FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE PUPPET-SHOW MANby Hans Christian AndersenON board a steamer I once met an elderly man, with such a merryface that, if it was really an index of his mind, he must have beenthe happiest fellow in creation; and indeed he considered himselfso, for I heard it from his own mouth. He was a Dane, the owner of atravelling theatre. He had all his company with him in a large box,...
《法律与宗教》书评作者:伯尔曼“我们不能靠掩盖思想中的怀疑因素来建立一种虚伪的信仰。”——叶芝 一. 整整十年前,梁治平翻译了美国哈佛大学法学院伯尔曼教授的《法律与宗教》。这本薄薄的书不仅简要地讨论了历史上法律与宗教的复杂关系,而且在学理上分析了法律与信仰之间的“内在的”、“深层的”联系。一些精彩的语句,例如“没有信仰的法律将退化成为僵死的教条”,“而没有法律的信仰……将蜕变成为狂信”,简洁且深刻。特别是“法律必须被信仰,否则将形同虚设”,这样的句子至少当年获得了许多法律学子的心。记得我回国教学头一学期期末,学生交来的“论文”(之所以加上引号,因为在我看来更像是杂感、随笔)中,至少有5篇引用了这句话作为结尾或开头,且不论文之中引用的(由此从另一侧面也可见当时的法学理论书籍之稀少)。但是就“论文”所要讨论的问题来看,这种引用许多并不尽然恰当,很明显,...
1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE THORNY ROAD OF HONORby Hans Christian AndersenAN old story yet lives of the "Thorny Road of Honor," of amarksman, who indeed attained to rank and office, but only after alifelong and weary strife against difficulties. Who has not, inreading this story, thought of his own strife, and of his own numerous"difficulties?" The story is very closely akin to reality; but stillit has its harmonious explanation here on earth, while reality often...
THE COMPARISON OF ROMULUS WITH THESEUSby Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenThis is what I have learned of Romulus and Theseus, worthy ofmemory. It seems, first of all, that Theseus, out of his ownfree-will, without any compulsion, when he might have reigned insecurity at Troezen in the enjoyment of no inglorious empire, of hisown motion affected great actions, whereas the other, to escape...
THE NIXY[15][15] From the German. Kletke.There was once upon a time a miller who was very well off, andhad as much money and as many goods as he knew what to do with.But sorrow comes in the night, and the miller all of a suddenbecame so poor that at last he could hardly call the mill inwhich he sat his own. He wandered about all day full of despairand misery, and when he lay down at night he could get no rest,but lay awake all night sunk in sorrowful thoughts....
自制的玫瑰水虽然价格低廉,但它却是干性肌肤所需要的全部调色剂和润肤水。如果你想自制货真价实的玫瑰水,事先需要准备好蒸馏装备。蒸馏几小时后,植物中的油将蒸发出来,然后冷却,最后将得到纯正的玫瑰水。 未喷药的新摘玫瑰花瓣 制作时,先将若干玫瑰花瓣放入双层锅内,至其容量的一半,然后倒入纯净水、矿泉水或雨水。加盖并用文火慢蒸一小时。而后,取出内桶并放置冷却,再用双手挤压玫瑰花瓣将汁液挤尽。滤去使用过的花瓣,然后在桶内加入新的花瓣重复上述操作。待到再次冷却后,将玫瑰水过滤倒入经消毒的瓶子或广口瓶中。按照以上程序,你得到的玫瑰水依然散发玫瑰的香味,不过数量不多。自制的玫瑰水应该可以保存1~2周,冷藏保存的时间则更久一些。因此你每次只需要制作很少的量。...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENLITTLE TUKby Hans Christian AndersenYES, they called him Little Tuk, but it was not his real name;he had called himself so before he could speak plainly, and he meantit for Charles. It was all very well for those who knew him, but notfor strangers.Little Tuk was left at home to take care of his little sister,Gustava, who was much younger than himself, and he had to learn his...
A LETTER FROM CAPTAIN GULLIVER TO HIS COUSIN SYMPSON.WRITTEN IN THE YEAR 1727.I hope you will be ready to own publicly, whenever you shall becalled to it, that by your great and frequent urgency youprevailed on me to publish a very loose and uncorrect account ofmy travels, with directions to hire some young gentleman ofeither university to put them in order, and correct the style, asmy cousin Dampier did, by my advice, in his book called "A Voyage...
THE COMPARISON OF DEMOSTHENES AND CICEROby Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenTHESE are the most memorable circumstances recorded in history ofDemosthenes and Cicero which have come to our knowledge. Butomitting an exact comparison of their respective faculties inspeaking, yet thus much seems fit to be said; that Demosthenes, tomake himself a master in rhetoric, applied all the faculties he had,...
TWO IN A SACKWhat a life that poor man led with his wife, to be sure! Not aday passed without her scolding him and calling him names, andindeed sometimes she would take the broom from behind the stoveand beat him with it. He had no peace or comfort at all, andreally hardly knew how to bear it.One day, when his wife had been particularly unkind and hadbeaten him black and blue, he strolled slowly into the fields,and as he could not endure to be idle he spread out his nets....
Of the Origin of Governmentby David HumeMan born in a family, is compelled to maintain society, fromnecessity, from natural inclination, and from habit. The samecreature, in his farther progress, is engaged to establishpolitical society, in order to administer justice; without whichthere can be no peace among them, nor safety, nor mutualintercourse. We are, therefore, to look upon all the vastapparatus of our government, as having ultimately no other objector purpose but the distribution of jus
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE SNOWDROPby Hans Christian AndersenIT was winter-time; the air was cold, the wind was sharp, butwithin the closed doors it was warm and comfortable, and within theclosed door lay the flower; it lay in the bulb under thesnow-covered earth.One day rain fell. The drops penetrated through the snowy coveringdown into the earth, and touched the flower-bulb, and talked of the...
MY ANTONIAby Willa Sibert CatherTO CARRIE AND IRENE MINERIn memory of affections old and trueOptima dies ... prima fugitVIRGILINTRODUCTIONLAST summer I happened to be crossing the plains of Iowa in a seasonof intense heat, and it was my good fortune to have for a travelingcompanion James Quayle BurdenJim Burden, as we still call himin the West. He and I are old friendswe grew up together...
我今天很荣幸能和你们一起参加毕业典礼,斯坦福大学是世界上最好的大学之一。我从来没有从大学中毕业。说实话,今天也许是在我的生命中离大学毕业最近的一天了。今天我想向你们讲述我生活中的三个故事。不是什么大不了的事情,只是三个故事而已。第一个故事是关于如何把生命中的点点滴滴串连起来。 我在Reed大学读了六个月之后就退学了,但是在十八个月以后——我真正的作出退学决定之前,我还经常去学校。我为什么要退学呢? 故事从我出生的时候讲起。我的亲生母亲是一个年轻的,没有结婚的大学毕业生。她决定让别人收养我,她十分想让我被大学毕业生收养。所以在我出生的时候,她已经做好了一切的准备工作。所以我的养父母突然在半夜接到了一个电话:“我们现在这儿有一个不小心生出来的男婴,你们想要他吗?”他们回答道: “当然!”但是我亲生母亲随后发现,我的养母从来没有上过大学,我的养父 甚至从没有读过高中。她拒绝签这...
THE IRON HEELby Jack LondonFOREWORD.IT CANNOT BE SAID THAT THE Everhard Manuscript is an importanthistorical document. To the historian it bristles with errors- noterrors of fact, but errors of interpretation. Looking back acrossthe seven centuries that have lapsed since Avis Everhard completed hermanuscript, events, and the bearings of events, that were confused and...