BOOK II: OF THEIR TRADES, AND MANNER OF LIFEAGRICULTURE is that which is so universally understood among themthat no person, either man or woman, is ignorant of it; they areinstructed in it from their childhood, partly by what they learnat school and partly by practice; they being led out often intothe fields, about the town, where they not only see others atwork, but are likewise exercised in it themselves. Besides...
The Gamblerby Fyodor DostoyevskyTranslated by CJ HogarthIAt length I returned from two weeks leave of absence to findthat my patrons had arrived three days ago in Roulettenberg. Ireceived from them a welcome quite different to that which I hadexpected. The General eyed me coldly, greeted me in ratherhaughty fashion, and dismissed me to pay my respects to hissister. It was clear that from SOMEWHERE money had beenacquired. I thought I could even detect a certain shamefacedness...
The Well-BelovedA Sketch of A Temperamentby Thomas HardyPREFACEThe peninsula carved by Time out of a single stone, whereon most of thefollowing scenes are laid, has been for centuries immemorial the homeof a curious and well-nigh distinct people, cherishing strange beliefsand singular customs, now for the most part obsolescent. Fancies, likecertain soft-wooded plants which cannot bear the silent inland frosts,but thrive by the sea in the roughest of weather, seem to grow up...
来让我们共舞 参加比赛的网友很踊跃,水准也叫人惊喜,我们马上有了一个新的意念,便是出版《ChannelA爱情杂志》,让网络作者们看到自己的作品透过电波转化成文宇,与我书里的人物共舞。 今年二月,《ChannelA(II)蝴蝶过期居留》也出版了,网络上的接龙游戏还在继续。网络有无限可能,人生也有大多的未知之数,我希望这支舞会一直跳下去。美好的东西,往往是意料之外的。 写《ChannelA》系列的时候,是想写得贴近现实一点。结果,看过书的读者都说故事大悲伤了,害他们流了很多眼泪。我自己写的时候又何尝不一样?作家大概都是疯子,自己虚构一个故事和故事里的人物,却为这些故事和人物沉溺、感动,微笑和哭泣,以为一切都是真的。...
第一部分第一章 天使外型的魔鬼(1)(1)狄明威在下午三点走进红豆咖啡店的时候,店里的客人大部分都盯着他看。他并不怪他们,因为他马上就发现自己在这群客人中间算是最正常的一个。这是一间很小很普通的咖啡店。如果不是狄明威调查出他要找的人会在这里出现的话,他压根儿没注意到它,就算是在周末的下午茶时分,行色匆匆经过玻璃窗的人们还是一眼也没瞧这家小店。经过小店的行人与其说是根本没有注意到这间小店,倒不如说他们的目光一直不自觉地逃避往这边看,狄明威对这种现象很奇怪。不过当他坐下来也就恍然了,外面那些行人不往店里看,不往店里走,很可能有两个原因:一是可能因为里面坐着的那些客人实在太奇怪了,奇怪到让人感到不舒服,神秘而难以理解的事物都让人感觉不舒服;要不就有可能这个时段聚集在这里的客人们具有某种神秘的力量,他们让行人自动忽略了小店的存在。...
THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOWby Washington IrvingFound among the papers of the late Diedrech Knickerbocker.A pleasing land of drowsy head it was,Of dreams that wave before the half-shut eye;And of gay castles in the clouds that pass,Forever flushing round a summer sky.Castle of Indolence.In the bosom of one of those spacious coves which indent the...
Letters on Literatureby Andrew LangContents:Introductory: Of Modern English PoetryOf Modern English PoetryFieldingLongfellowA Friend of KeatsOn VirgilAucassin and NicolettePlotinus (A.D. 200-262)LucretiusTo a Young American Book-HunterRochefoucauldOf Vers de SocieteOn Vers de SocieteGerard de NervalOn Books About Red MenAppendix IAppendix IIDEDICATIONDear Mr. Way,...