Styleby Walter RaleighStyle, the Latin name for an iron pen, has come to designate the art that handles, with ever fresh vitality and wary alacrity, the fluid elements of speech. By a figure, obvious enough, which yet might serve for an epitome of literary method, the most rigid and simplest of instruments has lent its name to the subtlest and most flexible of arts. Thence the application of the word has been extended to arts other than literature, to the whole range of the activities of man.
慢慢的,陆续的贴一些杂志选用的短篇给大家看。 风格也许有些不一样,网络是自由的,杂志是要符合主题的。圣诞温馨短篇《搬家》 我一直很害怕搬家,因为习惯了的东西就要在短短几天里被摧毁,每次搬家,都要收拾那些杂物,慢慢回忆那些回忆的残渣。 我叫李红,普通的不能再普通的一个二十五岁女孩,因为工作经常变动的原因,搬家无数,但这次却不同,今天是圣诞节。 搬家的原因是我没有钱交房租了,男朋友刘灿在知道我怀孕的消息后说感谢你提前给我的圣诞礼物。 可是我很疼,手术结束时那个孩子看起来虽然血肉模糊,但是我仍然可以想象他长大以后也许是个科学家或者是个明星什么的,在领奖台上含着热泪感谢我之类的情景。可惜它已经变成若干个粘稠的艳红色的血球。...
A CONVERT OF THE MISSIONThe largest tent of the Tasajara camp meeting was crowded to itsutmost extent. The excitement of that dense mass was at itshighest pitch. The Reverend Stephen Masterton, the single erect,passionate figure of that confused medley of kneeling worshipers,had reached the culminating pitch of his irresistible exhortatorypower. Sighs and groans were beginning to respond to his appeals,when the reverend brother was seen to lurch heavily forward and...
《幸福的方法》总序 作者简介泰勒·本-沙哈尔博士(TalBen-Shahar,Ph.D.)泰勒博士毕业于哈佛大学,他拥有心理学硕士、哲学和组织行为学博士学位。他所开设的“积极心理学”和“领袖心理学”,被哈佛学生们推选为最受欢迎率排名第一和第三的课程。选修这两门课程的哈佛学生超过了总人数的20%,其中23%的听课者向学校教学委员会反映:这两门课程“改变了他们的一生”。泰勒博士在哈佛学生中享有很高的声誉,受到学生们的爱戴与敬仰,被誉为“最受欢迎讲师”和“人生导师”。由于他的课程在哈佛大学引起了前所未有的轰动,美国公共广播电台(NPR)、美国有限新闻网(CNN)、美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)、《纽约时报》和《波士顿环球报》等全球数十家著名媒体对他进行了专访和追踪报道。10年来泰勒博士专门从事个人和组织机构的优势开发、自信心,以及领袖力提升的研究。除了教授哈佛大学的课程外,他还受聘为多家著名跨国公司的心理...
A Face Illuminedby E. P. RoePrefaceAs may be gathered from the following pages, my title was obtaineda number of years ago, and the story has since been taking formand color in my mind. What has become of the beautiful but discordantface I saw at the concert garden I do not know, but I trust thatthe countenance it suggested, and its changes may not proveso vague and unsatisfactory as to be indistinct to the reader. Ithas looked upon the writer during the past year almost like the face...
第十一卷 省身篇 122回 云卷天心动,君子袖携风 在《鬼股》第五部“神女心”中,写到刘欣看见风君子的背影那一幕,那本全书的主题就已经完整。但《神游》中此时的石野,仍然在大道境界的中途向上求索……以这番感慨,做为“省身篇”全篇的题记。) ****** 紫英说风君子有洁癖,我和柳依依都不解其意的看着她。紫英解释道:“他这种洁癖不是外表地干净。而是心境中自然之高洁。你们想想认识他以来他所做的每一件事,不论手段如何,可不都是尽量不沾一点俗尘?所以他生气的不仅仅是因为中毒,而是你居然让一个俗不可耐的人去取雪溪泉的水,并且送来的水有毒。想想绿雪二字,再想想这间茶室为什么要叫绿雪茗间?你犯地错刺到他的痛处了。他当然要发火。”...
RECOLLECTIONS OF THE PRIVATE LIFE OF NAPOLEON, V10BY CONSTANTPREMIER VALET DE CHAMBRETRANSLATED BY WALTER CLARK1895CONTENTS:CHAPTER VIII. to CHAPTER XIV.CHAPTER VIII.During the whole Russian campaign, the Emperor was nearly always badlylodged. It was necessary, however, to accommodate himself tocircumstances; though this was a somewhat difficult task to those whowere accustomed to lodge in palaces. The Emperor accepted the situation...
SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE RETIRED COLOURMANby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleSherlock Holmes was in a melancholy and philosophic mood thatmorning. His alert practical nature was subject to such reactions."Did you see him?" he asked."You mean the old fellow who has just gone out?""Precisely.""Yes, I met him at the door.""What did you think of him?""A pathetic, futile, broken creature."...
THE ENCHANTED PIGONCE upon a time there lived a King who had three daughters.Now it happened that he had to go out to battle, so he calledhis daughters and said to them:`My dear children, I am obliged to go to the wars. The enemyis approaching us with a large army. It is a great grief to me toleave you all. During my absence take care of yourselves and begood girls; behave well and look after everything in the house.You may walk in the garden, and you may go into all the rooms...
Marieby H. Rider HaggardAN EPISODE IN THE LIFE OF THE LATE ALLAN QUATERMAINDEDICATIONDitchingham, 1912.My dear Sir Henry,Nearly thirty-seven years have gone by, more than a generation, sincefirst we saw the shores of Southern Africa rising from the sea. Sincethen how much has happened: the Annexation of the Transvaal, the ZuluWar, the first Boer War, the discovery of the Rand, the taking ofRhodesia, the second Boer War, and many other matters which in these...