琼瑶白狐一 “少爷,再有三里路就是清安县的县境了,您要不要下轿子来歇一歇呢?”老家人葛升骑着小毛驴,绕到葛云鹏的轿子旁边,对坐在轿子里的云鹏说。 “天色已经暗下来了,不是吗?”云鹏看了看天空,轿子两边的帏幔都是掀开的,云鹏可以一览无遗的看到四周的景致。他们这一行人正走到一条山间的隘道里,两边都是山,左边的陡而峻,遍是嵯峨的巨石和断壁悬崖,令人颇有惊心动魄之感。右边却是起伏的丘陵山脉,一望无尽的丛林,绵绵密密的苍松古槐,参天的千年巨木,看过去是深幽而暗密的。这时,暮色已在天边堆积起来了,正逐渐的、逐渐的向四周扩散,那丛林深处及山谷,都已昏暗模糊。几缕炊烟,在山谷中疏疏落落的升起,一只孤鹤,正向苍茫无际的云天飞去。整个郊原里,现出的是一份荒凉的景象。...
ON THE HEAVENSby Aristotletranslated by J. L. StocksBook I1THE science which has to do with nature clearly concerns itself for the most part with bodies and magnitudes and their properties and movements, but also with the principles of this sort of substance, as many as they may be. For of things constituted by nature some are bodies and magnitudes, some possess body and magnitude, and some are principles of things which possess these. Now a continuum is that which is divisible into parts alway
思考中医刘力红著作者简介 刘力红,男,1958年生。汉族,湖南湘乡人。医学博士、教授、广西名中医。1978~1983年就读于广西中医学院,1983~1986年留本院温病教研室任教,1986~1989年于成都中医学院攻读硕士学位,师从陈治恒教授,1989~1992年于南京中医学院攻读博士学位,师从陈亦人教授。1992年获医学博士学位。同年回广西中医学院中医临床基础教研室,从事《伤寒论》教学、临床、科研至今。曾于本科毕业后随先师李阳波习医达七年之久。其中有两年时间与先师同吃同住,亲历了传统的师徒生活,于传统文化的很多领域皆受到较为深广的熏陶,为今后的研习打下了重要的基础。随后又随王庆余及曾邕生等师修习传统之易道医学。1997年晋升教授,1999年起担任中医临床基础学学科带头人。2002~2003年在清华大学人文学院访问。临床擅以经方治疗内、妇、儿等科疾病,尤于温热剂的应用有较深体会。研究方向:经典中医的理论及临床研究、...
On Books and the Housing of Themby William Ewart GladstoneIn the old age of his intellect (which atthis point seemed to taste a little ofdecrepitude), Strauss declared [1] that the doctrine ofimmortality has recently lost the assistanceof a passable argument, inasmuch as it hasbeen discovered that the stars are inhabited;for where, he asks, could room now be foundfor such a multitude of souls? Again, in viewof the current estimates of prospective...
一、甲申之变 上海的市面更坏了,是受了法国在越南的战事的影响。 法国凯觎越南,由来已久。同治元年,法皇拿破仑第二,以海军大举侵入越南。其时清廷正因洪杨之变自顾不暇,所以越南虽是清王朝的属国,却无力出兵保护,越南被迫订了城下之盟,割让庆和、嘉定、定祥三省。嘉定省便是西贡,法国人在那里竭力经营,作为进一步侵略越南、进窥中国云南的根据地。 同治十一年,越南内乱,头目叫做黄崇英,拥众数万,用黄旗,号称“黄旗军”。法国人勾通了黄崇英,规取“东京”,渡汉江。攻取广西镇南关外的谅山,广西巡抚是湘军宿将刘长佑,派兵助越平乱,同时邀请刘永福助剿——刘永福是广西上思州人,本是个私枭,咸丰年间,洪杨起事,刘永福却另有心胸,率领部下健儿三百人,出镇南关进入越南保胜。此地本为一个广东人何均昌所占领,为刘永福起而代之,所部用黑旗,号称“黑旗军”。既受刘长佑的邀请,复又受越南王的招抚,...
An Unsocial Socialistby George Bernard ShawCHAPTER IIn the dusk of an October evening, a sensible looking woman offorty came out through an oaken door to a broad landing on thefirst floor of an old English country-house. A braid of her hairhad fallen forward as if she had been stooping over book or pen;and she stood for a moment to smooth it, and to gazecontemplativelynot in the least sentimentallythrough thetall,narrow window. The sun was setting, but its glories were at the...
THE CYCLOPSby Euripidestranslated by E. P. ColeridgeCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYSILENUS, old servant of the CYCLOPSCHORUS OF SATYRSODYSSEUSTHE CYCLOPSCompanions Of ODYSSEUS(SCENE:-Before the great cave of the CYCLOPS at the foot of MountAetna. SILENUS enters. He has a rake with him, with which he cleans upthe ground in front of the cave as he soliloquizes.)...
50 Bab Balladsby W. S. GilbertPREFACE.THE "BAB BALLADS" appeared originally in the columns of "FUN,"when that periodical was under the editorship of the late TOM HOOD.They were subsequently republished in two volumes, one called "THEBAB BALLADS," the other "MORE BAB BALLADS." The period duringwhich they were written extended over some three or four years;many, however, were composed hastily, and under the discomforting...
Old Fritz and the New Eraby Louise MuhlbachTRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY PETER LANGLEYBOOK I.OLD FRITZ.I. The Lonely KingII. Wilhelmine EnkeIII. Frederick WilliamIV. The Drive to BerlinV. The Oath of FidelityVI. The ParadeVII. The Miraculous ElixirVIII. The Golden RainIX. German Literature and the KingBOOK II.ROSICRUCIANS AND POWERFUL GENIUSES.X. Goethe in BerlinXI. The Inner and the Middle TempleXII. The Jesuit General...
The Rivermanby Stewart Edward WhiteIThe time was the year 1872, and the place a bend in the river abovea long pond terminating in a dam. Beyond this dam, and on a flatlower than it, stood a two-story mill structure. Save for a small,stump-dotted clearing, and the road that led from it, all else wasforest. Here in the bottom-lands, following the course of thestream, the hardwoods grew dense, their uppermost branches just...
The Dwelling Place of Lighby Winston Churchill1917VOLUME 1.CHAPTER IIn this modern industrial civilization of which we are sometimes wont to boast,a certain glacier-like process may be observed. The bewildered, the helplessand there are manyare torn from the parent rock, crushed, rolled smooth, andleft stranded in strange places. Thus was Edward Bumpus severed and rolledfrom the ancestral ledge, from the firm granite of seemingly stable and lasting...
THE GODS OF MARSEdgar Rice BurroughsFOREWORDTWELVE years had passed since I had laid the body of mygreat-uncle, Captain John Carter, of Virginia, away fromthe sight of men in that strange mausoleum in the oldcemetery at Richmond.Often had I pondered on the odd instructions he had left megoverning the construction of his mighty tomb, and especiallythose parts which directed that he be laid in an OPEN casket...