A Charmed Lifeby Richard Harding DavisShe loved him so, that when he went away to a little war in whichhis country was interested she could not understand, nor quiteforgive.As the correspondent of a newspaper, Chesterton had looked on atother wars; when the yellow races met, when the infidel Turkspanked the Christian Greek; and one he had watched from inside aBritish square, where he was greatly alarmed lest he should betrampled upon by terrified camels. This had happened before he and...
我国考古学最新研究提出,中国在青铜器、铁器时代之前的新石器晚期存在着一个大量以使用玉器为主的时期,历经几千年。它,就是中国文明的起源时代。 在中国这片土地上,自从有了人类的踪迹,玉石就成了他们须臾不可或缺的伴侣。他们在把玉石当作工具的过程 中认识了玉石之美,玉石也便成了人们美化生活的饰物和珍宝。可以说,对美的认识,也就是人类文明的起源。 人们大都知道,东西方经济文化交流上有一条举世闻名的“丝绸之路”。但很多人并不了解,“丝绸之路”的前身就 是“玉石之路”。丝绸之路的形成和发展只有1600多年的历史,而“玉石之路”却有着6000多年的历史。 历史证明:我国边疆与中原、东方与西方的文化与商贸交流的第一个媒介,既不是丝绸,也不是瓷器,而是和田 玉。和田玉首开我国边疆与中原、东方与西方交流的运输通道,在东西方经济与文化的交流中所起的重要作用远远超 过丝绸。而“丝绸之...
The Boy Captives An Incident of the Indian War of 1695The Boy CaptivesAn Incident of the Indian War of 1695by John Greenleaf Whittier1- Page 2-The Boy Captives An Incident of the Indian War of 1695THE township of Haverhill, even as late as the close of theseventeenth century, was a frontier settlement, occupying an advanced...
Sword Blades and Poppy Seedby Amy LowellPrefaceNo one expects a man to make a chair without first learning how,but there is a popular impression that the poet is born, not made,and that his verses burst from his overflowing heart of themselves.As a matter of fact, the poet must learn his trade in the same manner,and with the same painstaking care, as the cabinet-maker.His heart may overflow with high thoughts and sparkling fancies,...
The Lodgerby Marie Belloc Lowndes"Lover and friend hast thou put far from me, and mine acquaintance into darkness." PSALM lxxxviii. 18CHAPTER IRobert Bunting and Ellen his wife sat before their dully burning, carefully-banked-up fire.The room, especially when it be known that it was part of a house standing in a grimy, if not exactly sordid, London thoroughfare, was exceptionally clean and well-cared-for. A casual stranger, more particularly one of a Superior class to their own, on suddenly o
The Faith of Menby Jack LondonContents:A Relic of the PlioceneA Hyperborean BrewThe Faith of MenToo Much GoldThe One Thousand DozenThe Marriage of Lit-litBatardThe Story of Jees UckA RELIC OF THE PLIOCENEI wash my hands of him at the start. I cannot father his tales,nor will I be responsible for them. I make these preliminaryreservations, observe, as a guard upon my own integrity. I possess...
Man and SupermanA COMEDY AND A PHILOSOPHYBy George Bernard ShawEPISTLE DEDICATORY TO ARTHUR BINGHAM WALKLEYMy dear Walkley:You once asked me why I did not write a Don Juan play. The levitywith which you assumed this frightful responsibility has probablyby this time enabled you to forget it; but the day of reckoninghas arrived: here is your play! I say your play, because quifacit per alium facit per se. Its profits, like its labor, belongto me: its morals, its manners, its philosophy, its influe
第一部分一个精灵古怪的人名(图)第一部分与爱情无关的童年往事(图)第一部分一生难忘的事情(图) 如果非让优优说出一件让她一生难忘的事情,优优一定会毫不犹豫地说出这个日子。 其实和优优一样,很多人的这个“日子”,都还焦灼于青春期难免的躁动。青春期有一个最显著的标志,那就是性的觉醒。不管你承认不承认心理学家常用的那个统计——十五岁至十七岁之间,大多数人将经历他一生中最浪漫最单纯的一次探险,也就是他自己当时和日后都未必明确意识到的那场初恋。 优优的“这一次”却发生在十四岁那年。年方十四就情窦初开,对一个二十世纪末的城市女孩来说其实不算什么。不知道心理学对此如何论述,反正在生物学的观点上,早熟的东西和晚熟的相比总不免难御天灾人祸,甚至难以正常地开花结果。 那一天刚刚放学天就下雨,优优进不了家门,她的钥匙忘在了家里,必须先到体校找她大姐要去。大姐在体校的拳击馆打工,负责...
