The Unbearable Bassingtonby "Saki" [H. H. Munro]CHAPTER IFRANCESCA BASSINGTON sat in the drawing-room of her house in BlueStreet, W., regaling herself and her estimable brother Henry withChina tea and small cress sandwiches. The meal was of that elegantproportion which, while ministering sympathetically to the desiresof the moment, is happily reminiscent of a satisfactory luncheonand blessedly expectant of an elaborate dinner to come....
历史上,很少有哪个女人能像杰奎琳·肯尼迪一样,如此吸引众人的目光。从她入住白宫的那一天起,就以她作为年轻母亲的风范和第一夫人的睿智和魅力征服了国内外的政府首脑,也赢得了全世界各国人民的喜爱。事实上,也正是杰奎琳身上所表现出来的勇气和高贵的品质,使得人们奉她为偶像! 她出生在东汉普顿,一个迷人的海滨城市,生下来就拥有美丽的家园、心爱的马匹、深爱的家人和书籍,深受奥黛利·赫本、纪凡希和香奈尔等高贵事物的熏陶。 孩童时代,她把大量时间花费在阅读契诃夫、肖伯纳等人的著作上;少年时代,华尔兹、伦巴舞更是给了她优雅的气质;长大后,她的阅读兴趣开始转向莎士比亚、威廉·巴特勒·叶芝、萨特,甚至是迪派克·乔浦勒的作品,她是那么的喜欢看书,如果会有不同的生活道路的话,她说不定会是一个成功的作家。 但她选择了嫁给了肯尼迪,生命就注定了不平庸。当丈夫当选为总统时,31岁的杰奎...
我认为就我们整个研究团队来说,在研究之初很多成员开始对小姐不了解,也有很多的看法,但是在研究的过程中,虽然我们对从事性服务的工作人员还是会有自己的看法,但在另一方面我们看到了这些性服务工作者并不是我们想象中的那么不可理喻的人物。 我们看到很多人其实也是非常精明、非常可爱的人,她们只不过是选择了不同的手段来满足自己对生活前途的设计。 像很多的农村女孩子会计算,“我是来自农村的,若用三年的时间做普通的打工人员,假定一年存一万元,五年只能存5万,但如果做这样的工作,也许一个月就可以存5000元,那么五年就可以存30万。”可能对从事正常工作的女性来说,五年的时间并不能改变她的生活,可是对性服务工作者来说,她可能就能改变这一点。这种对原始积累的构想和对生活享受的追求是导致她们从事这行的核心原因。...
Marquise de Brinvilliersby Alexandre Dumas, PereTowards the end of the year 1665, on a fine autumn evening, there was a considerable crowd assembled on the Pont-Neuf where it makes a turn down to the rue Dauphine. The object of this crowd and the centre of attraction was a closely shut, carriage. A police official was trying to force open the door, and two out of the four sergeants who were with him were holding the horses back and the other two stopping the driver, who paid no attention to t
--时空音乐之球 作者:向天朗第一回古堡 天上的月亮,闪烁著诡异的银蓝色光芒,落在草地上,反射出来的绿光,显得极度深邃、神秘。附近空无一人,微风偶尔飘过,草木发出沙沙的声响,并未带来生气,反平添一份孤寂,犹如处身深海之中,无依无靠。 在这种不见人烟的地方,竟传来一阵凄凉的笛声。笛音去而复反,高低起伏,音调却迟缓不定,渐见迷惘,似是奏曲者已经迷失方向,感到徘徊无助,不知不觉之间,从笛音中透露出来。没多久,一名正吹奏长笛的少年,缓缓走近。 身穿一套整齐西装,披著一件黑色长身冬袍的他,望了望四周,手中笛并未停止,心里却想∶「又是一片荒野。」想著,他抬起已呈乏力的双腿,不断的拖著向前行。别说月亮高挂天空中心,分不清东南西北,就是分清了,他也不知道该往何处走。走到哪儿都没有人烟,就连会走的生物也未曾得见,连续五天,他就是这样一边吹奏笛乐,一边在各种荒野之中,漫无目...
a rich man who had a beautiful and pious wife, and they lovedeach other dearly. They had, however, no children, though theywished for them very much, and the woman prayed for them dayand night, but still they had none. Now there was a court-yardin front of their house in which was a juniper tree, and one dayin winter the woman was standing beneath it, paring herself anapple, and while she was paring herself the apple she cut herfinger, and the blood fell on the snow. Ah, said the woman,...
"Speaking of Operations"by Irvin S. CobbRespectfully dedicated to two classes:Those who have already been operated onThose who have not yet been operated onNow that the last belated bill for services professionally renderedhas been properly paid and properly receipted; now that the memoryof the event, like the mark of the stitches, has faded out from avivid red to a becoming pink shade; now that I pass a display ofadhesive tape in a drug-store window without flinchingI sit me...
Two Short PiecesTwo Short PiecesCharlotte Bronte1- Page 2-Two Short PiecesBIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OFELLIS AND ACTON BELLIT has been thought that all the works published under the names ofCurrer, Ellis, and Acton Bell were, in reality, the production of one person.This mistake I endeavoured to rectify by a few words of disclaimer...
The Parlor-Carby William D. HowellsSCENE: A Parlor-Car on the New York Central Railroad. It is lateafternoon in the early autumn, with a cloudy sunset threatening rain.The car is unoccupied save by a gentleman, who sits fronting one ofthe windows, with his feet in another chair; a newspaper lies acrosshis lap; his hat is drawn down over his eyes, and he is apparentlyasleep. The rear door of the car opens, and the conductor enterswith a young lady, heavily veiled, the porter coming after with