八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 04道德经 中英对照(林语堂) >


04道德经 中英对照(林语堂)-第2部分

小说: 04道德经 中英对照(林语堂) 字数: 每页4000字

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  The Image of Nothingness。 
  That is why it is called the Elusive: 
  Meet it and you do not see its face; 
  Follow it and you do not see its back。                    
  The wise ones of old had subtle wisdom and depth of understanding; 
  So profound that they could not be understood。 
  And because they could not be understood; 
  Perforce must they be so described: 
  Cautious; like crossing a wintry stream; 
  Irresolute; like one fearing danger all around; 
  Grave; like one acting as guest; 
  Self…effacing; like ice beginning to melt; 
  Genuine; like a piece of undressed wood; 
  Open…minded; like a valley; 
  And mixing freely; like murky water。   
  Who can find repose in a muddy world? 
  By lying still; it bees clear。 
  Who can maintain his calm for long? 
  By activity; it es back to life。   
  He who embraces this Tao 
  Guards against being over…full。 
  Because he guards against being over…full; 
  He is beyond wearing out and renewal。                    
  Attain the utmost in Passivity; 
  Hold firm to the basis of Quietude。   
  The myriad things take shape and rise to activity; 
  But I watch them fall back to their repose。 
  Like vegetation that luxuriantly grows 
  But returns to the root (soil) from which it springs。   
  To return to the root is Repose; 
  It is called going back to one's Destiny。 
  Going back to one's Destiny is to find the Eternal Law。 
  To know the Eternal Law is Enlightenment。 
  And not to know the Eternal Law 
  Is to court disaster。   
  He who knows the Eternal Law is tolerant; 
  Being tolerant; he is impartial; 
  Being impartial; he is kingly; 
  Being kingly; he is in accord with Nature; 
  Being in accord with Nature; he is in accord with Tao; 
  Being in accord with Tao; he is eternal; 
  And his whole life is preserved from harm。 ??         
????Of the best rulers 
????The people (only) know that they exist; 
????The next best the love and praise; 
????The next they fear; 
????And the next they revile。   
????When they do not mand the people's faith; 
????Some will lose faith in them; 
????And then they resort to oaths! 
????But (of the best) when their task is acplished; 
????their work done; 
????The people all remark; 〃We have done it ourselves。〃                    
  On the decline of the great Tao; 
  The doctrine of 〃humanity〃 and 〃justice〃 arose。 
  When knowledge and cleverness appeared; 
  Great hypocrisy followed in its wake。   
  When the six relationships no longer lived at peace; 
  There was (praise of) 〃kind parents〃 and 〃filial sons。〃   
  When a country fell into chaos and misrule; 
  There was (praise of) 〃loyal ministers。〃                    
  Banish wisdom; discard knowledge; 
  And the people shall profit a hundredfold; 
  Banish 〃humanity;〃 discard 〃justice;〃 
  And the people shall recover love of their kin; 
  Banish cunning; discard 〃utility;〃 
  And the thieves and brigands shall disappear。 
  As these three touch the externals and are inadequate; 
  The people have need of what they can depend upon:   
  Reveal thy simple self; 
  Embrace thy original nature; 
  Check thy selfishness; 
  Curtail thy desires。                    
  Banish learning; and vexations end。 
  Between 〃Ah!〃 and 〃Ough!〃 
  How much difference is there? 
  Between 〃good〃 and 〃evil〃 
  How much difference is there?〃 
  That which men fear 
  Is indeed to be feared; 
  But; alas; distant yet is the dawn (of awakening)!   
  The people of the world are merry…making; 
  As if partaking of the sacrificial feasts; 
  As if mounting the terrace in spring; 
  I alone am mild; like one unemployed; 
  Like a new…born babe that cannot yet smile; 
  Unattached; like one without a home。   
  The people of the world have enough and to spare; 
  But I am like one left out; 
  My heart must be that of a fool; 
  Being muddled; nebulous!   
  The vulgar are knowing; luminous; 
  I alone am dull; confused。 
  The vulgar are clever; self…assured; 
  I alone; depressed。 
  Patient as the sea; 
  Adrift; seemingly aimless。   
  The people of the world all have a purpose; 
  I alone appear stubborn and uncouth。 
  I alone differ from the other people; 
  And value drawing sustenance from the Mother。                    
  The marks of great Character 
  Follow alone from the Tao。   
  The thing that is called Tao 
  Is elusive; evasive。 
  Evasive; elusive; 
  Yet latent in it are forms。 
  Elusive; evasive; 
  Yet latent in it are objects。 
  Dark and dim; 
  Yet latent in it is the life…force。 
  The life…force being very true; 
  Latent in it are evidences。   
  From the days of old till now 
  Its Named (manifested forms) have never ceased; 
  By which we may view the Father of All Things。 
  How do I know the shape of the Father of All Things? 
  Through these (manifested forms)!                    
  To yield is to be preserved whole。 
  To be bent is to bee straight。 
  To be hollow is to be filled。 
  To be tattered is to be renewed。 
  To be in want is to possess。 
  To have plenty is to be confused。   
  Therefore the Sage embraces the One; 
  And bees the model of the world。 
  He does not reveal himself; 
  And is therefore luminous。 
  He does not justify himself; 
  And is therefore far…famed。 
  He does not boast of himself; 
  And therefore people give him credit。 
  He does not pride himself; 
  And is therefore the chief among men。   
  Is it not indeed true; as the ancients say; 
  〃To yield is to be preserved whole?〃 
  Thus he is preserved and the world does him homage。                    
  Nature says few words: 
  Hence it is that a squall lasts not a whole morning。 
  A rainstorm continues not a whole day。 
  Where do they e from? 
  From Nature。 
  Even Nature does not last long (in its utterances); 
  How much less should human beings?   
  Therefore it is that: 
  He who follows the Tao is identified with the Tao。 
  He who follows Character (Teh) is identified with 
  He who abandons (Tao) is identified with abandonment (of 
  He who is identified with Tao … 
  Tao is also glad to wele him。 
  He who is identified with character … 
  Character is also glad to wele him。 
  He who is identified with abandonment … 
  Abandonment is also glad t wele him。 
  He who has not enough faith 
  Will not be able to mand faith from others。 ??         
????He who stands on tiptoe does not stand (firm); 
????He who strains his strides does not walk (well); 
????He who reveals himself is not luminous; 
????He who justifies himself is not far…famed; 
????He who boasts of himself is not given credit; 
????He who prides himself is not chief among men。 
????These in the eyes of Tao 
????Are called 〃the dregs and tumors of Virtue;〃 
????Which are things of disgust。 
????Therefore the man of Tao spurns them。                    
  Before the Heaven and Earth existed 
  There was something nebulous: 
  Silent; isolated; 
  Standing alone; changing not; 
  Eternally revolving without fail; 
  Worthy to be the Mother of All Things。 
  I do not know its name 
  And address it as Tao。 
  If forced to give it a name; I shall call it 〃Great。〃 
  Being great implies reaching out in space; 
  Reaching out in space implies far…reaching; 
  Far…reaching implies reversion to the original point。   
  Tao is Great; 
  The Heaven is great; 
  The Earth is great; 
  The King is also great。 
  There are the Great Four in the universe; 
  And the King is one of them。   
  Man mod

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