A NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY_To Sir John Sinclair__Washington, June 30, 1803_DEAR SIR, It is so long since I have had the pleasure ofwriting to you, that it would be vain to look back to dates toconnect the old and the new. Yet I ought not to pass over myacknowledgments to you for various publications received from time totime, and with great satisfaction and thankfulness. I send you asmall one in return, the work of a very unlettered farmer, yet...
With Lee in VirginiaA Story Of The American Civil Warby G.A. HentyPREFACE.My Dear Lads:The Great War between the Northern and Southern States ofAmerica possesses a peculiar interest for us, not only because itwas a struggle between two sections of a people akin to us in raceand language, but because of the heroic courage with which theweaker party, with ill-fed, ill-clad, ill-equipped regiments, for fouryears sustained the contest with an adversary not only possessed of...
The Gameby Jack LondonCHAPTER IMany patterns of carpet lay rolled out before them on the floortwoof Brussels showed the beginning of their quest, and its ending inthat direction; while a score of ingrains lured their eyes andprolonged the debate between desire pocket-book. The head of thedepartment did them the honor of waiting upon them himselfor didJoe the honor, as she well knew, for she had noted the open-mouthedawe of the elevator boy who brought them up. Nor had she been blind...
Count Bunkerby J. Storer CloustenBEING A BALD YET VERACIOUS CHRONICLE CONTAINING SOME FURTHER PARTICULARS OF TWO GENTLEMEN WHOSE PREVIOUS CAREERS WERE TOUCHED UPON IN A TOME ENTITLED "THE LUNATIC AT LARGE"BY J. STORER CLOUSTONCOUNT BUNKERCHAPTER IIt is only with the politest affectation of interest, as a rule, that English Society learns the arrival in its midst of an ordinary Continental nobleman; but the announcement that the Baron Rudolph von Blitzenberg had been appointed attache to the Ger
第一章 [东方] 号“唉~”露易兹深深地叹了口气。这里是“东方”号的甲板。眼前,以基修和马里克卢奴为首的魔法学院的学生们正兴奋不已地吵吵嚷嚷。人群的正中心正是可鲁贝尔。之前,听说在学校被阿鲁比昂佣兵队偷袭的时候牺牲了,其实或了下来,似乎是被裘露珂偷偷地带回了格鲁玛尼亚。为什么裘露珂要这么做呢?露易兹想不明白。“啊拉~露易兹。我的约翰的船怎么样啊?”裘露珂将手搭在露易兹的脖子上,微笑道。露易兹注意到“东方”号那从甲板延伸出去的双翼。比普通的船要长约有三倍。普通的船翼一般是由木材作为支架,再张起帆布的,但这艘船不同。为了提高强度,是用长的铁杆代替了木材。像这样长有百米开外,如此笔直的铁竿,在特里丝汀是造不出来的。 (乙烯:我觉得现实世界也不一定造的出来。。。-__-,至少要够粗)...
ROMULUSLegendary, 8th Century B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenFrom whom, and for what reason, the city of Rome, a name so great inglory, and famous in the mouths of all men, was so first called,authors do not agree. Some are of opinion that the Pelasgians,wandering over the greater part of the habitable world, and subduingnumerous nations, fixed themselves here, and, from their own great...
La Mere Baucheby Anthony TrollopeThe Pyreneean valley in which the baths of Vernet are situated is notmuch known to English, or indeed to any travellers. Tourists insearch of good hotels and picturesque beauty combined, do notgenerally extend their journeys to the Eastern Pyrenees. They rarelyget beyond Luchon; and in this they are right, as they thus end theirperegrinations at the most lovely spot among these mountains, and areas a rule so deceived, imposed on, and bewildered by guides,...
卷三 近代哲学第一篇 从文艺复兴到西方哲学史第一章 总说- 通常谓之“近代”的这段历史时期,人的思想见解和中古时期的思想见解有许多不同。其中有两点最重要,即教会的威信衰落下去,科学的威信逐步上升。旁的分歧和这两点全有连带关系。近代的文化宁可说是一种世俗文化而不是僧侣文化。国家越来越代替教会成为支配文化的统治势力。各民族的统治大权最初大都归国王掌领;后来,如同在古希腊一样,国王逐渐被民主国家或僭主所代替。民族国家的力量,以及它所行使的职权,在整个这时期当中稳步发展,不断扩大(一些小波折不算);但是按大多情况讲,国家对哲学家的见解所起的影响总比不上中世纪时的教会。在阿尔卑斯山以北,一直到十五世纪向来能够和中央政权分庭抗礼的封建贵族,首先丧失了政治上的重要地位,后来又失掉了经济地位。...