****************二月兰第一辑*************** 曾经有很长的一段时间,我孤零零一个人住在一个很深的大院子里。从外面走进去,越走越静,自己的脚步声越听越清楚,仿佛从闹市走向深山。等到脚步声成为空谷足音的时候,我住的地方就到了。-马缨花(1)- 曾经有很长的一段时间,我孤零零一个人住在一个很深的大院子里。从外面走进去,越走越静,自己的脚步声越听越清楚,仿佛从闹市走向深山。等到脚步声成为空谷足音的时候,我住的地方就到了。 院子不小,都是方砖铺地,三面有走廊。天井里遮满了树枝,走到下面,浓荫匝地,清凉蔽体。从房子的气势来看,从梁柱的粗细来看,依稀还可以看出当年的富贵气象。...
El Doradoby Baroness OrczyFOREWORDThere has of late years crept so much confusion into the mind ofthe student as well as of the general reader as to the identity ofthe Scarlet Pimpernel with that of the Gascon Royalist plotterknown to history as the Baron de Batz, that the time seemsopportune for setting all doubts on that subject at rest.The identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel is in no way whateverconnected with that of the Baron de Batz, and even superficial...
CORIOLANUSLegendary, 5th Century B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenTHE patrician house of the Marcii in Rome produced many men ofdistinction, and among the rest, Ancus Marcius, grandson to Numa byhis daughter, and king after Tullus Hostilius; of the same family werealso Publius and Quintus Marcius, which two conveyed into the city thebest and most abundant supply of water they have at Rome. As...
The Story of the Treasure Seekersby E. NesbitBeing the adventures of theBastable children in search of a fortuneTOOSWALD BARRONWithout whom this book could never have been writtenThe Treasure Seekers is dedicated inmemory of childhoods identicalbut for the accidents oftime and spaceCONTENTS1. The Council of Ways and Means2. Digging for Treasure3. Being Detectives4. Good Hunting...
Hermann and DorotheaBy Johann Wolfgang von GoetheTranslated by Ellen FrothinghamINTRODUCTORY NOTEThere are few modern poems of any country so perfect in their kind as the "Hermann and Dorothea" of Goethe. In clearness of characterization, in unity of tone, in the adjustment of background and foreground, in the conduct of the narrative, it conforms admirably to the strict canons of art; yet it preserves a freshness and spontaneity in its emotional appeal that are rare in works of so classical a
作为一个承前启后的雕塑家,对罗丹套用这样一句古语来评价并不过分:前不见古者,后不见来者,念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。罗丹,他是古典主义时期的最后一位雕塑家,又是现代主义时期的最初的一位雕塑家。因此他一生注定了要孤独。 罗丹的一生充满了异议、批评和误解,很难进行——地解释。但其作品,那些不再仅仅只从属于他个人和他那个时代,已经成为了人类社会的美的化身,人类智慧的结晶,一直为后来人所赞叹,所欣赏,也为后人所学习,所模仿着。 多少年来,在罗丹的千百件作品中,我们心悦诚服地欣赏着,我们不无惊叹地感慨着,我们无不将目光转向那双手,创造出奇迹的手。 弗郎索瓦•奥古斯特•罗丹,伟大的雕塑家,1840年11月12日出生于巴黎市圣马塞尔的贫民区。父亲让•巴蒂斯特在警察局工作,属于低级公务员,母亲玛丽•谢弗来自法国东部摩泽尔省,1936年与罗丹的父亲结婚。两人都是...
妙趣横生爆笑童年记忆:《小时候》作者:桑格格0-05岁 幼儿园幼儿园(1)1.我两岁的时候口头禅是:我小时候……2.你根本不知道,我是天上派来的天女,我有很多兵,我把他们都埋在花盆下面,还有,我还有一个魔法戒指,是张露萍将军给我的,就是我手上这个,看,就是绿色的这个,可以变出许多虾兵虾将,可以打败你,然后把你掐死,吃了,一根毛都不剩!3.我用上述这段话吓跑了几个企图欺负我的男孩,那会儿热播电视剧《张露萍》以及《西游记》。4.我妈生我的时候,单位上房子紧张,她就睡在废弃的锅炉房里,幸福地期待着我的到来。白天还有燕儿来绕梁,说是个好预兆,只是到了晚上门关不严,风吹过,门哒得“咵咵”响惊了她。我二舅说,枪可以闭邪,就把他的配枪放在我妈的枕头下面。幸好没走火呦!这与我后来宝里宝器(傻乎乎)的性格恐怕有直接的关系。...
I and My Chimneyby Herman MelvilleI and my chimney, two grey-headed old smokers, reside in thecountry. We are, I may say, old settlers here; particularly myold chimney, which settles more and more every day.Though I always say, I AND MY CHIMNEY, as Cardinal Wolsey used tosay, "I AND MY KING," yet this egotistic way of speaking, whereinI take precedence of my chimney, is hereby borne out by thefacts; in everything, except the above phrase, my chimney taking...
The Song of the Cardinalby Gene Stratton-PorterIN LOVING TRIBUTETO THE MEMORY OF MY FATHERMARK STRATTON"For him every work of God manifested a new and heretoforeunappreciated loveliness."Chapter 1"Good cheer! Good cheer!" exulted the CardinalHe darted through the orange orchard searching for slugs for hisbreakfast, and between whiles he rocked on the branches and rang...
The Love Affairs Of A Bibliomaniacby Eugene FieldIntroductionThe determination to found a story or a series of sketches on the delights, adventures, and misadventures connected with bibliomania did not come impulsively to my brother. For many years, in short during the greater part of nearly a quarter of a century of journalistic work, he had celebrated in prose and verse, and always in his happiest and most delightful vein, the pleasures of book-hunting. Himself an indefatigable collector of
Lachesby PlatoTranslated by Benjamin JowettINTRODUCTION.Lysimachus, the son of Aristides the Just, and Melesias, the son of theelder Thucydides, two aged men who live together, are desirous of educatingtheir sons in the best manner. Their own education, as often happens withthe sons of great men, has been neglected; and they are resolved that theirchildren shall have more care taken of them, than they received themselves...