The Courtship of Susan Bellby Anthony TrollopeJohn Munroe Bell had been a lawyer in Albany, State of New York, andas such had thriven well. He had thriven well as long as thrift andthriving on this earth had been allowed to him. But the Almightyhad seen fit to shorten his span.Early in life he had married a timid, anxious, pretty, good littlewife, whose whole heart and mind had been given up to do his biddingand deserve his love. She had not only deserved it but had...
Lectures on Evolutionby Thomas Henry HuxleyITHE THREE HYPOTHESES RESPECTING THE HISTORY OF NATUREWe live in and form part of a system of things of immensediversity and perplexity, which we call Nature; and it is amatter of the deepest interest to all of us that we should formjust conceptions of the constitution of that system and of itspast history. With relation to this universe, man is, in extent,little more than a mathematical point; in duration but a...
A Confessionby Lev Nikolayevich TolstoyII was baptized and brought up in the Orthodox Christian faith.I was taught it in childhood and throughout my boyhood and youth.But when I abandoned the second course of the university at the ageof eighteen I no longer believed any of the things I had beentaught.Judging by certain memories, I never seriously believed them,...
The Faith of Menby Jack LondonContents:A Relic of the PlioceneA Hyperborean BrewThe Faith of MenToo Much GoldThe One Thousand DozenThe Marriage of Lit-litBatardThe Story of Jees UckA RELIC OF THE PLIOCENEI wash my hands of him at the start. I cannot father his tales,nor will I be responsible for them. I make these preliminaryreservations, observe, as a guard upon my own integrity. I possess...
Man and SupermanA COMEDY AND A PHILOSOPHYBy George Bernard ShawEPISTLE DEDICATORY TO ARTHUR BINGHAM WALKLEYMy dear Walkley:You once asked me why I did not write a Don Juan play. The levitywith which you assumed this frightful responsibility has probablyby this time enabled you to forget it; but the day of reckoninghas arrived: here is your play! I say your play, because quifacit per alium facit per se. Its profits, like its labor, belongto me: its morals, its manners, its philosophy, its influe
NOTES BY FLOOD AND FIELDPART IIN THE FIELDIt was near the close of an October day that I began to bedisagreeably conscious of the Sacramento Valley. I had been ridingsince sunrise, and my course through the depressing monotony of thelong level landscape affected me more like a dull dyspeptic dreamthan a business journey, performed under that sincerest of naturalphenomenaa California sky. The recurring stretches of brown andbaked fields, the gaping fissures in the dusty trail, the hard...
蔡元培(1868-1940) 中国近代民主革命家、教育学家、科学家。字鹤卿,号孑民。浙江省绍兴府山阴县人。18岁设馆教书,26岁中进士、点翰林,29岁授编修。1902年组织中国教育会任会长,创立爱国学社、爱国女学,均曾被推为总理。1912年 1月就任南京临时政府教育总长。1917年主任北京大学校长,1928年后专任中央研究院长。1940年 3月在香港病逝。 蔡元培是20世纪初中国资产阶级教育制度的创造者。他的教育实践和教育思想,集中起来就是用资产阶级教育代替封建教育。他在主持教育部工作期间,曾进行了划时代的改革。他提倡资产阶级自由主义教育,主张崇尚自然,尊重儿童,使其才能自由发展。在任北大校长期间,提出大学的性质在于研究高深学问,为此必须提倡学术自由,科学民主。他主张学与术分校,文与理通科。将“学年制”改为“学分制”,实行选科制,积极改进教学方法,精简课程,提倡自学。他的教育思想与教育实践,为中国教...
Motherby Owen WisterTO MY FAVOURITE BROKER WITH THE EARNEST ASSURANCE THAT MR. BEVERLY IS NOTMEANT FOR HIMNOTEIN 1901, this story appeared anonymously as the ninth of a sequence ofshort stories by various authors, in a volume entitled A House Party. Ithas been slightly remodelled for separate publication.June 7, 1907, OWEN WISTERMOTHERWhen handsome young Richard Fieldhe was very handsome and very young...
IS SHAKESPEARE DEAD?(from My Autobiography)Scattered here and there through the stacks of unpublishedmanuscript which constitute this formidable Autobiography andDiary of mine, certain chapters will in some distant future befound which deal with "Claimants"claimants historicallynotorious: Satan, Claimant; the Golden Calf, Claimant; theVeiled Prophet of Khorassan, Claimant; Louis XVII., Claimant;William Shakespeare, Claimant; Arthur Orton, Claimant; Mary Baker...
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