The Song of the Cardinalby Gene Stratton-PorterIN LOVING TRIBUTETO THE MEMORY OF MY FATHERMARK STRATTON"For him every work of God manifested a new and heretoforeunappreciated loveliness."Chapter 1"Good cheer! Good cheer!" exulted the CardinalHe darted through the orange orchard searching for slugs for hisbreakfast, and between whiles he rocked on the branches and rang...
The Love Affairs Of A Bibliomaniacby Eugene FieldIntroductionThe determination to found a story or a series of sketches on the delights, adventures, and misadventures connected with bibliomania did not come impulsively to my brother. For many years, in short during the greater part of nearly a quarter of a century of journalistic work, he had celebrated in prose and verse, and always in his happiest and most delightful vein, the pleasures of book-hunting. Himself an indefatigable collector of
Lachesby PlatoTranslated by Benjamin JowettINTRODUCTION.Lysimachus, the son of Aristides the Just, and Melesias, the son of theelder Thucydides, two aged men who live together, are desirous of educatingtheir sons in the best manner. Their own education, as often happens withthe sons of great men, has been neglected; and they are resolved that theirchildren shall have more care taken of them, than they received themselves...
Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of Warby Frederick A. TalbotPREFACEEver since the earliest days of the great conquest of the air,first by the dirigible balloon and then by the aeroplane, theiruse in time of war has been a fruitful theme for discussion. Buttheir arrival was of too recent a date, their many utilities toounexplored to provide anything other than theories, manyobviously untenable, others avowedly problematical.Yet the part airships have played in the Greatest War has come as...
第一部分:寂寞走过童年漫漫的人生长路(图) 1962年6月27日,梁朝伟出生了。从那张满是稚气、天真的孩童脸上,只有那双大大的眼睛多多少少让人联想起如今 那个忧郁、深沉的大男人,可只凭这张天真而幸福的小脸,谁又能预知他漫漫的人生长路呢……(P2) 深巷中,曾有一个梁朝伟梦想中幸福的家,那里有他执着而坚定的梦想,有他童年时最纯真的希望。但是,那里驻足的, 同样也有伤心和失望,当伤心和失望一次次袭来的时候,那颗年少而弱不禁风的心灵缩在自己小小的壳子里,独自悲伤,独 自品尝……(P2) 《英雄》上海发布会上,满面笑容的梁朝伟一扫昔日的深沉和忧郁,用他最具魅力的笑容倾倒了万千的“伟迷”。 可谁又曾想到,这笑脸绽放的绚烂一瞬,竟是诞生在四十载的人生沉浮之上的呢……(P3)...
《邪童正史》 早熟早慧早结婚美少女养成(自序)美国老西部片里面有一句话:"你不吱一声,你模糊不清。"我看了很是害怕:对对对,你老是没动作,大众和名利圈会忘记你,所以你得不断地折腾,才能成名。小折腾成小名,大折腾成大名。这种想法导致我成为了一个忙活的人,因为我折腾的方法只有写东西,写着写着就悲从中来,觉得自己出道好多年还没有得到浮名,但是要我去折腾浮名,我又很不好意思,于是就只有更加勤奋地写。我总是觉得自己接受的工作不够多,我给自己布置了很多工作,给自己写了很多应该让人们抄下来垫在玻璃桌板下的时间表。我是一个喜欢把时间掰成几瓣来过的人,我的时间板块一向比同龄人多。我在《新京报》写专栏的时候,起初在作者"蒋方舟"后面的括号里有(十四岁)的标注,后来括号里面就改成了(十四岁半)。这样的年龄表示法,得到了很多超过十四岁半的读者的鄙视,但是我觉得"岁半"的说法,很符合我的现状。...
The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales For My Childrenby Charles KingsleyPREFACEMY DEAR CHILDREN,Some of you have heard already of the old Greeks; and all of you, as you grow up, will hear more and more of them. Those of you who are boys will, perhaps, spend a great deal of time in reading Greek books; and the girls, though they may not learn Greek, will be sure to come across a great many stories taken from Greek history, and to see, I may say every day, things which we should not have had if
THE WALLET OF KAI LUNGBY ERNEST BRAMAH"Ho, illustrious passers-by!" says Kai Lung ashe spreads out his embroidered mat under themulberry-tree. "It is indeed unlikely that youcould condescend to stop and listen to thefoolish words of such an insignificant andaltogether deformed person as myself.Nevertheless, if you will but retard yourelegant footsteps for a few moments, this...
AmphitryonA play by MoliereTranslated by A.R. Waller, M.A.Amphitryon was played for the first time in Paris, at the Theatre duPalais-Royal, January 13, 1668. It was successfully received,holding the boards until the 18th of March, when Easter intervened.After the re-opening of the theatre, it was played half a dozentimes more the same year, and continued to please.The first edition was published in 1668.Note: It is perhaps hardly necessary to refer the reader to...
三国演义 下卷罗贯中第五十回 诸葛亮智算华容 关云长义释曹操却说当夜张辽一箭射黄盖下水,救得曹操登岸,寻着马匹走时,军已大乱。韩当冒烟突火来攻水寨,忽听得士卒报道:"后梢舵上一人,高叫将军表字。"韩当细听,但闻高叫"义公救我?"当曰:"此黄公覆也!"急教救起。见黄盖负箭着伤,咬出箭杆,箭头陷在肉内。韩当急为脱去湿衣,用刀剜出箭头,扯旗束之,脱自己战袍与黄盖穿了,先令别船送回大寨医治。原来黄盖深知水性,故大寒之时,和甲堕江,也逃得性命。却说当日满江火滚,喊声震地。左边是韩当、蒋钦两军从赤壁西边杀来;右边是周泰、陈武两军从赤壁东边杀来;正中是周瑜、程普、徐盛、丁奉大队船只都到。火须兵应,兵仗火威。此正是:三江水战,赤壁鏖兵。曹军着枪中箭、火焚水溺者,不计其数。后人有诗曰:"魏吴争斗决雌雄,赤壁楼船一扫空。烈火初张照云海,周郎曾此破曹公。"又有一绝云:"山高月小水茫茫,追叹前朝...