作者:石康目 录第 一 篇 第 二 篇第 三 篇 第 四 篇第 五 篇 第 六 篇第 七 篇 第 八 篇第 九 篇 第 十 篇第十一篇 第十二篇第十三篇 第十四篇第十五篇 第十六篇第十七篇 第十八篇第十九篇第一篇0 1995年4月8日夜晚11点48分, 我和阿莱在国贸职工宿舍前分手,结束了长达8年之久的感情生活,从此老死不相往来。1 这件事说起来轻松,实际上,它对我触动颇大。从那天起,我开始思考诸如生活的意义之类老生常谈的问题,思考自己的生活,从自己想到周围的人,想到过去,想到我们这个时代。以后很长一段时间,我都是在一种回忆和思考的状态下生活,这种生活有时叫我情绪恶劣,无聊至极,有时叫我激动莫名,如痴如狂。...
The Crown of ThornsA token for the sorrowingby E. H. ChapinPREFACE.One of the discourses in this volume-"The Mission of Little Children"was written just after the death of a dear son, and was published in pamphlet form. The edition having become exhausted sooner than the demand, it was deemed advisable to reprint it; and accordingly it is now presented to the reader, accompanied by others of a similar cast, most of them growing out of the same experience. This fact will account for any repeti
Early Kings of Norwayby Thomas CarlyleThe Icelanders, in their long winter, had a great habit of writing; and were, and still are, excellent in penmanship, says Dahlmann. It is to this fact, that any little history there is of the Norse Kings and their old tragedies, crimes and heroisms, is almost all due. The Icelanders, it seems, not only made beautiful letters on their paper or parchment, but were laudably observant and desirous of accuracy; and have left us such a collection of narratives
All Roads Lead to Calvaryby Jerome K. JeromeCHAPTER IShe had not meant to stay for the service. The door had stood invitingly open, and a glimpse of the interior had suggested to her the idea that it would make good copy. "Old London Churches: Their Social and Historical Associations." It would be easy to collect anecdotes of the famous people who had attended them. She might fix up a series for one of the religious papers. It promised quite exceptional material, this particular specimen,
第一章 引言 萧小晓、韩若云和孟弘雨是三个生活在冰城边缘地带的女人,看着大街小巷往来穿梭的人群,是三个人共同的兴趣。她们可以从行人的长相、穿着去揣测他们的职业和生活。可看得久了,自然风景也会褪色,兴趣也会索然。 今天,她们又坐在路边的石凳上依然在看,却不约而同地叹了口气,这三个年近30却依然在为生存,为嫁个好男人而伤神,而奔波得女人,一直都觉得这个城市的繁华和快乐,好象与己无关似的。现在的生活已经成为了习惯,当然那是不得已才养成的习惯! 尤其是萧小晓总觉得自己无法与这个城市前进的步伐接上轨,她最纳闷地就是为什么每天大街上都有那么多得人,为什么他们会那么有钱?尤其是看上去比自己年龄小很多,穿着入时的小女人们,似乎每一个人都在尽情地购物消费,难道他们不需要上班是吗?难道家里是开银行的不成?还是有棵摇钱树?...
《丝绒金矿》作者:张千岁第一章 迷乱的狂欢前奏更新时间:2007-10-13 13:49:00 字数:820Iwalklikeacat,talklikearat,stinglikeabee,babyIwannabeyourman.——20thcenturyboy,T.Rex.我可以忘记现在是什么时间,忘记自己身处何地。我可以忘记昨晚做过什么,明天又即将去做些什么。我可以忘记他,或是她,或是所有的他们。为了你,我甚至可以忘记自己的名字。对,就是你。你可以是舞池中的任何一个人。你可以从事各种各样的职业,可以将自己的皮肤、头发和瞳孔涂成各式妖媚的颜色;你可以用各式各样的语言讲出花言巧语,然后在天亮时悄然离去;你可以是漂浮在空中的神灵,也可以是浴火燃烧着的恶魔本尊。因为你就是我的化身,我身体中尚未被触及的那一部分。我们的生命线如同野草一样杂乱无张地生长,我们的灵魂永远悬浮在躯壳之外,发出尖厉的哭泣,我们的恐惧源自祖先们无数次噩梦中的惊醒,而我们一千零一次的狂欢就注定要在今...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENSOUP FROM A SAUSAGE SKEWERby Hans Christian Andersen"WE had such an excellent dinner yesterday," said an old mouseof the female sex to another who had not been present at the feast. "Isat number twenty-one below the mouse-king, which was not a bad place.Shall I tell you what we had? Everything was first rate. Mouldy bread,tallow candle, and sausage. And then, when we had finished that...
