八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 千万不要学英语 >



小说: 千万不要学英语 字数: 每页4000字

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ou read about last week in a bookby Huntington。 The Civil War can be analyzed in many ways; but today I want to discussit as a result of economics。 The Northern United States industrialized rather early and hadlittle need for slave labor in their society。 The southern states; on the other hand; had aneconomy based on agriculture; particularly cotton。 This caused a much higher demand forslaves  to  supply  manual  labor  in  the  fields。  Eventually  this  fundamental  differenceeconomic structures led to a difference in ideology。 And; as ideological differences oftendo; this led to a conflict which eventually resulted in war。 In this way; the Civil War is notunlike  the  Cold  War  between  the  United  States  and  the  Soviet  Union;  which  was  alsolargely caused by differing economic systems。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 3 Brunch
  (Class ends and Sarah and Mike walk out of the building。)
  Sarah: Mike; would you like to have lunch?
  Mike:  I'd  love  to。  But  it's  actually  brunch  for  me。  I  woke  up  late  and  haven't  eatenanything。
  Sarah: Sure; brunch is good too。 I know a place that serves breakfast all day。 And they
  have great sandwiches too。 I already had breakfast。
  Mike: Great。 I can have some pancakes; and you get whatever you want。 I just can't startthe day with a sandwiches。
  (Sarah and Mike walk across campus to a restaurant。)
  Sarah: Here it is。 What do you think?
  Mike: It looks good。 But I'll have to try the food before I really tell you what I think。
  Sarah: Fair enough。
  Waiter: How many?
  Mike: Just two。
  Waiter: Please; sit anywhere you'd like。
  (Sarah and Mike go sit down。)
  Waiter: Can I get you something to start?
  Sarah: Do you have decaf coffee?
  Waiter: We sure do。
  Sarah: I'd like a cup of decaf and some water; please。
  Mike: Can I get an orange juice?
  Waiter: One decaf and one O。J。?
  Sarah: And don't forget the water。
  Waiter:  Oh  yeah;  and  the  water。  (The  waiter  returns  with  the  drinks。)  Are  you  ready  toorder?
  Mike: Yes。 I'd like the blueberry pancakes with a side order of two eggs; over easy; andsome bacon; extra crispy。
  Sarah: And I'll have a turkey sandwich on wheat bread; no mayonnaise; please。
  Waiter: The sandwich es with your choice of fresh fried or salad; which one would
  you like?
  Sarah: Salad; please。 And could you put the dressing on the side?
  Waiter: Of course。 That will just be a minute。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 4 Back in the Dorm Room
  Charles: Did you make it to class on time?
  Mike: No; but neither did the professor; so it was no problem。 Maybe he was out drinkinglast night too。
  Charles:  I  doubt  it。  But  at  least  you  didn't  get  in  trouble。  Your  have  class  even  earliertomorrow morning; I hope you aren't going out again tonight。
  Mike: We'll see。 Besides; you don't need to worry about me。 My grades are fine。
  Charles: That's true。 But I still worry。
  Mike: Why?
  Charles: Because when you wake up late; or forget something; or whatever; you alwaysyell at me。
  Mike: Sorry。 It's  just that I'm not used to living away  from home。 I'm only  a freshman。This is the first time I haven't had my parents to wake me up; make me breakfast; and allthat stuff。
  Charles: Yeah; I remember how it was。 I mean; I'm only a junior; but it seems like I'vebeen away from home forever。 Still; during my first year of college; I was just like you。 Itjust takes a while to get used to managing your own time。 You'll be doing it in no time。
  Mike: I sure hope so。 This is no way to live。
  Charles: You say that every day and then go out every night。
  Mike: That's true。 In fact; Sarah invited me to a party today at her sorority。
  Charles: A sorority party; hub? Not that's different。 Do you think I could join you?
  Mike: I'll see what I can do。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ~~~~~~~~Situation 5 A Telephone Conversation
  (Mike calls Sarah on the phone。)
  Mike: Hello; may I speak with Sarah?
  Lisa: May I ask who is calling?
  Mike: It's Mike Watson; from her U。S。 history class。
  Lisa: Okay; just a second。 I'll get her。
  (Sarah picks up the phone。)
  Sarah: Hello。
  Mike: Hi; Sarah。 It's Mike。
  Sarah: Didn't we just see each other? You must really like me。
  Mike: You know I do。 But that's not why I called。 You know my roommate Charles? Wellhe wants to e with me to the party tonight。
  Sarah: Charles? Isn't he kind of a bookworm? Why does he want to e to the party?
  Mike: Yeah; he does study a lot; but he is not a bad guy。 And there will be so many girlstonight; maybe even he can get lucky。
  Sarah: I wouldn't bet on it。 But; yes; I'll put his name on the guest list。 How do you spellhis last name?
  Mike: M…A…L。。。
  (Cutting Mike off。)
  Sarah: Wait; wait。 Let me get a pen and paper。 What was that again?
