南怀瑾先生讲述 师示:《菩提道次第广论》与《永嘉大师禅宗集》相互的关系如何?何以本学期我们将此两种课程安排在一起研究? 常证师:《永嘉禅宗集》依我研读结果,后半段所说以“明心见性”为主,即是般若的觉照;换句话说,必须先见性后才能起修,方为踏实。 师示:这是你的意见,我不加可否。另有其他见解吗? 文颢儒(加拿大留华学生):《永嘉大师禅宗集》乃约理而言;《菩提道次第广论》,则约功夫而说。 师示:以你身为一个外国人,旅居台湾,透过艰难的文字障碍,竟有此等见解,相当难得。 从智法师:此二者,同中有异,异中有同。《菩提道次广论》,其中说明上、中、下三士道修持的方法,《永嘉禅宗集》也讲声闻、缘觉、菩萨三乘行持,此为相同部分。...
1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE STORY OF A MOTHERby Hans Christian AndersenA MOTHER sat by her little child; she was very sad, for she fearedit would die. It was quite pale, and its little eyes were closed,and sometimes it drew a heavy deep breath, almost like a sigh; andthen the mother gazed more sadly than ever on the poor littlecreature. Some one knocked at the door, and a poor old man walkedin. He was wrapped in something that looked like a great...
! Default Units for Model -!!!defaults units &length = mm &angle = deg &force = newton &mass = kg &time = sec!defaults units &coordinate_system_type = cartesian &orientation_type = body313!! Default Attributes for Model !!!defaults attributes &inheritance = bottom_up &icon_visibility = on &grid_visibility = off &size_of_icons = 50.0 &spacing_for_grid = 1000.0!! Adams/View Model !!!model create &...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE SNOW MANby Hans Christian Andersen"IT is so delightfully cold," said the Snow Man, "that it makes mywhole body crackle. This is just the kind of wind to blow life intoone. How that great red thing up there is staring at me!" He meant thesun, who was just setting. "It shall not make me wink. I shallmanage to keep the pieces."He had two triangular pieces of tile in his head, instead of eyes;...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE BELLby Hans Christian AndersenIN the narrow streets of a large town people often heard in theevening, when the sun was setting, and his last rays gave a goldentint to the chimney-pots, a strange noise which resembled the sound ofa church bell; it only lasted an instant, for it was lost in thecontinual roar of traffic and hum of voices which rose from the...