小说排行榜:/top.html多角世界下的中国房价 作者:刘军洛 第一章 多角的世界 第一节 全球化的天堂文化 今天在浩瀚的海洋上到处奔跑的巨型油轮们,按照最优分配的命令,把全球 各地的商品以美元计价后,分配到全球各地的各种人群之中。世界的运输能力自 二战以来增长了25倍。以70美元/桶石油来计算,全球每年需要为目前各种交易模式与消费模式支付2.3万亿美元,当然还不包括全球政府为石油工业们每年补贴的3千亿美元。现在更有趣的交易模式是,印度的棉花运到日本,制成布料, 再运到中国制造成包装品,再通过沃尔玛大叔分配到美国人从头到脚的包装。而 一艘巨轮的美国大豆抵达中国港口后,迅速被运输到中国大豆加工基地,加工出 豆油与豆粕。豆油被分配给中国菜谱,而豆粕被分配给中国农业养殖户,再随后 更重要的是,中国农业养殖户和加工厂迅速把制造出来的大量鸡肉装上巨轮,快 递到美国人的餐桌上。同样,日本的...
THE MARK OF DEATH THE MOUNTAIN LIMITED was clicking slowly over the rails that trail through the highest and wildest land in America-the western slope of the Rockies. Speed was cut down as the big special labored toward the highest point on its line-nearly seven thousand feet above sea level. Midnight had struck. Outside, the gloomy mountains hung over the track; seemed about to close in on it, and wipe out the train and all its passengers. Within the club car of the train, only a handf
This story takes place in an America whose history is often similar to, but often quite different from our own. You should not assume that the portrayal in this book of a person who shares a name with a figure from American history is an accurate portrayal of that historical figure. In particular, you should be aware that William Henry Harrison, famed in our own history for having the briefest presidency and for his unforgettable election slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler too," was a somewhat ni
What I did was take all the spades out of a deck of cards plus a joker. Ace to King = 1-13. Joker = 14. I shuffled the cards and dealt them. The order in which they came out of the deck became the order of the stories, based on their position in the list my publisher sent me. And it actually created a very nice balance between the literary stories and the all-out screamers. I also added an explanatory note before or after each story, depending on which seemed the more fitting position.
姚明连载:我的世界我的梦 出版社: 作者:姚明 经过那么长一段时间的折腾———能否进NBA,什么时候前往,等我终于要踏上去休斯顿的行程时候,我却受伤了。出发前往美国的前一周,在亚运会上对抗韩国的决赛中,我在篮下靠近底线做动作的时候,踩到别人的脚上,左足弓受伤。我所有的伤都是这样———没什么大动作,只是踏错了一步。不仅脚痛,还有心痛———那场比赛我们输了。但更不幸的是我们的教练王非———输了比赛,还丢了工作。 我到了休斯顿向队友们展示我的球技,但我无法打常规比赛。并不是哪里折断或者扭伤,有脚伤时,跑、跳,做其他动作都会感觉到疼。我习惯用右手,所以重心在左脚上,拉开做右手上篮,跳跃钩射,等等。好象鞋中有块石头,只要我一做动作就能感觉到。...
This darkness troubles me. I yearn for the light. This silence is so deep. I long for voices, the drumming of rain, the whistle of wind, music. Why are you being so cruel to me? Let me see. Let me hear. Let me live. I beg of you. I am so lonely in this bottomless darkness. So lonely. Lost. You think I have no heart. But if I have no heart, what is this ache? What is this anguish? If I have no heart, what is it that threatens to break inside me? This darkness is haunted. I am afraid her
[日]伊藤诚 著 黄芳 查林 摘译 美刊《每月评论》2005年4月号发表了日本著名左翼经济学家伊藤诚的题为《陷入结构性困境的日本经济》的文章,认为近期的日本经济复苏是脆弱和不稳定的。四个因素使日本经济复苏受到结构性制约:一是促进日本经济复苏的国际环境充满不确定性,二是日本引进的新自由主义政策一直在持续地加深国家财政危机,三是大多数日本工人正面对日益恶化的工作生活条件,四是日本总人口趋于减少。该文主要内容如下。 虚弱和不稳定的复苏 由2004年12月20日日本内阁会议批准的一份文件《2005财年经济展望》将2004年日本经济增长率从3.5%调低到2.1%,并预计2005年日本经济增长率只有1.6%。...
央视国际 2004年12月23日 13:46 主讲人简介:李晓东:东北师范大学世界古典文明史研究所副教授,埃及学博士。1992年考入东北师范大学世界古典文明史研究,专攻埃及学。2000年毕业获博士学位,至今在研究所从事埃及学的教学和研究工作。主要研究方向:世界古代史,埃及学。著有《古代文明的金字塔——法老的埃及》,《神秘的金字塔太阳船》等。 内容简介:一提到埃及,人们首先想到的是金字塔,其次是木乃伊,然后是方尖碑和古埃及的神庙,再往后人们会想到古埃及神秘的文字,那就是埃及象形文字。埃及学的一个重要的方面,是埃及的象形文字。如果我们不懂得埃及象形文字的话,我们很难走入到埃及这片神秘的土地里面去,能了解他们古代的民族,他们是怎么思考的?他们在说些什么?在谈论些什么?他们是怎么生活的?几千年以来古代埃及这块土地它从来没有位移过,为什么我们现在还要去发现它?这我们就要提一个死文明...
THE RED CARPET THERE are moments of great luxury in the life of a secret agent. There are assignments on which he is required to act the part of a very rich man; occasions when he takes refuge in good living to efface the memory of danger and the shadow of death; and times when, as was now the case, he is a guest in the territory of an allied Secret Service. From the moment the BOAC Stratocruiser taxied up to the International Air Terminal at Idlewild, James Bond was treated like royalty....