(四)独尊儒术(下)-方尔加 主讲人简介: 方尔加,中国政法大学教授,北京大学兼职教授。著有《荀子新论》等专著多本,多年来一直潜心研究孔孟哲学,多年被评为学校“最受欢迎的老师”。 内容简介: 汉朝的统治建立了一个国家前所未有的尊严,汉朝提出了一个流传千年的治国思想:独尊儒术。但是自古以来儒家思想就存在一个严重的缺陷,就是理论和实际经常脱节,不易操作。西汉时期伟大的历史学家司马迁对儒家思想也提出了一些看法,他认为儒家思想烦琐、不切实用。他曾在《史记》中写到“夫儒者,以六艺经传,以千万数,累世不能通其学,当年不能究其理,故博而寡要,劳而少功”。意思是说:儒家研究的诗、书、礼、乐、易、春秋,这些六艺经传,道理特别多,特别烦琐,有时候人们学了几代,也不能理解它的意思。...
花上三个月的时间,我们走完了红军一年的行程,它是跳跃式的,而且是凭借着疾驶的车轮子。 二万五千里长征,真是山重水复,艰难重重,时隔70年后,时世变迁,重走那一段坎坷之路,依旧艰难。加之身上的病痛作祟,惯于远行的我对脚下那无尽延伸的风景,却产生了些许惧意。 就在我在路上苦苦追寻的时候,2004年12月,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《2004-2010年全国红色旅游规划纲要》。这不啻于一股暖流注入了心扉。我发现我的朝圣路线正是党的这一《纲要》相吻合,因此坚持走了下来。 红军历尽艰辛,经过艰苦卓绝的跋涉,在那荒无人烟之地,划出了一条红色的飘带。旅途中的我经常被一些具有独特意义的事物所感动,甚至毫不吝啬地将热泪献给它们,献给创造这些伟大事物的伟大的人们。在那条红色的飘带上,穿结着诸多璀璨耀眼的明珠。我怀着一颗敬仰之情去捡拾那些被红色浸染的明珠,以期展示在世人面前。由于时...
责任感,对家人,对朋友,对事业。 “如果用一个字概括,你从家人那继承了什么?” 他说,“责任感。” 鲍尔默的父亲是瑞士人,母亲是俄罗斯犹太裔人。他的父亲,福莱德·鲍尔默二战后从瑞士来到美国,曾经是战犯法庭审判长的翻译官,后来在通用汽车公司作簿记,最后到福特汽车公司从会计做起。一个朋友把他介绍给比朵金,酷爱读书的秘书。 两人1951年结婚。1956年3月28日史蒂夫降生。 他记得他的犹太裔外祖父,沙皇部队的退役兵,在底特律靠卖汽车旧零件为生,时常从街上废弃的旧汽车里拆下旧零件卖。外祖父每个月给鲍尔默6美元的犒赏,可是他把外祖父给他每月的“津贴”偷偷塞给他母亲——这可能就是鲍尔默在微软对人才传奇慷慨对自己传奇节俭的起源。...
The Moscow Census - From "What to do?"by Count Lyof N. TolstoiTranslated from the Russian by Isabel F. HapgoodTHOUGHTS EVOKED BY THE CENSUS OF MOSCOW. [1884-1885.]And the people asked him, saying, What shall we do then?He answereth and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let himimpart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him dolikewiseLUKE iii. 10. 11.Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rustdoth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:...
The Two Brothersby Honore de BalzacTranlated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo Monsieur Charles Nodier, member of the French Academy, etc.Here, my dear Nodier, is a book filled with deeds that arescreened from the action of the laws by the closed doors ofdomestic life; but as to which the finger of God, often calledchance, supplies the place of human justice, and in which themoral is none the less striking and instructive because it is...
全球华文青春写作桂冠书籍:被诅咒的游戏 作者:张格嫣予 第一部分 第1节:楔子 楔子 在我的记忆中,夏天的到来总是那么的不合时宜。它跟冬天正好相反,冬天的到来,总是为了要挽救夏天。 四月微凉的空气倏忽间化为五月灼热的温度,好像夏天的到来永远都是春天最后挣扎的产物;又像是一棵勃然萌发的幼苗,带着婴儿般啼哭的声音,“忽啦啦”的在这个只懂得背叛与欺骗的城市中,被一股诡秘的力量,拉扯着他嫩嫩的芽,使之拥有茁壮成长的勇气。于是夏天就这样,被这股诡秘的力量,拉扯、成长着的同时,却也岌岌可危的向生活在这个城市中的人们,预示着一场只属于夏天的灾难,就要在这个古老的城市中,以一种崭新的姿态勃然萌发了。于是,当夏天铺天盖地的浸染了五月的那片天空,五月的阳光就像是一壶烧得滚烫的开水,以一种无可争议的温度与湿度,向这个充溢着腐烂气息的城市大面积地泼洒开去。...
Lecture XIISovereigntyThe historical theories commonly received among Englishlawyers have done so much harm not only to the study of law butto the study of history, that an account of the origin and growthof our legal system, founded on the examination of new materialsand the re-examination of old ones, is perhaps the most urgentlyneeded of all additions to English knowledge. But next to a newhistory of law, what we most require is a new philosophy of law....
Of Commerceby David HumeThe greater part of mankind may be divided into two classes;that of shallow thinkers, who fall short of the truth; and thatof abstruse thinkers, who go beyond it. The latter class are byfar the most rare: and I may add, by far the most useful andvaluable. They suggest hints, at least, and start difficulties,which they want, perhaps, skill to pursue; but which may producefine discoveries, when handled by men who have a more just way of...
A Selection From The Lyrical Poems Of Robert HerrickArranged with introduction by Francis Turner PalgravePREFACEROBERT HERRICK - Born 1591 : Died 1674Those who most admire the Poet from whose many pieces a selection only is here offered, will, it is probable, feel most strongly (with the Editor) that excuse is needed for an attempt of an obviously presumptuous nature. The choice made by any selector invites challenge: the admission, perhaps, of some poems, the absence of more, will be censure