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3.harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban-第37部分

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ditch match could bring。 They could hear the rest of the school moving into the stadium beyond。 Harry took off his black school robes; removed his wand from his pocket; and stuck it inside the T…shirt he was going to wear under his Quidditch robes。 He only hoped he wouldn't need it。 He wondered suddenly whether Professor Lupin was in the crowd; watching。
  〃You know what we've got to do;〃 said Wood as they prepared to leave the locker rooms。 〃If we lose this match; we're out of the running。 just  just fly like you did in practice yesterday; and we'll be okay!〃
  They walked out onto the field to tumultuous applause。 The Ravenclaw team; dressed in blue; were already standing in the middle of the field。 Their Seeker; Cho Chang; was the only girl on their team。 She was shorter than Harry by about a head; and Harry couldn't help noticing; nervous as he was; that she was extremely pretty。 She smiled at Harry as the teams faced each other behind their captains; and he felt a slight lurch in the region of his stomach that he didn't think had anything to do with nerves。
  〃Wood; Davies; shake hands;〃 Madam Hooch said briskly; and Wood shook hands with the Ravenclaw Captain。
  〃Mount your brooms。。。 on my whistle。。。 three  two  one 〃
  Harry kicked off into the air and the Firebolt zoomed higher and faster than any other broom; he soared around the stadium and began squinting around for the Snitch; listening all the while to the mentary; which was being provided by the Weasley twins' friend Lee Jordan。
  〃They're off; and the big excitement this match is the Firebolt that Harry Potter is flying for Gryffindor。 According to Which Broomstick; the Firebolt's going to be the broom of choice for the national teams at this year's World Championship 〃
  〃Jordan; would you mind telling us what's going on in the match?〃 interrupted Professor McGonagall's voice。
  〃Right you are; Professor  just giving a bit of background information  the Firebolt; incidentally; has a built…in auto…brake and 〃
  〃Okay; okay; Gryffindor in possession; Katie Bell of Gryffindor; heading for goal。。。〃
  Harry streaked past Katie in the opposite direction; gazing around for a glint of gold and noticing that Cho Chang was tailing him closely。 She was undoubtedly a very good flier  she kept cutting across him; forcing him to change direction。
  〃Show her your acceleration; Harry!〃 Fred yelled as he whooshed past in pursuit of a Bludger that was aiming for Alicia。
  Harry urged the Firebolt forward as they rounded the Ravenclaw goal posts and Cho fell behind。 Just as Katie succeeded in scoring the first goal of the match; and the Gryffindor end of the field went wild; he saw it  the Snitch was close to the ground; flitting near one of the barriers。
  Harry dived; Cho saw what he was doing and tore after him  Harry was speeding up; excitement flooding him; dives were his speciality; he was ten feet away 
  Then a Bludger; hit by one of the Ravenclaw Beaters; came pelting out of nowhere; Harry veered off course; avoiding it by an inch; and in those few; crucial seconds; the Snitch had vanished。
  There was a great 〃Ooooooh〃 of disappointment from the Gryffindor supporters; but much applause for their Beater from the Ravenclaw end。 George Weasley vented his feelings by hitting the second Bludger directly at the offending Beater; who was forced to roll right over in midair to avoid it。
  〃Gryffindor leads by eighty points to zero; and look at that Firebolt go! Potter's really putting it through its paces now; see it turn  Chang's et is just no match for it; the Firebolt's precision… balance is really noticeable in these long 〃
  Ravenclaw was pulling back; they had now scored three goals; which put Gryffindor only fifty points ahead  if Cho got the Snitch before him; Ravenclaw would win。 Harry dropped lower; narrowly avoiding a Ravenclaw Chaser; scanning the field frantically  a glint of gold; a flutter of tiny wings  the Snitch was circling the Gryffindor goal post 
  Harry accelerated; eyes fixed on the speck of gold ahead  but just then; Cho appeared out of thin air; blocking him 
  〃HARRY; THIS IS NO TIME TO BE A GENTLEMAN!〃 Wood roared as Harry swerved to avoid a collision。 〃KNOCK HER OFF HER BROOM IF YOU HAVE TO!〃
  Harry turned and caught sight of Cho; she was grinning。 The Snitch had vanished again。 Harry turned his Firebolt upward and was soon twenty feet above the game。 Out of the corner of his eye; he saw Cho following him。。。。 She'd decided to mark him rather than search for the Snitch herself。。。 All right; then。。。 if she wanted to tail him; she'd have to take the consequences。。。。
  He dived again; and Cho; thinking he'd seen the Snitch; tried to follow; Harry pulled out of the dive very sharply; she hurtled downward; he rose fast as a bullet once more; and then saw it; for the third time  the Snitch was glittering way above the field at the Ravenclaw end。
  He accelerated; so; many feet below; did Cho。 He was winning; gaining on the Snitch with every second  then 
