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14-how a fish swan in the air |热度 37 | 经管其他 | 上传: 双曲线 |更新时间:2019-09-06
HOW A FISH SWAM IN THE AIR AND A HARE IN THE WATER.Once upon a time an old man and his wife lived together in alittle village. They might have been happy if only the old womanhad had the sense to hold her tongue at proper times. Butanything which might happen indoors, or any bit of news which herhusband might bring in when he had been anywhere, had to be toldat once to the whole village, and these tales were repeated andaltered till it often happened that much mischief was made, and... 
the happy family |热度 33 | 经管其他 | 上传: 不言败 |更新时间:2019-09-11
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE HAPPY FAMILYby Hans Christian AndersenTHE largest green leaf in this country is certainly theburdock-leaf. If you hold it in front of you, it is large enough foran apron; and if you hold it over your head, it is almost as good asan umbrella, it is so wonderfully large. A burdock never growsalone; where it grows, there are many more, and it is a splendid... 
一生要看的50经典电影 |热度 33 | 经管其他 | 上传: 闲来一看 |更新时间:2019-11-02
马路天使  20世纪30年代中国电影的压轴之作描绘活泼市井生活的伟大的艺术杰作我国早期社会问题片的集大成者,30年代中国电影艺术发展高峰的标志  1937年出品编 导:袁牧之主 演:赵 丹    周 璇  ·一九八三年葡萄牙第十二届菲格拉达福兹国际电影节评委奖·"中国电影九十年优秀影片"之一  《马路天使》是由袁牧之自编、自导,赵丹、周璇主演的一部具有深刻的社会思想意义和极高艺术成就的现实主义优秀影片,是我国社会问题片的代表作之一。影片以现实主义的创作手法刻画了生活在社会最底层的妓女、歌女、吹鼓手、报贩、剃头匠、小报摊主等一群有血有肉的艺术形象,真实地表现了他们生活的痛苦和悲惨的命运,具有深切的人文主义关怀。这些出身卑微的贫苦青年不仅在物质生活方面极度匮乏,多年的动荡与战乱也使得他们孤苦伶仃、家破人亡,然而,他们始终没有放弃对自由、爱情和幸福的渴望,在艰难的岁月中互相扶持、... 
改变一生的100句至理明言_我的最 |热度 165 | 经管其他 | 上传: 津鸿一瞥 |更新时间:2016-12-28
主页博客相册|个人档案 |好友 |设置 查看文章写新文章改变一生的100句至理明言2006年12月25日 星期一 02:091. 择善人而交, 择善书而读, 择善言而听, 择善行而从。2. 一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少。3. 生气,就是拿别人的过错来惩罚自己。原谅别人,就是善待自己。4. 未必钱多乐便多,财多累己招烦恼。清贫乐道真自在,无牵无挂乐逍遥。5.静坐常思己过,闲谈莫论人非,能受苦乃为志士,肯吃亏不是痴人,敬君子方显有德,怕小人不算无能,退一步天高地阔,让三分心平气和,欲进步需思退步,若着手先虑放手,如得意不宜重往,凡做事应有余步。持黄金为珍贵,知安乐方值千金,事临头三思为妙,怒上心忍让最高。切勿贪意外之财,知足者人心常乐。若能以此去处事,一生安乐任逍遥。... 
21-the three brothers |热度 55 | 经管其他 | 上传: 尘小春 |更新时间:2019-08-21
THE THREE BROTHERS[17][17] From the Polish. Kletke.There was once upon a time a witch, who in the shape of a hawkused every night to break the windows of a certain villagechurch. In the same village there lived three brothers, who wereall determined to kill the mischievous hawk. But in vain did thetwo eldest mount guard in the church with their guns; as soon asthe bird appeared high above their heads, sleep overpowered them,and they only awoke to hear the windows crashing in.... 
glossary |热度 49 | 经管其他 | 上传: 猫王 |更新时间:2019-09-02
GLOSSARYOFCERTAIN SCOTCH WORDS AND PHRASES,AS APPLIED IN ROB ROY.Aiblins, perhaps.Aik, oak.Airn, iron.Aits, oats.An, if.Andrea Ferrara, Highland broadsword.Auldfarran, sagacious.Bailie, a Scotch magistrate.Bairn, a child.Ban, curse.Barkit aik snag, barked oak stick.Barkit, tanned.Barm, yeast.Bawbee, halfpenny.Baudron, a cat,Bent, the moor or hill-side.Bicker, a wooden vessel.... 
the pea blossom |热度 31 | 经管其他 | 上传: 南方网 |更新时间:2019-09-09
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE PEA BLOSSOMby Hans Christian AndersenTHERE were once five peas in one shell, they were green, the shellwas green, and so they believed that the whole world must be greenalso, which was a very natural conclusion. The shell grew, and thepeas grew, they accommodated themselves to their position, and sat allin a row. The sun shone without and warmed the shell, and the rain... 
the comparison of pelopidas wi |热度 47 | 经管其他 | 上传: 漂亮格子 |更新时间:2019-08-24
THE COMPARISON OF PELOPIDAS WITH MARCELLUSby Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenTHESE are the memorable things I have found in historians concerningMarcellus and Pelopidas. Betwixt which two great men, though innatural character and manners they nearly resemble each other, becauseboth were valiant and diligent, daring and high-spirited, there wasyet some diversity in the one point, that Marcellus in many cities... 
what one can invent |热度 31 | 经管其他 | 上传: 闲来一看 |更新时间:2019-08-30
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENWHAT ONE CAN INVENTby Hans Christian AndersenThere was once a young man who was studying to be a poet. Hewanted to become one by Easter, and to marry, and to live by poetry.To write poems, he knew, only consists in being able to inventsomething; but he could not invent anything. He had been born toolate- everything had been taken up before he came into the world,... 
