A TALE OF THE TONTLAWALDLong, long ago there stood in the midst of a country covered withlakes a vast stretch of moorland called the Tontlawald, on whichno man ever dared set foot. From time to time a few bold spiritshad been drawn by curiosity to its borders, and on their returnhad reported that they had caught a glimpse of a ruined house ina grove of thick trees, and round about it were a crowd of beingsresembling men, swarming over the grass like bees. The men were...
THE HISTORY OF DWARF LONG NOSEIt is a great mistake to think that fairies, witches, magicians,and such people lived only in Eastern countries and in such timesas those of the Caliph Haroun Al-Raschid. Fairies and theirlike belong to every country and every age, and no doubt weshould see plenty of them nowif we only knew how.In a large town in Germany there lived, some couple of hundredyears ago, a cobbler and his wife. They were poor andhard-working. The man sat all day in a little stall at
THE MONKEY AND THE JELLY-FISHChildren must often have wondered why jelly-fishes have noshells, like so many of the creatures that are washed up everyday on the beach. In old times this was not so; the jelly-fishhad as hard a shell as any of them, but he lost it through hisown fault, as may be seen in this story.The sea-queen Otohime, whom you read of in the story ofUraschimatoro, grew suddenly very ill. The swiftest messengerswere sent hurrying to fetch the best doctors from every country...
Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russiaby Maxime Kovalevsky1891Lecture IThe Matrimonial Customs and Usages of the Russian People, and theLight They Throw on the Evolution of MarriageThe wide historical studies pursued by members of theUniversity of Oxford necessarily include the study of theSlavonic race. The part which this race is beginning to play inthe economic and social progress of our time, and theconsiderable achievements which it has already made in the fields...
品读余秋雨的历史散文,蔚然成了近年来中国大陆的时髦风气。如果我没有弄错,在革除了深度和力度的所谓"后文化时代",这是继汪国真之后在散文和历史交界处所发生的一个重要事件。显然,历史和文学正在制造出一些新的产品:历史利用文学获得"美丽外观",而文学利用历史获得了"精神深度"。由此带来的文化狂喜,可以从该书的发行量上得到证实。 为了更好地说明问题,不妨让我们先回忆一下汪国真的诗歌(以下简称"汪诗")(尽管这是一件颇令人难堪的事情)。 海子死了,汪国真诞生了,这是1989年6月以后中国文学所发生的最富戏剧性的变化。海子一举带走了农业时代的诗歌真理,并为"汪诗"的涌现开辟出血的道路。"不合时宜"的"旧式"精神使徒,最终让位给了一个肤浅的诗坛流行歌手。这正是"历史的必然"。"海诗"不过是少数校园理想主义者的圣经,而"汪诗"才是热爱生活的广大女学生的起居事典。在中国成为全球最大市场之后,诗歌条...
THE WIFE OF A KING.IONCE, WHEN THE NORTHLAND was very young, the social and civicvirtues were remarkably alike for their paucity and theirsimplicity. When the burden of domestic duties grew grievous, andthe fireside mood expanded to a constant protest against its bleakloneliness, the adventurers from the Southland, in lieu of better,paid the stipulated prices and took unto themselves native wives. It...
商品和服务市场2003年12月29日 10:21凤凰卫视——世纪大讲堂林毅夫:女士们、先生们,今天我非常荣幸的向大家介绍弗农·史密斯教授,弗农·史密斯教授于1949年在加州理工学院获得电子工程学学士学位。1955年,获得哈佛大学经济学博士学位。此后,他在很多大学担任教职,包括亚利桑那州立大学、普度大学,布朗大学以及麻萨诸塞大学。史密斯教授现任乔治-梅森大学经济学和法律教授,是经济学跨学科研究中心的学者,同时也是弗吉尼亚州阿林顿Mercatus中心的成员。他曾经或仍在担任九种国际一流期刊的编辑工作,他还获得了很多荣誉,包括普度大学管理学荣誉博士学位。他还是计量经济学会和美国科学促进联会会员,以及美国艺术与科学研究院院士。当然,最重要的荣誉就是,为了表彰他将实验室实验作为实证经济分析的一种工具,尤其是应用于市场机制选择的研究,他被授予2002年诺贝尔经济学奖。下面我们欢迎弗农·史密斯教授为我们做题...