380 BCGORGIASby Platotranslated by Benjamin JowettGORGIASPERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE: CALLICLES; SOCRATES; CHAEREPHON; GORGIAS; POLUS Scene: The house of Callicles.Callicles. The wise man, as the proverb says, is late for a fray, but not for a feast. Socrates. And are we late for a feast? Cal. Yes, and a delightful feast; for Gorgias has just been exhibiting to us many fine things. Soc. It is not my fault, Callicles; our friend Chaerephon is to blame; for he would keep us loitering in the A
我当时正在过非洲,任务是报道当地泛滥成灾的艾滋病疫情,贝克汉姆正是此时加盟皇家马德里的。奇怪的是,在艾滋病重灾区,同行人谈论的话题一直是贝克汉姆和皇家马德里。除了2003年最有全球影响力的伊拉克战争爆发这件极具争议的事件之外,似乎一切应该发生的事情都如期发生了。其实我并不应该大惊小怪,毕竟这是全球最有魅力的足球明星转会全球最有明星号召力的足球俱乐部。 马恩戈是内罗毕最大的贫民窟,这里艾滋病肆虐,城市就像一座迷宫一样让人辨不清方向。当我乘坐的小巴一路颠簸着驶过当地时,车上二十多个旅伴在言语之间所表现出的足球知识,让我颇感诧异,或者说让我惊奇地无法合上嘴。他们争论的主题并非贝克汉姆从曼联转投皇马,而是当天另外一件重要事件:为什么皇马主席会把球队主教练炒了鱿鱼。 “到底有没有人明白为什么佛罗伦蒂诺·佩雷斯赶走了德尔·博斯克?”坐在前排座位,与司机相邻的一个人问道,...
狮子男孩:真相狮子男孩:失踪狮子男孩:追寻《狮子男孩Ⅰ》 第一部分《狮子男孩Ⅰ》 炎热的国度1一个炎热的国度里,一个睡意十足的男孩在凉爽而宽大的屋子里用力地揉着自己的鼻子。查理·艾山迪,这位狮子的救护者,沉船事件的幸存者,发明哮喘良药的科学家的儿子,马戏团里的资深演员,同时也是一位猫语者,已经酣睡了整整三天,这是因为他的身体和神经完全松弛了下来。最近的几个月里,他被人一路追赶,穿过了欧洲好几个国家,带着六只从马戏团逃出来的狮子回到了他们的非洲老家,另外,还拯救了一个被克隆的史前动物,帮助发动了一场革命,经历了一次沉船事件,击倒了仇敌并且目睹了他的仓皇逃跑,最终,还找到了被绑架的父母。为了找到父母,他经历了种种磨难。可以说,他现在是一个非常幸福的男孩。他有充分的理由大睡一觉。这场大觉让他恢复了元气,他开始在床上折腾起来。...
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropistsby Robert TressellPrefaceIn writing this book my intention was to present, in the form of an interesting story, a faithful picture of working-class life - more especially of those engaged in the Building trades - in a small town in the south of England.I wished to describe the relations existing between the workmen and their employers, the attitude and feelings of these two classes towards each other; their circumstances when at work and when out of employmen