouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:work。...
Epilogue IChapter 1SEVEN YEARS had passed by. The storm-tossed, historic ocean of Europe was subsiding within its shores. It seemed to have grown calm; but the mysterious forces moving humanity (mysterious, because the laws controlling their action are unknown to us) were still at work.Although the surface of the ocean of history seemed motionless, the movement of humanity was as uninterrupted as the flow of time. Various series of groups of men were joining together and separating; the causes
The Pension Beaurepasby Henry JamesCHAPTER I.I was not richon the contrary; and I had been told the PensionBeaurepas was cheap. I had, moreover, been told that a boarding-house is a capital place for the study of human nature. I had afancy for a literary career, and a friend of mine had said to me, "Ifyou mean to write you ought to go and live in a boarding-house; thereis no other such place to pick up material." I had read something ofthis kind in a letter addressed by Stendhal to his siste
Lectures on the History of Philosophyby G W F Hegel (1805-6)Translated by E S Haldane (1892-6)Inaugural AddressPrefatory NoteIntroductionA. Notion of the History of Philosophy1. Common Ideas regarding the History of Philosophya. The History of Philosophy as an accumulation of Opinionsb. Proof of futility of Philosophical Knowledge obtained through History of Philosophyitself...
THE FORGED COUPONPART FIRSTIFEDOR MIHAILOVICH SMOKOVNIKOV, the presi-dent of the local Income Tax Department, a manof unswerving honestyand proud of it, tooa gloomy Liberal, a free-thinker, and an enemyto every manifestation of religious feeling, whichhe thought a relic of superstition, came home fromhis office feeling very much annoyed. The Gov-ernor of the province had sent him an extraordi-narily stupid minute, almost assuming that hisdealings had been dishonest....
笔者从事美国城市史研究20余年,对乔尔·科特金并不陌生。他是总部设在华盛顿特区的“新美国基金会”欧文高级研究员,全球公认的未来学和城市问题研究权威。曾在纽约城市大学纽曼研究所和南加州建筑学院任教,也是《华盛顿邮报》、《华尔街杂志》、《美国企业界》和《洛杉矶时报》等名牌媒体炙手可热的专栏作家。他学贯古今、视野开阔、建树甚多。其著作往往甫一出版,即成经典书热卖。在其发表的五部著作中,《部族》(Tribes)和《新地理》(New Geography)深受学术界推崇,好评如潮。科特金以其神来之笔,把我们带入一个似曾相识但又别有意境的城市世界:从美索不达米亚、印度河流域和中国的宗教中心,到古典时期的罗马帝国中心,伊斯兰世界城市,欧洲威尼斯等商业城市,再到后来的伦敦、纽约等工业城市,一直到今天以洛杉矶为代表的后工业化城市。他发现,这个城市世界从发轫伊始,就带有某些共同的特征,尽管它们可能远隔重洋...
2002年4月8日,一个叫甘言春17岁高中生因为没有穿校服而被老师叫到了办公室训话。因为此事,甘言春所在班上的流动红旗被取消了。心情不畅的老师在批评完甘言春以后便把他的父亲叫到了学校。可想而知,被老师训斥的这位父亲回到家以后自然把所有的怒气都发泄到了儿子身上。甘言春怎么也想不明白,就因为这么一件事情为什么身为老师和身为父亲会如此怒不可揭。面对流动红旗的被取消所带来的集体荣誉的损失以及父亲责难的双重压力,这位马上就要考大学的高中生于两天后的4月10日,离家出走了,至今未归…… 就在同一天,江苏南通一位叫黄文静的16岁女孩,在《流星花园》的感召下也悄无声息地出走了。其父在事后泪流满面地对着电视机镜头说道:我们为了她能够考上一所好的高中,对她的管教太严厉了。我们没有和她好好地沟通,我们只想她如果能考上好的高中能给家里添光彩。最后这位父亲近乎哀求地说道:女儿你回来吧,爸爸一定不再说...
暮光之城 4 Breaking Dawn 破晓说明:《暮光之城》4《破晓》 ~~中文版将在第一时间更新~~!Copyright 2008 by Stephen^ Meyer All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. CopyrightAct of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or byany means, or stored in a database or retrieval system,without the prior written permission of the publisher.Little, Brown and CompanyHachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Visit our Web site at...
The Queen of Heartsby Wilkie CollinsLETTER OF DEDICATION.-TOEMILE FORGUES.-AT a time when French readers were altogether unaware of theexistence of any books of my writing, a critical examination ofmy novels appeared under your signature in the _Revue des DeuxMoudes_. I read that article, at the time of its appearance, withsincere pleasure and sincere gratitude to the writer, and I havehonestly done my best to profit by it ever since.At a later period, when arrangements were made for the...