心动没有道理 席绢六年?他爱她爱了六年?就凭着她高中时期的一张照片,他竟深深地爱了她六年!?真是勇敢啊!这个男人……不过,算这家伙有脑筋!大夥儿拿她当哥儿们看,就他懂得欣赏她这个俊俏的美人!看来,她不爱上他,好像有点对不起他了?好吧!如果非要有个男人来爱的话,就挑他好了;虽说,她才刚认识他……只是,这到底是怎样的一个男人呢?自由保镳?黑道老大?还是大亨的儿子?管他是谁!爱上他,她的日子肯定是愈来愈有看头了!好玩……席绢答客问嗯……基本上是没有什么大问题啦,对于比较统一的问题,早八百年就回答光了;虽然一直有人在问,倒也没有老调重弹一再回应的必要,我会建议你们去翻阅我之前的作品,八九成都可以得到答案。...
The Red Cross Girlby Richard Harding DavisCONTENTSIntroduction by Gouverneur Morris1. THE RED CROSS GIRL2. THE GRAND CROSS OF THE CRESCENT3. THE INVASION OF ENGLAND4. BLOOD WILL TELL5. THE SAILORMAN6. THE MIND READER7. THE NAKED MAN8. THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF9. THE CARD-SHARPINTRODUCTIONR. H. D."And they rise to their feet as he passes, gentlemenunafraid."He was almost too good to be true. In addition, the godsloved him, and so he had to die young. Some people think that...
-中国城市的1000个细节作 者 石映照简介 一个现代版的唐吉诃德,身无分文地游走在20个城市,理想、探索、冒险、奇遇、女人……就在城市的每一个细节。到处暂住(代序)(1) 我有很多同学,大学刚毕业那会儿都想拯救世界,到了各种各样的单位一混,纷纷开始拯救自己,其方式主要是停薪留职,这样一来,全国每个好挣钱的城市几乎都有了我的同学;我的同学还有一个共同特征,那就是在外边都混得不好,因此常常要打电话求告还留在原处的同学,“快再寄点钱来吧?我就快饿死了。”寄一次钱还可以,寄第三次时,我的这些既没挣钱还没当官更没来得及闯世界开眼的同学就激出满脑门子的怒火:瞧瞧!瞧瞧人家石映照怎么在外边混的?十多年了,要过一次钱吗?...
THE LIFTED VEILTHE LIFTED VEILby George Eliot [Mary Anne Evans]1- Page 2-THE LIFTED VEILCHAPTER IThe time of my end approaches. I have lately been subject to attacksof angina pectoris; and in the ordinary course of things, my physician tellsme, I may fairly hope that my life will not be protracted many months....
男孩情感培养手册:儿子,你尽管说 作者:玛丽·鲍尔斯-林琦京华出版社 出版 第一章 卷首语 序 米歇尔·居里安 2001年10月9日 序作者简介: 米歇尔·居里安,家庭实用心理治疗师、心理学教育工作者,著有14本著作,其中包括三本全国畅销书:《男孩的好奇心》、《棒小伙子》和《男孩和女孩不同的学习过程》。他还以顾问的身份为各种人士提供服务,服务对象遍及教区、家庭、心理治疗师队伍、社区心理服务分支机构、教会、政界人士等等。他每年还要到大约35个城市主持研究会、从事顾问工作、出席重要会议。居里安推出的适用于家长和志愿者的音像资料被美国和加拿大的“帮助孩子”服务机构所采用。他现在住在华盛顿州斯波肯市。...
Martin Guerreby Alexandre Dumas, PereWe are sometimes astonished at the striking resemblance existingbetween two persons who are absolute strangers to each other, but infact it is the opposite which ought to surprise us. Indeed, whyshould we not rather admire a Creative Power so infinite in itsvariety that it never ceases to produce entirely differentcombinations with precisely the same elements? The more oneconsiders this prodigious versatility of form, the more overwhelming...