  〃Oh!〃 screamed Cho; pointing。
  Distracted; Harry looked down。
  Three dementors; three tall; black; hooded dementors; were looking up at him。
  He didn't stop to think。 Plunging a hand down the neck of his robes; he whipped out his wand and roared; 〃Expecto patronum!〃
  Something silver…white; something enormous; erupted from the end of his wand。 He knew it had shot directly at the dementors but didn't pause to watch; his mind still miraculously clear; he looked ahead  he was nearly there。 He stretched out the hand still grasping his wand and just managed to close his fingers over the small; struggling Snitch。
  Madam Hooch's whistle sounded。 Harry turned around in midair and saw six scarlet blurs bearing down on him; next moment; the whole team was hugging him so hard he was nearly pulled off his broom。 Down below he could hear the roars of the Gryffindors in the crowd。
  〃That's my boy!〃 Wood kept yelling。 Alicia; Angelina; and Katie had all kissed Harry; Fred had him in a grip so tight Harry felt as though his head would e off In plete disarray; the team managed to make its way back to the ground。 Harry got off his broom and looked up to see a gaggle of Gryffindor supporters sprinting onto the field; Ron in the lead。 Before he knew it; he had been engulfed by the cheering crowd。
  〃Yes!〃 Ron yelled; yanking Harry's arm into the air。 〃Yes! Yes!〃
  〃Well done; Harry!〃 said Percy; looking delighted。 〃Ten Galleons to me! Must find Penelope; excuse me 〃
  〃Good for you; Harry!〃 roared Seamus Finnigan。
  〃Ruddy brilliant!〃 boomed Hagrid over the heads of the milling Gryffindors。
  〃That was quite some Patronus;〃 said a voice in Harry's ear。
  Harry turned around to see Professor Lupin; who looked both shaken and pleased。
  〃The dementors didn't affect me at all!〃 Harry said excitedly。 〃I didn't feel a thing!〃
  〃That would be because they  er  weren't dementors;〃 said Professor Lupin。 〃e and see  〃
  He led Harry out of the crowd until they were able to see the edge of the field。
  〃You gave Mr。 Malfoy quite a fright;〃 said Lupin。
  Harry stared。 Lying in a crumpled heap on the ground were Malfoy; Crabbe; Goyle; and Marcus Flint; the Slytherin team Captain; all struggling to remove themselves from long; black; hooded robes。 It looked as though Malfoy had been standing on Goyle's shoulders。 Standing over them; with an expression of the utmost fury on her face; was Professor McGonagall。
  〃An unworthy trick!〃 she was shouting。 〃A low and cowardly attempt to sabotage the Gryffindor Seeker! Detention for all of you; and fifty points from Slytherin! I shall be speaking to Professor Dumbledore about this; make no mistake! Ah; here he es now!〃
  If anything could have set the seal on Gryffindor's victory; it was this。 Ron; who had fought his way through to Harry's side; doubled up with laughter as they watched Malfoy fighting to extricate himself from the robe; Goyle's head still stuck inside it。
  〃e on; Harry!〃 said George; fighting his way over。 〃Party! Gryffindor mon room; now!〃
  〃Right;〃 said Harry; and feeling happier than he had in ages; he and the rest of the team led the way; still in their scarlet robes; out of the stadium and back up to the castle。
  It felt as though they had already won the Quidditch Cup; the party went on all day and well into the night。 Fred and George Weasley disappeared for a couple of hours and returned with armfuls of bottles of butterbeer; pumpkin fizz; and several bags full of Honeydukes sweets。
  〃How did you do that?〃 squealed Angelina Johnson as George started throwing Peppermint Toads into the crowd。
  〃With a little help from Moony; Wormtail; Padfoot; and Prongs;〃 Fred muttered in Harry's ear。
  Only one person wasn't joining in the festivities。 Hermione; incredibly; was sitting in a corner; attempting to read an enormous book entitled Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles。 Harry broke away from the table where Fred and George had started juggling butterbeer bottles and went over to her。
  〃Did you even e to the match?〃 he asked her。
  〃Of course I did;〃 said Hermione in a strangely high…pitched voice; not looking up。 〃And I'm very glad we won; and I think you did really well; but I need to read this by Monday。〃
  〃e on; Hermione; e and have some food;〃 Harry said; looking over at Ron and wondering whether he was in a good enough mood to bury the hatchet。
  〃I can't; Harry。 I've still got four hundred and twenty…two pages to read!〃 said Hermione; now sounding slightly hysterical。 〃Anyway。。。〃 She glanced over at Ron too。 〃He doesn't want me to join in。〃
  There was no arguing with this; as Ron chose that moment to say loudly; 〃If Scabbers hadn't just been eaten; he could have had some of those Fudge Flies。 He used to really like them 〃
  Hermione burst into tears。 Before Harry could say or do anything; she tucked the enormous book under her arm; and; still sobbing; ran toward the staircase to the girls' dormitories and out of sight。
  〃Can't you give her a break?〃 Harry asked Ron quietly。
  〃No;〃 said Ron flatly。 〃

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