Chapter II of Volume III (Chap. 44)ELIZABETH had settled it that Mr. Darcy would bring his sister to visit her the very day after her reaching Pemberley; and was consequently resolved not to be out of sight of the inn the whole of that morning. But her conclusion was false; for on the very morning after their own arrival at Lambton, these visitors came. They had been walking about the place with some of their new friends, and were just returned to the inn to dress themselves for dining with the
Martin Guerreby Alexandre Dumas, PereWe are sometimes astonished at the striking resemblance existingbetween two persons who are absolute strangers to each other, but infact it is the opposite which ought to surprise us. Indeed, whyshould we not rather admire a Creative Power so infinite in itsvariety that it never ceases to produce entirely differentcombinations with precisely the same elements? The more oneconsiders this prodigious versatility of form, the more overwhelming...
THE MYSTERIOUS PORTRAITPART INowhere did so many people pause as before the little picture-shop inthe Shtchukinui Dvor. This little shop contained, indeed, the mostvaried collection of curiosities. The pictures were chieflyoil-paintings covered with dark varnish, in frames of dingy yellow.Winter scenes with white trees; very red sunsets, like ragingconflagrations, a Flemish boor, more like a turkey-cock in cuffs thana human being, were the prevailing subjects. To these must be added a...
Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, V12by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de BourrienneHis Private SecretaryEdited by R. W. PhippsColonel, Late Royal Artillery1891CONTENTS:CHAPTER XXVIII. to CHAPTER XXXVI. 1813-1814CHAPTER XXVIII.1813.Riots in Hamburg and LubeckAttempted suicide of M. KonningEvacuation of HamburgDissatisfaction at the conduct of General St.CyrThe Cabinets of Vienna and the TuileriesFirst appearance ofthe CossacksColonel Tettenborn invited to occupy HamburgCordial...
For the Term of His Natural Lifeby Marcus ClarkeDEDICATIONTOSIR CHARLES GAVAN DUFFYMy Dear Sir Charles, I take leave to dedicate this work to you, not merely because your nineteen years of political and literary life in Australia render it very fitting that any work written by a resident in the colonies, and having to do with the history of past colonial days, should bear your name upon its dedicatory page; but because the publication of my book is due to your advice and encouragement....
中国经济增长的真实性之谜李晓西2002年06月03日 11:35主持人:会当凌绝顶,一览众山小,圣凯诺·世纪大讲堂。我们经常从电视里广播里听到我们的经济正在高速的增长,可是我们偶然又听说,我们邻居的阿姨和叔叔下岗了,那么我们又怀疑我们的经济是有问题,可是我们突然发现,我们的门前起了一条高速公路,那我们经济到底是好是坏呢?主持人阿忆今天给大家请来了北京师范大学的经济系教授李晓西先生,他给我们带来的讲演题目是"中国经济增长的真实性之谜"。大家往我的左方看,这就是李教授,大家鼓掌欢迎。谢谢您来。按照惯例我先要跟您聊一聊,让大家了解您。我在网上发现了这样一条消息,我给大家读一读。这网上是这么介绍您的,在国务院研究室主持宏观司的李晓西,首先有个头衔了,是共和国的同龄人也就是1949年生人,现在应该是53岁。下面就开始有我的问题了,文章这样写道,从小他就同以"玩汽车"为生的父亲转战兰州、酒泉、...
THE SLEEPING-CARTHE SLEEPING-CAR1- Page 2-THE SLEEPING-CARI.SCENE: One side of a sleeping-car on the Boston and Albany Road.The curtains are drawn before most of the berths; from the hooks and rodshang hats, bonnets, bags, bandboxes, umbrellas, and other travelling gear;on the floor are boots of both sexes, set out for THE PORTER to black....
永不言弃作 者:姜南希 类别:都市-商海沉浮作品关键字:白领 都市 情感 外企 行政 职场3年外企生涯,简桢以让人惊讶的速度从新人白丁一步步走到了如今行政总监的位置,本以为以自己的工作性质已然触到天花板、前景一片蔚蓝,不想疾风骤雨却忽然临头——一次全球性中国峰会带来高层震动,新任女老板带着一份将要摆在每个人面前的“考卷”空降而来……另一个半球的大老板们将一根无形的棍子伸到了EPF中国,只是轻轻一搅,小螺丝钉们的世界顿时地动山摇。当年从一众新丁中杀出重围,简桢凭的是心思眼界、耐心学习,办公室政治她兵来将挡;如今身陷围谷,且看简桢穿插在暗河、考验、权谋、友情、信念之间,如何拨云见日。在成功是唯一美德的世界里,坚持到底,永不言弃,正是每个职场中人使自己凌越众生而出的制胜法则。...
一 李浦将脚一钩,一个倒卷帘便盘上了横梁,往下看去,黄大善人正在烛下细细地包裹着他的那堆银钱。李浦偷偷笑了笑:这老儿,今日收了租,定然是得意非常了。李浦也不急,静等那黄大善人将银钱包好。 有那么一刻,李浦的直觉告诉自己有什么危险在附近,于是他转过头,看了看周围,当他的目光落到横梁对面的柱子上时,险些儿没从梁上掉下去。 一个与他一样穿着一身黑衣的女孩子跷着腿,支着颐,冲他笑了笑。不是什么漂亮女孩,她的模样走到大街上你很快就会分不清她与其他人。 那女孩用空着的一只手向下指了指,好象是提醒李浦认真去干自己想干的活。李浦心里暗暗吃惊:这女孩哪来的路数,自己如此小心,竟然全没发现她的存在!转念一想,既是梁上相见,八成也是同道中人,只要不坏事,不去管她也罢。他心念一动,手一抬,烛火扑地灭了。待黄大善人从烛油中重新拔出芯子点燃烛火时,桌上已是空空如也,黄大善人楞了...