the old grave-stone |热度 32 | 经管其他 | 上传: 莫莫言 |更新时间:2019-09-09
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE OLD GRAVE-STONEby Hans Christian AndersenIN a house, with a large courtyard, in a provincial town, atthat time of the year in which people say the evenings are growinglonger, a family circle were gathered together at their old home. Alamp burned on the table, although the weather was mild and warm,and the long curtains hung down before the open windows, and without... 
the comparison of demetrius an |热度 37 | 经管其他 | 上传: 淋雨 |更新时间:2019-08-27
THE COMPARISON OF DEMETRIUS AND ANTONYby Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenAS both are great examples of the vicissitudes of fortune, let usfirst consider in what way they attained their power and glory.Demetrius hired a kingdom already won for him by Antigonus, the mostpowerful of the Successors, who, before Demetrius grew to be a man,traversed with his armies and subdued the greater part of Asia.... 
27-the young man |热度 29 | 经管其他 | 上传: 没事找事 |更新时间:2019-08-30
THE YOUNG MAN WHO WOULD HAVE HIS EYES OPENEDOnce upon a time there lived a youth who was never happy unlesshe was prying into something that other people knew nothingabout. After he had learned to understand the language of birdsand beasts, he discovered accidentally that a great deal tookplace under cover of night which mortal eyes never saw. Fromthat moment he felt he could not rest till these hidden secretswere laid bare to him, and he spent his whole time wandering from... 
a23 |热度 35 | 经管其他 | 上传: 希望之舟 |更新时间:2019-11-12
1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENWHAT ONE CAN INVENTby Hans Christian AndersenThere was once a young man who was studying to be a poet. Hewanted to become one by Easter, and to marry, and to live by poetry.To write poems, he knew, only consists in being able to inventsomething; but he could not invent anything. He had been born toolate- everything had been taken up before he came into the world,and everything had been written and told about."Happy people who were born a thousand years  
the bird of popular song |热度 29 | 经管其他 | 上传: 古诗乐 |更新时间:2020-01-06
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE BIRD OF POPULAR SONGby Hans Christian AndersenIT is winter-time. The earth wears a snowy garment, and looks likemarble hewn out of the rock; the air is bright and clear; the windis sharp as a well-tempered sword, and the trees stand like branchesof white coral or blooming almond twigs, and here it is keen as on thelofty Alps.The night is splendid in the gleam of the Northern Lights, and... 
25-the monkey and jelly-fish |热度 24 | 经管其他 | 上传: 辛苦 |更新时间:2020-01-12
THE MONKEY AND THE JELLY-FISHChildren must often have wondered why jelly-fishes have noshells, like so many of the creatures that are washed up everyday on the beach. In old times this was not so; the jelly-fishhad as hard a shell as any of them, but he lost it through hisown fault, as may be seen in this story.The sea-queen Otohime, whom you read of in the story ofUraschimatoro, grew suddenly very ill. The swiftest messengerswere sent hurrying to fetch the best doctors from every country... 
the races |热度 32 | 经管其他 | 上传: 团团 |更新时间:2019-12-01
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE RACESby Hans Christian AndersenA PRIZE, or rather two prizes, a great one and a small one, hadbeen awarded for the greatest swiftness in running,- not in a singlerace, but for the whole year."I obtained the first prize," said the hare. "Justice must stillbe carried out, even when one has relations and good friends among theprize committee; but that the snail should have received the second... 
city旅游 2005年07期 |热度 40 | 经管其他 | 上传: 悟来悟去 |更新时间:2019-11-06
第一部分广场的震撼力尽管出发前匆匆忙忙地翻了些介绍资料,在十几个小时的飞机上也时不时地翻看着旅游指南,可真是到了意大利我依然为之震惊了。那些经常在教科书中看到的、似曾相识的旅游景点,原来竟是这样的集中,这样容易地看到和亲近。在罗马、在佛洛伦萨、在威尼斯,我每天早晨都很早起来,疾步走在大街小巷,走进一座座广场,总希望多一点时间去触摸那里的一切。古迹文物比比皆是,意大利就像是一座巨大的欧洲文明的博物馆,它的城市都不大,多看地图,找到规律,一般选择步行是可以到达大部分景点地,而且也是最有收获的。  这次去的三个城市,各有特色,顺序安排得很好。在我的印象中,罗马像是中国古代的商周秦汉,无数的石块废墟带给我们的是一个英雄的时代,雄伟和巨大是主旋律;佛罗伦萨则代表的文艺复兴时代,难以有所比拟,也许像中国的南北朝那飘逸的时代;而威尼斯则像是中国的明清时代,市井繁华,令人眼花缭... 
of the liberty of the press |热度 30 | 经管其他 | 上传: 冬恋 |更新时间:2019-11-04
OF THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESSDavid Hume1741NOTHING is more apt to surprize a foreigner, than theextreme liberty, which we enjoy in this country, ofcommunicating whatever we please to the public, and of... 
咖啡馆里的欧洲文化 |热度 83 | 经管其他 | 上传: |更新时间:2019-08-21
30-mother holle |热度 28 | 经管其他 | 上传: 辩论 |更新时间:2019-10-29
MOTHER HOLLEONCE upon a time there was a widow who had two daughters;one of them was pretty and clever, and the other ugly andlazy. But as the ugly one was her own daughter, she liked her farthe best of the two, and the pretty one had to do all the work of thehouse, and was in fact the regular maid of all work. Every day shehad to sit by a well on the high road, and spin till her fingers wereso sore that they often bled. One day some drops of blood fell on... 
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