1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE SUNBEAM AND THE CAPTIVEby Hans Christian AndersenIT is autumn. We stand on the ramparts, and look out over the sea.We look at the numerous ships, and at the Swedish coast on theopposite side of the sound, rising far above the surface of the waterswhich mirror the glow of the evening sky. Behind us the wood issharply defined; mighty trees surround us, and the yellow leavesflutter down from the branches. Below, at the foot of the wall, stands...
HOW TO TELL A TRUE PRINCESSThere was once upon a time a Prince who wanted to marry aPrincess, but she must be a true Princess. So he travelledthrough the whole world to find one, but there was alwayssomething against each. There were plenty of Princesses, but hecould not find out if they were true Princesses. In every casethere was some little defect, which showed the genuine articlewas not yet found. So he came home again in very low spirits,for he had wanted very much to have a true Princ
FOREIGN PATENTSIn addition to the United States patents issued to Edison,as above enumerated, there have been granted to him (up to Oc-tober, 1910) by foreign governments 1239 patents, as follows:Argentine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Australia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Austria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1...
黑幕笼罩,霓虹闪烁,台北的夜正揭开热闹、喧嚷的序幕。 结束一天在法庭上与人辩护的生活,律师界名声响当当的乔新彦开着爱车来到与好友们相约一聚的PUB,他步伐轻快,口中吹着口哨,心情愉快极了,今天的Case他又胜诉了! 唉!没办法,谁教他是乔新彦,乔新彦耶!他的字典里没有失败这两个字。 推开PUB的门,两个兔女郎打扮的冶艳女子立刻迎上来,热情的拥着他走向角落的一个桌位,他的三个好友已经等在那儿了。 他疑惑的开口,“怎么回事?这里的服务生换了吗?” 梁康砚拍了下他的肩,“就知道你这个大忙人忙得忘了今夕是何夕,今天是你的生日,这两位美丽的兔女郎就是我们送你的生日礼物,今晚,你爱怎么‘用’都随你!对了,我刚刚有帮你看了一下,她们的牙齿绝对健健康康,没有蛀牙,你可以放心的和她们打啵!”...
PREFACE TO THE FIRST CHEAP EDITION OF "AMERICAN NOTES"IT is nearly eight years since this book was first published. Ipresent it, unaltered, in the Cheap Edition; and such of myopinions as it expresses, are quite unaltered too.My readers have opportunities of judging for themselves whether theinfluences and tendencies which I distrust in America, have anyexistence not in my imagination. They can examine for themselveswhether there has been anything in the public career of that...
时代在变,人们追寻梦想的理念却永远不会变,无论男女老少、贫富贵贱,甚至是从小就被丢在育幼院门口的孤儿,也有他们想追求的梦想。 春雪、夏美、秋枫、冬颜四个人是从小一起在国际儿童村长大的姊妹,她们长相不同、个性不同、被丢弃在育幼院门口的季节和方式也不同,但却同样有著欲完成的梦想。 由于从小生长在资源贫乏的育幼院里,所以她们比任何同年龄的小孩都还要早熟,也更有思想。 看著同学们常有新衣服可以换穿,而她们却只能捡善心人士捐赠的旧衣来抵御风寒;看著同学们有父母专车接送上下课,她们却只能自己骑脚踏车;同学们穿好的、吃好的、住好的,甚至还有多余的时间交男朋友来炫耀,她们只能不断地努力,然后告诉自己,终有一天她们也能光鲜亮丽的成为别人羡慕与嫉妒的焦点。...
“先生,你长得很好看。”女人醉眼蒙胧的靠近他搭讪,这种情况对他来说已经是司空见惯,何况是在PUB这种场所,多得是想找一夜情的男女。“好像梁朝伟……我最欣赏他了……”那是她的偶像。 男人在闲暇放松之余,嘴角总是噙著一抹邪邪的笑意,不似在工作时的严谨。“谢谢,你也很美。”不过不是他会挑上的类型。 但是这声恭维也不算虚伪,眼前的女人的确是许多男人看了都会忍不住想一亲芳泽,甚至渴望今晚就成为她的入幕之宾。她有一头蓬松如云的秀发、猫儿似的美眸,精致雕琢的五官,尽管化著浓妆,看不出真实年纪,不过应该已经熟透了,当然还包括裹在黑色圆领上衣内的傲人双峰。他的角度正好可以觑见那条诱人的白嫩乳沟,可以让许多男性同胞在眨眼间从高高在上的人类变身为禽兽不如的畜生。...
苹儿坐在游泳池旁的遮阳伞下,望着洛斯和洛迪、斯迪打得正火热。她搞不懂,游 个泳也能一言不合的打起架来,这父子三人真是┅┅快两年了。安东尼已经就擒快两年 了,他们也过了快两年和平、幸福的日子。 在这段时候里,洛斯严重的伤势不但复原,在苹儿的精心调理之下,健壮更胜往昔 。安东尼因大夥儿说情而免於,死被囚禁在庞特奥夫某个私人小岛上度过馀生,纪子携 儿带女陪往同住。艳子被赶回日本,始终未能再见她衷心爱慕的亚历士一面。 而最让苹儿欢乐的是她又怀孕了,孩子在这几天就将来到这世界。她知道洛斯想要 个女儿,她却还想要个儿子。不过,她没有告诉洛斯,超音波扫瞄的结果是两不会失望 ,这一次依然是对双胞胎,而且还是一男一女的龙凤胎,她打算给他来个大大的惊喜。...