PREFACETOTHE THIRD EDITION.OCTOBER 1814.To this slight attempt at a sketch of ancient Scottish manners thepublic have been more favourable than the Author durst have hopedor expected. He has heard, with a mixture of satisfaction andhumility, his work ascribed to more than one respectable name.Considerations, which seem weighty in his particular situation, preventhis releasing those gentlemen from suspicion by placing his ownname in the title-page; so that, for the present at least, it must rema
MiddlemarchBy George EliotTo my dear Husband, George Henry Lewes,in this nineteenth year of our blessed union.PRELUDEWho that cares much to know the history of man, and how the mysteriousmixture behaves under the varying experiments of Time, has not dwelt,at least briefly, on the life of Saint Theresa, has not smiledwith some gentleness at the thought of the little girl walkingforth one morning hand-in-hand with her still smaller brother,...
BOOK II: OF THEIR MAGISTRATESTHIRTY families choose every year a magistrate, who was ancientlycalled the syphogrant, but is now called the philarch; and overevery ten syphogrants, with the families subject to them, there isanother magistrate, who was anciently called the tranibor, but oflate the archphilarch. All the syphogrants, who are in number 200,choose the Prince out of a list of four, who are named by the...
THE TWO FROGSOnce upon a time in the country of Japan there lived two frogs,one of whom made his home in a ditch near the town of Osaka, onthe sea coast, while the other dwelt in a clear little streamwhich ran through the city of Kioto. At such a great distanceapart, they had never even heard of each other; but, funnilyenough, the idea came into both their heads at once that theyshould like to see a little of the world, and the frog who livedat Kioto wanted to visit Osaka, and the frog who liv
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE PHOENIX BIRDby Hans Christian AndersenIN the Garden of Paradise, beneath the Tree of Knowledge,bloomed a rose bush. Here, in the first rose, a bird was born. Hisflight was like the flashing of light, his plumage was beauteous,and his song ravishing. But when Eve plucked the fruit of the treeof knowledge of good and evil, when she and Adam were driven from...
400 BCTHE LAWby Hippocratestranslated by Francis AdamsMedicine is of all the Arts the most noble; but, not withstanding,owing to the ignorance of those who practice it, and of those who,inconsiderately, form a judgment of them, it is at present farbehind all the other arts. Their mistake appears to me to ariseprincipally from this, that in the cities there is no punishment...