1990年那个春天,整个中国似乎深陷因果轮回之苦。 在帕米尔高原和长白山之间,火焰绵延不绝,长达四千八百公里,覆盖着西北、华北和东北的大片国土。一位学者把这“条带状的火线”叫做“地火”,说它已经燃烧几百年,每天烧掉至少五十万吨煤。不过,没有死人,伤者也很少,这是北方人的幸运。可惜这条“地火”之外,火灾也是层出不尽,平均每天一百五十六起,烧死七个人,还烧掉八十万元人民币。新年第一个月,北京接到五万件告状信;上海有数千吃了不洁毛蚶感染甲肝的人,尽管大都痊愈,却还抱怨不已;广州有几个大公司的经理逃到国外去了;云南发现一百四十六个艾滋病病毒感染者。还有刑事犯罪、环境污染、老少两代之间的隔阂、怠工的、吸毒的、嫖娼的、冷嘲热讽政府的。诸如此类的消息,在当日媒体上是没有的,所以老百姓很难知道。普通人身边的气氛倒是和和平平的。10日,在北京城内实行了七个多月的戒严被取消。东长安街上的国贸中心大厦即将...
Alcibiades Iby Plato (see Appendix I)Translated by Benjamin JowettAPPENDIX I.It seems impossible to separate by any exact line the genuine writings ofPlato from the spurious. The only external evidence to them which is ofmuch value is that of Aristotle; for the Alexandrian catalogues of acentury later include manifest forgeries. Even the value of theAristotelian authority is a good deal impaired by the uncertaintyconcerning the date and authorship of the writings which are ascribed to...
The Pharisee And The Publicanby John BunyanTwo men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a Publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself; God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this Publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the Publican, standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me
- 页面 2-- 页面 3-- 页面 4-法律英语学习参考书何家弘主编Lesson One Legal System(第一课法律制度)一、课文要点与难点1.the intricate network of relations between States andNation(第2 页第2 段第8 行):此处States 虽然大写,但是指的不是United States 的简写,结合上下文这里指的是美国的各州同联邦之间的关系。而之所以用intricate(错综复杂的)这个词来形容这种关系,则在于美国实行的是联邦制,除了有联邦宪法和法院体系外,各州均有自己的宪法和法院体系。这两套并行的法律体系,...
The Black Death and The Dancing Maniaby J. F. C. Hecker (translated by B. G. Babington)INTRODUCTIONJustus Friedrich Karl Hecker was one of three generations of distinguished professors of medicine. His father, August Friedrich Hecker, a most industrious writer, first practised as a physician in Frankenhausen, and in 1790 was appointed Professor of Medicine at the University of Erfurt. In 1805 he was called to the like professorship at the University of Berlin. He died at Berlin in 1811....
The Life of Charlotte Bronte - Volume 1by Elizabeth Claghorn GaskellCHAPTER IThe Leeds and Skipton railway runs along a deep valley of the Aire; a slow and sluggish stream, compared to the neighbouring river of Wharfe. Keighley station is on this line of railway, about a quarter of a mile from the town of the same name. The number of inhabitants and the importance of Keighley have been very greatly increased during the last twenty years, owing to the rapidly extended market for worsted manufa
收藏吧同志们,等你们来了美国就知道这篇多么有用了。第一篇面包通常区分意大利白面包Italian (white)、全麦Whole Wheat、蜂蜜燕麦Honey Oat、意大利薄荷起司Italian Herb and Cheese和烤蒜Roasted Garlic口味,这是在美国点三明治的第一步,你得告诉对方要哪种面包为底。接着,除了你主动指明的特定三明治后,就要选择Cheese和配菜 Veggies。Cheese区分为:意大利干熏起司Provolone、美国起司American、瑞士起司Swiss, 切碎的英式蒙特利起司Shredded Monterey Cheddar。配菜有:洋葱Onion、莴苣Lettuce、蕃茄Tomato、黄瓜Cucumber、青椒Green Pepper、小黄瓜Pickles、橄榄Olives、香蕉胡椒Banana Peppers、盐Salt、胡椒Pepper、墨西哥胡椒Jalapeno Peppers、意大利香料Oregano、切碎的胡萝卜Shredded Carrots等。若你看得眼花缭乱,又或者什么都想尝尝,那么你就可以直接说:“Everything
OTHOA.D. 32-69by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenTHE new emperor went early in the morning to the capitol, andsacrificed; and, having commanded Marius Celsus to be brought, hesaluted him, and with obliging language desired him rather to forgethis accusation than remember his acquittal; to which Celsus answeredneither meanly nor ungratefully, that his very crime ought to...
THE GREAT STONE FACEOne afternoon, when the sun was going down, a mother and herlittle boy sat at the door of their cottage, talking about theGreat Stone Face. They had but to lift their eyes, and there itwas plainly to be seen, though miles away, with the sunshinebrightening all its features.And what was the Great Stone Face?Embosomed amongst a family of lofty mountains, there was a valleyso spacious that it contained many thousand inhabitants. Some of...
《死者的眼睛》作者简介 小 说 资 料 一、作者简介:公司介绍 二、公司介绍: 四川新华出版有限责任公司(SichuanXinhuaPublishingCO.,CTD)2001年4月由四川省新闻出版局批准成立,2001年5月18日完成工商注册登记,并开始营业。经营范围为:出版物的选题策划和经营。隶属于中国发行改革试点单位——四川新华书店集团有限责任公司。公司的主要业务为出版物的选题策划与经营,省外批销和外版图书代理业务。法人代表:王庆,总经理、总编辑:陈大利。 公司成立后,在用人制度、分配制度和管理体制上采用了有别于传统出版业的运行方式,尤其在开发、策划与经营图书选题方面强势出击,通过与四川及全国各出版社的广泛而深度的合作,推出了一大批为市场接受、读者喜爱、制作精良的优秀图书,在全国出版物市场产生了一定的影响。如旅游文化系列、文教系列、学术著作系列、地域文化系列、动漫系列、民族宗教系列等,...