FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE SHIRT-COLLARby Hans Christian AndersenTHERE was once a fine gentleman who possessed among other things aboot-jack and a hair-brush; but he had also the finest shirt-collar inthe world, and of this collar we are about to hear a story. The collarhad become so old that he began to think about getting married; andone day he happened to find himself in the same washing-tub as a...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE MONEY-BOXby Hans Christian AndersenIN a nursery where a number of toys lay scattered about, amoney-box stood on the top of a very high wardrobe. It was made ofclay in the shape of a pig, and had been bought of the potter. Inthe back of the pig was a slit, and this slit had been enlarged with aknife, so that dollars, or crown pieces, might slip through; and,...
THE COMPARISON OF PHILOPOEMEN WITH FLAMININUSby Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenFIRST them, as for the greatness of the benefits which Titusconferred on Greece, neither Philopoemen, nor many braver men than he,can make good the parallel. They were Greeks fighting againstGreeks, but Titus, a stranger to Greece, fought for her. And at thevery time when Philopoemen went over into Crete, destitute of means to...
A TELEPHONIC CONVERSATIONConsider that a conversation by telephonewhen you are simply sitingby and not taking any part in that conversationis one of the solemnestcuriosities of modern life. Yesterday I was writing a deep articleon a sublime philosophical subject while such a conversation wasgoing on in the room. I notice that one can always write best whensomebody is talking through a telephone close by. Well, the thingbegan in this way. A member of our household came in and asked me...
TOADS AND DIAMONDSTHERE was once upon a time a widow who had twodaughters. The eldest was so much like her in the faceand humor that whoever looked upon the daughter sawthe mother. They were both so disagreeable and so proudthat there was no living with them.The youngest, who was the very picture of her fatherfor courtesy and sweetness of temper, was withal one ofthe most beautiful girls ever seen. As people naturallylove their own likeness, this mother even doted on her...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENIN THE UTTERMOST PARTS OF THE SEAby Hans Christian AndersenSOME years ago, large ships were sent towards the north pole, toexplore the distant coasts, and to try how far men could penetrateinto those unknown regions. For more than a year one of these shipshad been pushing its way northward, amid snow and ice, and the sailorshad endured many hardships; till at length winter set in, and the...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE WINDMILLby Hans Christian AndersenA WINDMILL stood upon the hill, proud to look at, and it was proudtoo."I am not proud at all," it said, "but I am very muchenlightened without and within. I have sun and moon for my outwarduse, and for inward use too; and into the bargain I have stearinecandles, train oil and lamps, and tallow candles. I may well say...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE SNAIL AND THE ROSE-TREEby Hans Christian AndersenROUND about the garden ran a hedge of hazel-bushes; beyond thehedge were fields and meadows with cows and sheep; but in the middleof the garden stood a Rose-tree in bloom, under which sat a Snail,whose shell contained a great deal- that is, himself."Only wait till my time comes," he said; "I shall do more than...
1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE TOP AND BALLby Hans Christian AndersenA WHIPPING TOP and a little ball lay together in a box, amongother toys, and the top said to the ball, "Shall we be married, aswe live in the same box?"But the ball, which wore a dress of morocco leather, and thoughtas much of herself as any other young lady, would not evencondescend to reply.The next day came the little boy to whom the playthingsbelonged, and he painted the top red and yellow, and drove a...
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE LOVELIEST ROSE IN THE WORLDby Hans Christian AndersenTHERE lived once a great queen, in whose garden were found atall seasons the most splendid flowers, and from every land in theworld. She specially loved roses, and therefore she possessed the mostbeautiful varieties of this flower, from the wild hedge-rose, with itsapple-scented leaves, to the splendid Provence rose. They grew near...
常常在国小、国中时候上作文课一定会写到的题目就是:《我的志愿》,从小我的志愿就只有一个,那就是当明星,也许是身体潜在的表演细胞过于活跃,自己小时候就爱学电视机前面的歌星唱唱跳跳,或是一个人躲在衣柜中演出《星星知我心》分饰多角;久而久之,唱歌、跳舞、演戏就成为我童年时期的乐趣,小时候的我长得并不十分抢眼,甚至塌塌的鼻子和单眼皮还是我小小心灵最自卑的两件事,所以一直都觉得自己像是童话中的丑小鸭,渴望长大后能够变成美丽的公主。 国小高年级时我透过妈妈朋友的介绍进入所谓的演艺训练班,演了几出类似像儿童剧场的角色,也拍过几支零食广告,虽然自己小小心灵已经有些童星意识,但是外型不够漂亮也一直是我不快乐、没自信的原因,记得当时班上有位校花级人物跟我颇要好,她的眼睛大大、眼睫毛也细细长长的,小巧的嘴巴及鼻子,活像芭比娃娃一样可爱,虽然我们是好朋友,但是当时常常有人会在背后...
THE BOY AND THE WOLVES, OR THE BROKEN PROMISE[18][18] A North American Indian story.Once upon a time an Indian hunter built himself a house in themiddle of a great forest, far away from all his tribe; for hisheart was gentle and kind, and he was weary of the treachery andcruel deeds of those who had been his friends. So he left them,and took his wife and three children, and they journeyed on untilthey found a spot near to a clear stream, where they began to cut...
THE CROW[13][13] From the Polish. Kletke.Once upon a time there were three Princesses who were all threeyoung and beautiful; but the youngest, although she was notfairer than the other two, was the most loveable of them all.About half a mile from the palace in which they lived there stooda castle, which was uninhabited and almost a ruin, but the gardenwhich surrounded it was a mass of blooming flowers, and in thisgarden the youngest Princess used often to walk....
THE FIVE BOONS OF LIFEChapter IIn the morning of life came a good fairy with her basket, and said:"Here are gifts. Take one, leave the others. And be wary,chose wisely; oh, choose wisely! for only one of them is valuable."The gifts were five: Fame, Love, Riches, Pleasure, Death.The youth said, eagerly:"There is no need to consider"; and he chose Pleasure.He went out into the world and sought out the pleasures that youth...
刘洪:自由职业、人像摄影师 有一位影友曾经问我,怎样才能在自然光下给MM拍出漂亮的“美女照”呢?他指的“美”我清楚,其实是想拍出MM的性感、娇艳、甜美、可爱等等,说到底,就是要表现出一个“魅”字。虽然只有他这样问过我,但是想把MM拍得漂亮的朋友一定不在少数,谁不想给自己的女友、爱人、女儿或是朋友拍几张像样的“美女照”呀。摄影师刘洪多年拍摄“魅态人像”,说到如何拍摄,他可是侃侃而谈,把以前的经验抖出了不少,里头一定有不少方法适合你,过来看看吧...第一部分灵丽洒脱的摄影风格(图)魅态摄影,也称魅力摄影,我认为应该多多利用现场环境的自然光效,捕捉拍摄女性的魅力与性感,从事魅态摄影应当不守陈规任意挥洒,别具风格的魅态摄影应当是人的照片而不是模特的照片更不是产品的样照,魅态摄影要将模特的魅力形体气质与现场环境自然光效有机结合,同时将摄影师的主观感受与女人的千娇百魅相融相入才能形成...