  Mike: His last name is spelled M…A…L…I…Z…E…W…S…K…I。
  Sarah: Got it。 Are you guys ing together?
  Mike: Yeah。 Should we bring anything?
  Sarah: No。 We have that all taken care of。 But be sure to dress nicely。 It's a semi…formalevent。
  Mike: Don't worry。 We'll both in suits。
  Sarah: And ties; right?
  Mike: Right; right。 Although Charles'tie might be a clip…on。
  Sarah: Oh; you are so bad。 I'll see you at seven。 Don't be late。
  Mike: Okay; seven o'clock。 I'll see you then。 Bye。
  Sarah: Bye。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 6 Buying a Shirt
  Mike: Charles; you're on the list for tonight; but we have to wear suits。
  Charles: No problem。 I've got plenty of suits。
  Mike: I know; but I don't。 I only have one and it's not the greatest。 Still; it'll pass。 The realproblem is I have no shirt or tie。
  Charles: I've got plenty of those too。
  Mike:  I  know;  Charles。  But  you're  five…seven  and  I'm  six…two。  I  hardly  think  I'll  bewearing any of your clothes。
  Charles: I see what you mean。 But you could borrow one of my ties; right?
  Mike: True。 But that still leaves me shirtless。 I've got to go get one。
  (Mike goes outside; catches a taxi; and heads for a local men's clothing store。)
  Saleswoman: May I help you find something?
  Mike: Please。 I need a dress shirt for tonight?
  Saleswoman: Did you have any particular style in mind?
  Mike: No。 Just something plain。 What do you have in a white oxford cloth with buttondown collars?
  Saleswoman: We have a very nice shirt for Ralph Lauren; but it has the Polo mark on it。Is that okay?
  Mike: Fine; fine。
  Saleswoman: What size are you?
  Mike:  I'm  not  sure。  My  mom  buys  all  my  clothes。  But  I  think  I'm  about  a  sixteen  inchneck and thirty…three inch sleeve。 Does that sound about right?
  Saleswoman: Probably for the neck; but you're pretty tall。 Let's try thirty…five inch sleeve。
  Mike: You're the pro; whatever you say。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 7 In a Taxi
  Driver: Where to pal?
  Mike: To Carleton College; please。 Do you know where Elliot House is?
  Driver: Elliot's house? I thought you wanted to go to Carleton。
  Mike: I do。 And it's not Elliot's house; it's Elliot House。 That's the name of my dormitory。
  Driver: Oh; why didn't you say so? And no; I don't know where it is。
  Mike: That's all right。 Just go to the college and I'll give you directions from there。
  Driver: You got it。 (They arrive at the front gate of the college。) We are here。 Now whereto?
  Mike: Make a right turn at the gate; then go down two streets and take left。
  Driver: Will that be a left on Broadway?
  Mike: Yes; Elliot House is at 357 Broadway。
  Driver: Good for Elliot House。 But Broadway is a one…way street。 I can only turn right。
  Mike: Woops; sorry about that。 I don't have a car and so I never pay attention to whichstreets are one…way。
  Driver: Don't worry about it; kid。 I know a shortcut anyway。 I'll take the first left insteadof the second; and then go around the back of your dorm。
  Mike: Great。 It's a good thing you know the streets around here better than I do。
  Driver:  That's  my  job。  I  get  paid  to  know  these  streets。  Where  are  you  from;  not  fromaround here I guess?
  Mike: No。 I'm just here for school。 I'm an originally from Delaware。
  Driver: Nice state; Delaware。 Well; here we are。 That'll be seven dollars and fifty cents。
  Mike: Here's nine; keep the change。
  Driver: Thanks。
  Mike: No; thank you。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 8 Charles' English Class
  (After Mike leaves; Charles goes off to his second English literature class of the day。 Hearrives early; takes his seat and waits for the professor to begin。)
  Professor:   Good   afternoon;   class。   Today   we   are   going   to   discuss   the   reasons   forShakespeare's  near  universal  acceptance  and  popularity  the  world  over。  It  is  not  theEnglish literature is superior to the literatures of other countries or that Shakespeare was abetter writer than other authors。 Although he was; of course; a great writer; still; I believethe  universality  of  his  themes  and  stories  which  makes  him great。  Almost  anyone  fromany  country  at  any  time  in  history  can  identify  with  these  themes。  For  all  people  in  alltimes  experience  love;  hatred;  jealousy  and  greed。  Everyone  at  one  time  or  another  hasquestioned the meaning of existence; or wanted to take revenge on an enemy。 Yes; class; itis these subjects and questions which transcend time and place that make Shakespeare notonly popular but also great。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 9 Getting Ready for the Party'news:/s/11:28。9…12:27。5'(Mike es out of the bathroom。)
  Mike: Damn; I cut myself shaving。
  Charles: No problem; just put some toilet paper on it。
  Mike: I know that; but I'm going to have a big scab on my neck all through the p

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