CROOKS IN AMBUSH IT was gala night in the city of Westford. Streets were strung with brilliant lines of colored electric lights. Store fronts were illuminated, throwing their brightness upon festooned posts and displaying the elaborate decorations of their own windows. Tourists, driving through the main streets, gained the impressions that this city of two hundred thousand was engaged in celebration. As the boosters phrased it, Westford was a "live town" that was definitely "on the map"; the c
Blood SportNews item from the Westover (Me.) weekly Enterprise, August 19, 1966:RAIN OF STONES REPORTEDIt was reliably reported by several persons that a rain of stones fell from a clear blue sky on Carlin Street in the town of Chamberlain on August 17th. The stones fell principally on the home of Mrs Margaret White, damaging the roof extensively and ruining two gutters and a downspout valued at approximately $25. Mrs White, a widow, lives with her three-year-old daughter, Carietta.Mrs White co
Fire from the sky came thrusting down, a dazzling crooked spear of white light that lived for an instant only, long enough to splinter a lone tree at the jutting edge of the seaside cliff. The impact beneath the howling darkness of the sky stunned eyes and ears alike. Ben winced away from the blinding flash - too late, of course, to do his shocked eyes any good - and turned his gaze downward, trying to see the path again, to find secure places to put down his sandaled feet. In night and wind
I am a vampire, and that is the truth. But the modern meaning of the word vampire, the stories that have been told about creatures such as I, are not precisely true. I do not turn to ash in the sun, nor do I cringe when I see a crucifix. I wear a tiny gold cross now around my neck, but only because I like it. I cannot mand a pack of wolves to attack or fly through the air. Nor can I make another of my kind simply by having him drink my blood. Wolves do like me, though, as do most predators,
The Earliest HistoryHISTORY OF THE Six Duchies is of necessity a history of its ruling family, the Farseers. A plete telling would reach back beyond the founding of the First Duchy and, if such names were remembered, would tell us of Outislanders raiding from the sea, visiting as pirates a shore more temperate and gentler than the icy beaches of the Out Islands. But we do not know the names of these earliest forebears.And of the first real King, little more than his name and some extrava
****************前言*************** 惠普为什么能让每一位离开的员工说公司好?秘诀是什么?我认为最关键的一点就是得益于惠普的人性化管理。我想,惠普能让离职的员工这样地爱戴、眷恋公司,这是任何一家外资企业、国有企业和民营企业都无可比拟的。这是惠普坚持人性化管理、真正实施人性化管理的必然结果。这也是包括我在内的员工能够笑着离开惠普的根本原因。本人在17年的时间里曾经三进三出惠普,可能也是在其他企业无法想象的。-前言- 从我1986年3月加入中国惠普到现在已经快20年了。在17年的跨国公司职业生涯中,在为国内企业提供管理咨询和管理培训的8年实践中,我渐渐地悟出了这样一个道理,那就是:一个企业如果经营得好,可以赚到钱;一个企业如果管理得好,可以很健康;而惟有当一个企业文化好的时候,才会令员工快乐地工作。而惠普就是这样一家集赢利、健康、快乐于一体的卓越企业。...
大卫?莫林(Dave Morine)保罗?佛林特(Paul Flint)译◆邓诗珩名人推荐“《交易冠军》是《股市作手回忆录》(Remini scences of a Stock Operator)这本由爱德温?李费佛(Edwin Lefevrel)所著有关金融操作经典之作的现代版,让我们能够透视这位当代伟大操作者的传奇一生。任何对金融操作有兴趣的人,都能津津有味地从阅读此书中深解义趣。”——杰克?史瓦格(Jack DSchwager),《金融专家》(Market Wizards)及《新金融专家》〈作书序〉无限的感谢——马丁?舒华兹〈译者序〉有为者亦若是——邓诗珩第1章成立,不然就滚到一边去马铃薯泥...
郎咸平:首先我想给各位讲两个资料,第一个就是为什么从08年11月份开始,我们深圳和广东地区对外的贸易,或者出口订单大幅下跌,为什么是11月?另外,1月7号联想开始重组,你认为联想只是一个简单的重组吗?这是一个信号,或者讲的更具体一点,这是这一家公司进入09年之后一个极其悲观的信号,或者叫做一叶知秋。 而且各位从媒体上看过很多的报道,很多说下半年经济会恢复等等问题,你不要把这一切都归于国际金融海啸,国际金融海啸是一个原因,告诉你一个结论,从2008年11月份开始已经影响到我们中国,可是请各位再往前走,中国早就出问题了。2006年开始股市泡沫、楼市泡沫什么原因?你真的以为是由于我们经济发展更成功了,老百姓更富裕了,所以我们有更多的钱炒楼、炒股就造成泡沫吗?这个说法就是流动性过剩的解释,而且也是由于垄断性过剩的解释,促发了这几年宏观经济的调控。大家想想这个目标如果是错的怎么办?有没...
With warm thanks to Jason Kaufman for his superb guidance and insightful editorial skills; Blythe Brown for her tireless research and creative input; my good friend Jake Elwell at Wieser & Wieser; the National Security Archive; the NASA Public Affairs Office; Stan Planton, who continues to be a source for information on all things; the National Security Agency; glaciologist Martin O. Jeffries; and the superb minds of Brett Trotter, Thomas D. Nadeau, and Jim Barrington. Thanks also to Connie an
主讲人简介 欧建平:男,中国,汉族,1956年5月24日出生于湖南省衡阳市一个知识分子家庭。 现为中国艺术研究院舞蹈研究所研究员、博士与硕士研究生导师及课程教师、外国舞蹈研究室主任。1998年获文化部授予的“优秀专家”称号,2002年受聘为首都师范大学“特聘教授”,长年在北京舞蹈学院、中央民族大学舞蹈学院、中国人民解放军艺术学院等专业院校,以及各大普通院校从事《中外舞蹈史论》、《舞蹈美学及鉴赏》、《舞蹈创作方法》、《舞蹈作品分析》等课程的系统教学;专业及社会兼职包括中国艺术研究院学位、职称和优秀科研成果评奖三大评审委员会委员,文化部国家重点科研项目、表演艺术团体职称和“优秀专家”称号三大评审委员会委员。...