并购案例思科购并概念 2000年3月24日,美国纳斯达克股票交易所传来一则最新消息:当天收盘时,思科系统公司(Cisco Systems Inc.)股票市值一举超过微软公司,成为世界第一大公司。此消息一发布,即引起多家媒体争相报道,称之为几乎是一夜之间抢了比尔·盖茨微软公司的“头把交椅”。 这些年来,微软公司大名鼎鼎,世人皆知。相比而言,思科公司名气要小得多。思科公司成立于1984年底,总部设在加利福尼亚州的圣何塞,主要生产网络联结用的相关设备和软件,去年思科公司的销售额达174亿美元,目前全球因特网骨干网络中80%以上的交换器和路由器是思科的产品。思科何以取得如此辉煌,其中原因有很多,但其与众不同的购并策略起了很大的作用。...
Villa Rubein and Other Storiesby John GalsworthyContents:Villa RubeinA Man of DevonA KnightSalvation of a ForsyteThe SilencePREFACEWriting not long ago to my oldest literary friend, I expressed in amoment of heedless sentiment the wish that we might have again one ofour talks of long-past days, over the purposes and methods of ourart. And my friend, wiser than I, as he has always been, repliedwith this doubting phrase "Could we recapture the zest of that old...
第一回:兵进江西 朱元璋自从在金殿上被飞箭太岁母雨痛斥“只有大江南北弹丸之地,就要受尽富贵,享尽荣华”之后,这两句话一直记在心中。朱元璋想,夺江山打天下确非一桩轻而易举之事。这次陈友谅兵败江东道后,朱元璋决定趁此机会先打江西。于是,下一道旨,择期御驾亲征,兵进江西。军师刘伯温、皇城总兵阎王票子吴福、高家五虎将带领一万军队留守皇城外,其余水陆两军全部出发。 今天开兵啦,兵马大元帅徐达、众文武大臣都要到校军场恭候圣驾前来点将。元帅徐达点卯毕,不一会,小兵来报:“圣驾到。”徐达带领众文武前往控军场迎接龙驾千岁。朱元璋骑鹤顶龙驹马来到,见过众文武,下马,上演武堂,在元帅虎案左上方龙椅上坐下。元帅徐达在虎案中坐下,众文武两厢站立。虽说龙驾点兵将,不过还是元帅徐达点将。徐达叫声:“朱亮祖!”“在。”“本帅把头队正先锋印信交与将军,带领本标三千兵。”“遵命。”元帅又叫...
他素来是一个冷淡得像冰块的人对任何人都是敬而远之的疏离态度为了避免皇上指婚勉强他成亲不得己接受自动送上门的报恩工具! 她的出现融化他心中冷漠阴暗的部分让他平静无波的湖泛起阵阵涟漪无辜的挡箭牌迅速成为他的挚爱用尽心思仔细呵护她羸弱的身躯不意她的美丽成为陷害忠良的导火线不可告人的身世秘密让他有口难言看来只有牺性自我才能保全她的贞节.....序缘定三生石红伶我一直相信人的一生中都有一段命中注定的姻缘,而我们一定会遇到它,只是我们无可预知是在什么时候、以什么形式降临:在这个故事里,我想传达的就是这样的概念,或许男女主角的姻缘来得莫名其妙,或许他们的爱情路上颠簸不已,但是命中注定,合该他们相逢、相知、相守一生。...
Daisy Millerby Henry JamesIN TWO PARTSPART IAt the little town of Vevey, in Switzerland, there is aparticularly comfortable hotel. There are, indeed, many hotels,for the entertainment of tourists is the business of the place,which, as many travelers will remember, is seated upon the edgeof a remarkably blue lakea lake that it behooves every touristto visit. The shore of the lake presents an unbroken array...
Christie JohnstoneA NOVELby Charles ReadeI dedicate all that is good in this work to my mother.C. R.,NOTETHIS story was written three years ago, and one or two topics in it arenot treated exactly as they would be if written by the same hand to-day.But if the author had retouched those pages with his colors of 1853, hewould (he thinks) have destroyed the only merit they have, viz., that ofcontaining genuine contemporaneous verdicts upon a cant that was...
Confessio AmantisorTales of the Seven Deadly SinsBy John Gower, 1330-1408 A.D.PrologusTorpor, ebes sensus, scola parua labor minimusqueCausant quo minimus ipse minora canam:Qua tamen Engisti lingua canit Insula BrutiAnglica Carmente metra iuuante loquar.Ossibus ergo carens que conterit ossa loquelisAbsit, et interpres stet procul oro malus.Of hem that writen ous toforeThe bokes duelle, and we therforeBen tawht of that was write tho:Forthi good is that we also...
On Public Creditby David HumeIt appears to have been the common practice of antiquity,make provision, during peace, for the necessities of war, and tohoard up treasures before-hand, as the instruments either ofconquest or defence; without trusting to extraordinaryimpositions, much less to borrowing, in times of disorder andconfusion. Besides the immense sums above mentioned, which wereamassed by ATHENS, and by the PTOLEMIES, and other successors ofALEXANDER; we learn from PLATO, that the frugal
POETICSby AristotleTranslated by S. H. ButcherPOETICS|1II PROPOSE to treat of Poetry in itself and of its various kinds,noting the essential quality of each, to inquire into the structure ofthe plot as requisite to a good poem; into the number and nature ofthe parts of which a poem is composed; and similarly into whateverelse falls within the same inquiry. Following, then, the order of...
Lucileby Owen Meredith"Why, let the stricken deer go weep.The hart ungalled play:For some must watch, while some must sleep;Thus runs the world away."Hamlet.DEDICATION.TO MY FATHER.I dedicate to you a work, which is submitted to the public with a diffidence and hesitation proportioned to the novelty of the effort it represents. For in this poem I have abandoned those forms of verse with which I had most familiarized my thoughts, and have endeavored to follow a path on which I could discover no
****************决战斯大林格勒第一部分*************** 斯大林格勒战役是20世纪最重要的转折点之一:在伏尔加河畔进行的这场大规模战役中,纳粹德军被苏军击败。而仅仅几个月前,苏军还处于被德军歼灭的边缘。-“巴巴罗萨”(1)- 斯大林格勒战役是20世纪最重要的转折点之一:在伏尔加河畔进行的这场大规模战役中,纳粹德军被苏军击败。而仅仅几个月前,苏军还处于被德军歼灭的边缘。 斯大林格勒战役从1942年9月13日开始打响,一直持续到1943年2月2日,以德军的最终投降而告终。与1945年4月柏林战役的形势完全不同,在斯大林格勒战役期间,与苏军对垒的绝非一支兵员严重匮乏并充斥着年老者与青少年的部队,而是一支兵员多达30万人的精锐部队———德军第6集团军,指挥官是希特勒的爱将弗里德里克·保卢斯上将。斯大林格勒是苏军逐渐恢复元气的强大堡垒,同时还是德军日益走向衰败的精神坟墓。虽然还需要3年时间才能够完全...