八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 白噪音(White Noise) (英文版)作者:唐·德里罗(Don DeLillo) >


白噪音(White Noise) (英文版)作者:唐·德里罗(Don DeLillo)-第25部分

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l…drilled。 The thick orange vests did not seem especially out of place even though we were on more or less dry land; well above sea level; many miles from the nearest ominous body of water。 Stark upheavals bring out every sort of quaint aberration by the very suddenness of their ing。 Dashes of color and idiosyncrasy marked the scene from beginning to end。
  The lines were not long。 When I reached the A…to…M desk; the man seated there typed out data on his keyboard。 My name; age; medical history; so on。 He was a gaunt young man who seemed suspicious of conversation that strayed outside certain unspecified guidelines。 Over the left sleeve on his khaki jacket he wore a green armband bearing the word SIMUVAC。
  I related the circumstances of my presumed exposure。
  〃How long were you out there?〃
  'Two and a half minutes;〃 I said。 〃Is that considered long or short?〃
  〃Anything that puts you in contact with actual emissions means we have a situation。〃
  〃Why didn't the drifting cloud disperse in all that wind and rain?〃
  〃This is not your everyday cirrus。 This is a high…definition event。 It is packed with dense concentrations of byproduct。 You could almost toss a hook in there and tow it out to sea; which I'm exaggerating to make a point。〃
  〃What about people in the car? I had to open the door to get out and get back in。〃
  〃There are known degrees of exposure。 I'd say their situation is they're minimal risks。 It's the two and a half minutes standing right in it that makes me wince。 Actual skin and orifice contact。 This is Nyodene D。 A whole new generation of toxic waste。 What we call state of the art。 One part per million million can send a rat into a permanent state。〃
  He regarded me with the grimly superior air of a bat veteran。 Obviously he didn't think much of people whose placent and overprotected lives did not allow for encounters with brain…dead rats。 I wanted this man on my side。 He had access to data。 I was prepared to be servile and fawning if it would keep him from dropping casually shattering remarks about my degree of exposure and chances for survival。
  〃That's quite an armband you've got there。 What does SIMUVAC mean? Sounds important。〃
  〃Short for simulated evacuation。 A new state program they're still battling over funds for。〃
  〃But this evacuation isn't simulated。 It's real。〃
  〃We know that。 But we thought we could use it as a model。〃
  〃A form of practice? Are you saying you saw a chance to use the real event in order to rehearse the simulation?〃
  〃We took it right into the streets。〃
  〃How is it going?〃 I said。
  'The insertion curve isn't as smooth as we would like。 There's a probability excess。 Plus which we don't have our victims laid out where we'd want them if this was an actual simulation。 In other words we're forced to take our victims as we find them。 We didn't get a jump on puter traffic。 Suddenly it just spilled out; three…dimensionally; all over the landscape。 You have to make allowances for the fact that everything we see tonight is real。 There's a lot of polishing we still have to do。 But that's what this exercise is all about。〃
  〃What about the puters? Is that real data you're running through the system or is it just practice stuff?〃
  〃You watch;〃 he said。
  He spent a fair amount of time tapping on the keys and then studying coded responses on the data screen—a considerably longer time; it seemed to me; than he'd devoted to the people who'd preceded me in line。 In fact I began to feel that others were watching me。 I stood with my arms folded; trying to create a picture of an impassive man; someone in line at a hardware store waiting for the girl at the register to ring up his heavy…duty rope。 It seemed the only way to neutralize events; to counteract the passage of puterized dots that registered my life and death。 Look at no one; reveal nothing; remain still。 The genius of the primitive mind is that it can render human helplessness in noble and beautiful ways。
  〃You're generating big numbers;〃 he said; peering at the screen。
  〃I was out there only two and a half minutes。 That's how many seconds?〃
  〃It's not just you were out there so many seconds。 It's your whole data profile。 I tapped into your history。 I'm getting bracketed numbers with pulsing stars。〃
  〃What does that mean?〃
  〃You'd rather not know。〃
  He made a silencing gesture as if something of particular morbid interest was appearing on the screen。 I wondered what he meant when he said he'd tapped into my history。 Where was it located exactly? Some state or federal agency; some insurance pany or credit firm or medical clearinghouse? What history was he referring to? I'd told him some basic things。 Height; weight; childhood diseases。 What else did he know? Did he know about my wives; my involvement with Hitler; my dreams and fears?
  He had a skinny neck and jug…handle ears to go with his starved skull—the innocent prewar look of a rural murderer。
  〃Am I going to die?〃
  〃Not as such;〃 he said。
  〃What do you mean?〃
