Author :Issue : 总第 78期Provenance :世界49大迷Date :Nation :Translator :王建康、李黎明 再生的少女 1926年,有个可爱的小女孩在印度的德里诞生了,她的名字叫香蒂·迪庇。刚诞生时,一点也没有什么异常,可是,到了7岁的时候,有一次小香蒂突然莫名其妙地对她母亲说:“妈妈,我以前曾在马图拉城居住哩。”她还煞有其事地告诉母亲马图拉和当初家中的情况。以后,香蒂又好几次提到此事。父母亲看到才7岁的女儿尽说些不着边际的话,很是担忧,就带她去看病。医生听了香蒂的叙述,迷惑不解:“真奇怪,这孩子一点没有精神异常的症状,怎么会说出这些叫人难以相信的事呢!再观察一段时间吧。”...
East Lynneby Mrs. Henry WoodCHAPTER I.THE LADY ISABEL.In an easy-chair of the spacious and handsome library of his town- house, sat William, Earl of Mount Severn. His hair was gray, the smoothness of his expansive brow was defaced by premature wrinkles, and his once attractive face bore the pale, unmistakable look of dissipation. One of his feet was cased in folds of linen, as it rested on the soft velvet ottoman, speaking of gout as plainly as any foot ever spoke yet. It would seemto look at t
Alcibiades IIby Platonic ImitatorTranslated by Benjamin JowettAPPENDIX II.The two dialogues which are translated in the second appendix are notmentioned by Aristotle, or by any early authority, and have no claim to beascribed to Plato. They are examples of Platonic dialogues to be assignedprobably to the second or third generation after Plato, when his writingswere well known at Athens and Alexandria. They exhibit considerableoriginality, and are remarkable for containing several thoughts of
玉泉子 裴晋公度为门下侍郎,过吏部选人官,谓同过给事中曰:“吾徒侥幸,至于此辈优与一资半级,何足问也?”一皆注定,未曾限量。公不信术数,不好服食,每语人曰:“鸡、猪、鱼、蒜,逢着即吃;生、老、病、死,时至则行。”其器抱弘达,皆此类也。 裴晋公在中书,左右忽白以印失所在,闻之者莫不失色。度即命张筵举乐,人不晓其故,窃怪之。夜半饮酣,左右忽白以印存焉,度不答,极欢而罢。或问度以其故,度曰:“此出于胥徒盗印书券耳,缓之则存,急之则投诸水火,不复更得之矣。”时人服其弘量,临事不挠。 李相德裕,抑退浮薄,奖拔孤寒,于时朝贵朋党,德裕破之。由是结怨而绝于附会,门无宾客。惟进士卢肇,宜春人,有奇才,德裕尝左宦宜阳,肇投以文卷,由此见知。后随计京师,每谒见,待以优礼。旧制:礼部放榜,先呈宰相。会昌三年,王起知举,问德裕所欲,答曰:“安问所欲?如卢肇、丁稜、姚鹄,岂可不...
Camille (La Dame aux Camilias)by Alexandre Dumas, filsChapter IIn my opinion, it is impossible to create characters until one has spent a long time in studying men, as it is impossible to speak a language until it has been seriously acquired. Not being old enough to invent, I content myself with narrating, and I beg the reader to assure himself of the truth of a story in which all the characters, with the exception of the heroine, are still alive. Eye-witnesses of the greater part of the facts
The Memoirs of Louis XIV., His Court and The Regency, V15by Duc de Saint-SimonMEMOIRS OF LOUIS XIV AND HIS COURT AND OF THE REGENCYBY THE DUKE OF SAINT-SIMONVOLUME 15.ContentsCHAPTER CXIIIAttempted Reconciliation between Dubois and Villeroy.Violent Scene.Trap Laid for the Marechal.Its Success.His Arrest.CHAPTER CXIVI Am Sent for by Cardinal Dubois.Flight of Frejus.He Is Sought andFound.Behaviour of Villeroy in His Exile at Lyons.His Rage and...
THE CRITIC AS ARTIST - WITH SOME REMARKS UPON THE IMPORTANCE OF DOING NOTHINGA DIALOGUE. Part I. Persons: Gilbert and Ernest. Scene: the library of a house in Piccadilly, overlooking the Green Park.GILBERT (at the Piano). My dear Ernest, what are you laughing at?ERNEST (looking up). At a capital story that I have just come across in this volume of Reminiscences that I have found on your table.GILBERT. What is the book? Ah! I see. I have not read it yet. Is it good?...