第一章 保养人体的"生、长、收、藏" 还记得夏天热了一天后,享受黄昏那一丝凉意的痛快了吗?还记得冬天踩着冰碴子的感觉了吗?还记得新鲜空气的味道吗?还记得春夏秋冬都有哪些花开吗?恐怕早已不记得了。现在的人们冬天照样可以穿裙子躲在暖暖的空调屋里,夏天穿着吊带在冷气里吹,春天怕下雨,秋天怕晒黑。 1.春天祛病养肝的良机 春天,如果莫明其妙地感到嘴苦,可吃小柴胡丸或冲剂;有肩膀酸痛、偏头疼、乳房及两胁胀痛,可选加味逍遥丸;臀部及大腿外侧疼痛,可选平肝舒络丸。 春天腿老抽筋、爱腹泻、经常困倦,可服用逍遥丸、参苓白术丸、大红枣、山药薏米粥,这样就可以肝脾平和无偏了。 春天,冰开雪化,雁来惊蜇,万物复苏,到处都涌动着勃勃生机。这种生长之力源源不绝,为每个人的身体注入了强大的动力,这种能量,绝非药物可比,此刻我们若能借天时之力而祛病除疾,那真是"昨夜江边春水生,艨艟巨舰一毛轻"了。 ...
琼瑶白狐一 “少爷,再有三里路就是清安县的县境了,您要不要下轿子来歇一歇呢?”老家人葛升骑着小毛驴,绕到葛云鹏的轿子旁边,对坐在轿子里的云鹏说。 “天色已经暗下来了,不是吗?”云鹏看了看天空,轿子两边的帏幔都是掀开的,云鹏可以一览无遗的看到四周的景致。他们这一行人正走到一条山间的隘道里,两边都是山,左边的陡而峻,遍是嵯峨的巨石和断壁悬崖,令人颇有惊心动魄之感。右边却是起伏的丘陵山脉,一望无尽的丛林,绵绵密密的苍松古槐,参天的千年巨木,看过去是深幽而暗密的。这时,暮色已在天边堆积起来了,正逐渐的、逐渐的向四周扩散,那丛林深处及山谷,都已昏暗模糊。几缕炊烟,在山谷中疏疏落落的升起,一只孤鹤,正向苍茫无际的云天飞去。整个郊原里,现出的是一份荒凉的景象。...
How To Tell Stories To Children And Some Stories To Tellby Sara Cone BryantTo My MotherTHE FIRST, BEST STORY-TELLERTHIS LITTLE BOOK ISDEDICATEDPREFACEThe stories which are given in the followingpages are for the most part those which I havefound to be best liked by the children to whomI have told these and others. I have tried toreproduce the form in which I actually tellthem,although that inevitably varies with...
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The Rivermanby Stewart Edward WhiteIThe time was the year 1872, and the place a bend in the river abovea long pond terminating in a dam. Beyond this dam, and on a flatlower than it, stood a two-story mill structure. Save for a small,stump-dotted clearing, and the road that led from it, all else wasforest. Here in the bottom-lands, following the course of thestream, the hardwoods grew dense, their uppermost branches just...
上错花轿嫁对郎 席绢什么样的男人会令李玉湖这等豁达开朗、不让须眉的江湖儿女一心爱上?传言中不是说他病情严重到捱不过年底?可是——洞房花烛夜,明明她被他给「欺负」去了呀!……第1章这种事情怎么会发生在她身上?老天怎么会这么作弄她?最不可思议的是──居然会在林媒婆的泪眼攻势下软化,任事情一路错下去!太荒唐、太可笑了!更叫人难以相信的是日子居然在苍皇行走间过了这么些天,马车也顺利的来到泉州的富林县。李玉湖背着双手在客栈上房有限的空间里来回踱步,丝毫不敢把目光停里在床榻上那一套凤冠霞帔上。老天!她以为一切会有转机的,但事实是:最终的结果仍是她不得不冒充杜家那位高贵的千金在明天与齐家那个痨病鬼拜堂!...
THE GODS OF MARSEdgar Rice BurroughsFOREWORDTWELVE years had passed since I had laid the body of mygreat-uncle, Captain John Carter, of Virginia, away fromthe sight of men in that strange mausoleum in the oldcemetery at Richmond.Often had I pondered on the odd instructions he had left megoverning the construction of his mighty tomb, and especiallythose parts which directed that he be laid in an OPEN casket...
Unbeaten Tracks in Japanby Isabella L. BirdAN ACCOUNT OF TRAVELS IN THE INTERIORINCLUDING VISITS TO THE ABORIGINES OF YEZO ANDTHE SHRINE OF NIKKO BY ISABELLA L. BIRDPREFACEHaving been recommended to leave home, in April 1878, in order torecruit my health by means which had proved serviceable before, Idecided to visit Japan, attracted less by the reputed excellence ofits climate than by the certainty that it possessed, in an especialdegree, those sources of novel and sustained interest which con
男士补肾壮阳宝典大全第一章 超级壮阳功..............................................................................................................................2第二章 152岁老人传授的壮阳术.......................................................................................................3第三章 可与伟哥相比的十大壮阳食品..............................................................................................6第四章 壮阳X食包秘方集.............................................................................................................