  〃Not in so many words。〃
  〃How many words does it take?〃
  〃It's not a question of words。 It's a question of years。 We'll know more in fifteen years。 In the meantime we definitely have a situation。〃
  〃What will we know in fifteen years?〃
  〃If you're still alive at the time; we'll know that much more than we do now。 Nyodene D。 has a life span of thirty years。 You'll have made it halfway through。〃
  〃I thought it was forty years。〃
  〃Forty years in the soil。 Thirty years in the human body。〃
  〃So; to outlive this substance; I will have to make it into my eighties。 Then I can begin to relax。〃
  〃Knowing what we know at this time。〃
  〃But the general consensus seems to be that we don't know enough at this time to be sure of anything。〃
  〃Let me answer like so。 If I was a rat I wouldn't want to be anywhere within a two hundred mile radius of the airborne event。〃
  〃What if you were a human?〃
  He looked at me carefully。 I stood with my arms folded; staring over his head toward the front door of the barracks。 To look at him would be to declare my vulnerability。
  〃I wouldn't worry about what I can't see or feel;〃 he said。 〃I'd go ahead and live my life。 Get married; settle down; have kids。 There's no reason you can't do these things; knowing what we know。〃
  〃But you said we have a situation。〃
  〃I didn't say it。 The puter did。 The whole system says it。 It's what we call a massive data…base tally。 Gladney; J。 A。 K。 I punch in the name; the substance; the exposure time and then I tap into your puter history。 Your genetics; your personals; your medicals; your psychologicals; your police…and…hospitals。 It es back pulsing stars。 This doesn't mean anything is going to happen to you as such; at least not today or tomorrow。 It just means you are the sum total of your data。 No man escapes that。〃
  〃And this massive so…called tally is not a simulation despite that armband you're wearing。 It is real。〃
  〃It is real;〃 he said。
  I stood absolutely still。 If they thought I was already dead; they might be inclined to leave me alone。 I think I felt as I would if a doctor had held an X…ray to the light showing a star…shaped hole at the center of one of my vital organs。 Death has entered。 It is inside you。 You are said to be dying and yet are separate from the dying; can ponder it at your leisure; literally see on the X…ray photograph or puter screen the horrible alien logic of it all。 It is when death is rendered graphically; is televised so to speak; that you sense an eerie separation between your condition and yourself。 A network of symbols has been introduced; an entire awesome technology wrested from the gods。 It makes you feel like a stranger in your own dying。
  I wanted my academic gown and dark glasses。
  When I got back to the other end of the barracks; the three younger children were asleep; Heinrich was making notations on a road map and Babette was seated some distance away with Old Man Treadwell and a number of other blind people。 She was reading to them from a small and brightly colored stack of supermarket tabloids。
  I needed a distraction。 I found a camp chair and set it near the wall behind Babette。 There were four blind people; a nurse and three sighted people arranged in a semicircle facing the reader。 Qthers occasionally paused to listen to an item or two; then moved on。 Babette employed her storytelling voice; the same sincere and lilting tone she used when she read fairy tales to Wilder or erotic passages to her husband in their brass bed high above the headlong traffic hum。
  She reported a front…page story。 〃Life After Death Guaranteed with Bonus Coupons。〃 Then turned to the designated page。
  〃Scientists at Princeton's famed Institute for Advanced Studies have stunned the world by presenting absolute and undeniable proof of life after death。 A researcher at the world…renowned Institute has used hypnosis to induce hundreds of people to recall their previous…life experiences as pyramid…builders; exchange students and extraterrestrials。〃
  Babette changed her voice to do dialogue。
  '〃In the last year alone;' declares reincarnation hypnotist Ling Ti Wan; 'I have helped hundreds to regress to previous lives under hypnosis。 One of my most amazing subjects was a woman who was able to recall her life as a hunter…gatherer in the Mesolithic era ten thousand years ago。 It was remarkable to hear this tiny senior citizen in polyester slacks describe her life as a hulking male chieftain whose band inhabited a peat bog and hunted wild boar with primitive bow and arrow。 She was able to identify features of that era which only a trained archaeologist could know about。 She even spoke several phrases in the language of that day; a tongue remarkably similar to modern…day German。'〃
  Babette's voice resumed its tone of straight narration。
  〃Dr。 Shiv Chatterjee; fitness guru and high…energy physicist; recently stunned a live TV audience by relating the well…documented case of two women; unknown to each other; who came to him for regression in the same week; only to discover that they had been twin sisters in the lost city of Atlantis fifty thousand years ago。 Bot

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