"Speaking of Operations"by Irvin S. CobbRespectfully dedicated to two classes:Those who have already been operated onThose who have not yet been operated onNow that the last belated bill for services professionally renderedhas been properly paid and properly receipted; now that the memoryof the event, like the mark of the stitches, has faded out from avivid red to a becoming pink shade; now that I pass a display ofadhesive tape in a drug-store window without flinchingI sit me...
Two Short PiecesTwo Short PiecesCharlotte Bronte1- Page 2-Two Short PiecesBIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OFELLIS AND ACTON BELLIT has been thought that all the works published under the names ofCurrer, Ellis, and Acton Bell were, in reality, the production of one person.This mistake I endeavoured to rectify by a few words of disclaimer...
The Parlor-Carby William D. HowellsSCENE: A Parlor-Car on the New York Central Railroad. It is lateafternoon in the early autumn, with a cloudy sunset threatening rain.The car is unoccupied save by a gentleman, who sits fronting one ofthe windows, with his feet in another chair; a newspaper lies acrosshis lap; his hat is drawn down over his eyes, and he is apparentlyasleep. The rear door of the car opens, and the conductor enterswith a young lady, heavily veiled, the porter coming after with
原笼粉蒸牛肉【菜名】 原笼粉蒸牛肉 【所属菜系】 沪菜 【特点】 【原料】 净牛肉250克,炒米粉40克,青菜叶100克,葱花、姜末各3克,甜面酱50克,郫县豆瓣酱10克。 【制作过程】 1.牛肉剔去筋膜,横切薄片,加甜面酱,郫县豆瓣料酒,酱油,白糖,花椒粉,辣椒粉和炒米粉拌匀; 2.用青菜叶垫在笼底,倒入拌好的牛肉,用大火蒸熟; 3.用香油,葱花调成葱花油,淋在牛肉上,原笼上桌即成。蛤蜊汆鲫鱼【菜名】 蛤蜊汆鲫鱼 【所属菜系】 沪菜 【特点】 【原料】 活鲫鱼2尾,活蛤蜊250克,熟火腿3片,笋肉5片,水发香菇一只 【制作过程】 1.鲫鱼治净, 从脊背出剖开, 从背上剞几刀, 下清水锅加调料, 姜块, 葱段, 笋片烧开, 用小火煮熟装入汤盆. 2.蛤蜊下清水锅煮到外壳张开捞出, 置于汤盆中. 3.滗出鱼汤,蛤蜊汤烧开, 加香菇, 熟火腿片调好料后倒入汤盆即成...
"UNLEARNED VIEWS OF MEDICINE"_To Dr. Caspar Wistar__Washington, June 21, 1807_DEAR SIR, I have a grandson, the son of Mr. Randolph, nowabout 15 years of age, in whose education I take a lively interest.His time has not hitherto been employed to the greatest advantage, afrequent change of tutors having prevented the steady pursuit of anyone plan. Whether he possesses that lively imagination, usuallycalled genius, I have not had opportunities of knowing. But I think...
我叫岳子行,三十三岁,已婚,大连良民。我和老婆冯筝已有俩礼拜没说话了,这婆娘竟然偷看我的手机短信,大搞间谍活动,被我痛骂了一顿,双方由此陷入冷战。这天晚上吃罢晚饭,我刮刮胡子梳梳头,牛气哄哄地走出家门,一派约会的样子。想像着身后我老婆复杂的眼神,我痛快极了。暮色正沉,在海边纳凉的人影模糊不堪。当我晃悠到一个岔路口时,正看见一个中年男人和一个姑娘站在斑马线上争吵。男人又瘦又高,像个直立行走的螳螂。他怒气冲冲地扬起手,一记耳光打在了姑娘的脸上,然后骂骂咧咧转身就走。姑娘一边哭喊着你不要走,一边倔强地追上去。 我惊望着那个姑娘,直到她消逝无踪。她大约二十五六岁,灰色碎格短裙,白色短袖衬衫,肉色丝袜。高跟鞋敲在水泥街面上,声如鼓点。...