八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1 >


雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1-第35部分

小说: 雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃For the space of nearly two years we have made you happy。We bear you no grudge for that。 〃Signed: BLACHEVELLE。 FAMUEIL。 LISTOLIER。 FELIX THOLOMYES。
  The dinner is paid for。〃
  The four young women looked at each other。
  Favourite was the first to break the silence。
  〃Well!〃 she exclaimed; 〃it's a very pretty farce; all the same。〃
  〃It is very droll;〃 said Zephine。
  〃That must have been Blachevelle's idea;〃 resumed Favourite。〃It makes me in love with him。
  No sooner is he gone than he is loved。This is an adventure; indeed。〃
  〃No;〃 said Dahlia; 〃it was one of Tholomyes' ideas。
  That is evident。
  〃In that case;〃 retorted Favourite; 〃death to Blachevelle; and long live Tholomyes!〃
  〃Long live Tholomyes!〃 exclaimed Dahlia and Zephine。
  And they burst out laughing。
  Fantine laughed with the rest。
  An hour later; when she had returned to her room; she wept。It was her first love affair; as we have said; she had given herself to this Tholomyes as to a husband; and the poor girl had a child。 

  There was; at Montfermeil; near Paris; during the first quarter of this century; a sort of cook…shop which no longer exists。 This cook…shop was kept by some people named Thenardier; husband and wife。
  It was situated in Boulanger Lane。
  Over the door there was a board nailed flat against the wall。
  Upon this board was painted something which resembled a man carrying another man on his back; the latter wearing the big gilt epaulettes of a general; with large silver stars; red spots represented blood; the rest of the picture consisted of smoke; and probably represented a battle。 Below ran this inscription:
  Nothing is more mon than a cart or a truck at the door of a hostelry。
  Nevertheless; the vehicle; or; to speak more accurately; the fragment of a vehicle; which encumbered the street in front of the cook…shop of the Sergeant of Waterloo; one evening in the spring of 1818; would certainly have attracted; by its mass; the attention of any painter who had passed that way。
  It was the fore…carriage of one of those trucks which are used in wooded tracts of country; and which serve to transport thick planks and the trunks of trees。
  This fore…carriage was posed of a massive iron axle…tree with a pivot; into which was fitted a heavy shaft; and which was supported by two huge wheels。 The whole thing was pact; overwhelming; and misshapen。 It seemed like the gun…carriage of an enormous cannon。
  The ruts of the road had bestowed on the wheels; the fellies; the hub; the axle; and the shaft; a layer of mud; a hideous yellowish daubing hue; tolerably like that with which people are fond of ornamenting cathedrals。 The wood was disappearing under mud; and the iron beneath rust。 Under the axle…tree hung; like drapery; a huge chain; worthy of some Goliath of a convict。
  This chain suggested; not the beams; which it was its office to transport; but the mastodons and mammoths which it might have served to harness; it had the air of the galleys; but of cyclopean and superhuman galleys; and it seemed to have been detached from some monster。
  Homer would have bound Polyphemus with it; and Shakespeare; Caliban。
  Why was that fore…carriage of a truck in that place in the street? In the first place; to encumber the street; next; in order that it might finish the process of rusting。
  There is a throng of institutions in the old social order; which one es across in this fashion as one walks about outdoors; and which have no other reasons for existence than the above。
  The centre of the chain swung very near the ground in the middle; and in the loop; as in the rope of a swing; there were seated and grouped; on that particular evening; in exquisite interlacement; two little girls; one about two years and a half old; the other; eighteen months; the younger in the arms of the other。
  A handkerchief; cleverly knotted about them; prevented their falling out。 A mother had caught sight of that frightful chain; and had said; 〃e! there's a plaything for my children。〃
  The two children; who were dressed prettily and with some elegance; were radiant with pleasure; one would have said that they were two roses amid old iron; their eyes were a triumph; their fresh cheeks were full of laughter。
  One had chestnut hair; the other; brown。 Their innocent faces were two delighted surprises; a blossoming shrub which grew near wafted to the passers…by perfumes which seemed to emanate from them; the child of eighteen months displayed her pretty little bare stomach with the chaste indecency of childhood。 Above and around these two delicate heads; all made of happiness and steeped in light; the gigantic fore…carriage; black with rust; almost terrible; all entangled in curves and wild angles; rose in a vault; like the entrance of a cavern。
  A few paces apart; crouching down upon the threshold of the hostelry; the mother; not a very prepossessing woman; by the way; though touching at that moment; was swinging the two children by means of a long cord; watching them carefully; for fear of accidents; with that animal and celestial expression which is peculiar to maternity。
  At every backward and forward swing the hideous links emitted a strident sound; which resembled a cry of rage; the little girls were in ecstasies; the setting sun mingled in this joy; and nothing could be more charming than this caprice of chance which had made of a chain of Titans the swing of cherubim。
  As she rocked her little ones; the mother hummed in a discordant voice a romance then celebrated:
   〃It must be; said a warrior。〃
   Her song; and the contemplation of her daughters; prevented her hearing and seeing what was going on in the street。
  In the meantime; some one had approached her; as she was beginning the first couplet of the romance; and suddenly she heard a voice saying very near her ear:
  〃You have two beautiful children there; Madame。〃
   〃To the fair and tender Imogene〃
   replied the mother; continuing her romance; then she turned her head。
  A woman stood before her; a few paces distant。
  This woman also had a child; which she carried in her arms。
  She was carrying; in addition; a large carpet…bag; which seemed very heavy。
  This woman's child was one of the most divine creatures that it is possible to behold。
  lt was a girl; two or three years of age。 She could have entered into petition with the two other little ones; so far as the coquetry of her dress was concerned; she wore a cap of fine linen; ribbons on her bodice; and Valenciennes lace on her cap。 The folds of her skirt were raised so as to permit a view of her white; firm; and dimpled leg。
  She was admirably rosy and healthy。 The little beauty inspired a desire to take a bite from the apples of her cheeks。
  Of her eyes nothing could be known; except that they must be very large; and that they had magnificent lashes。 She was asleep。
  She slept with that slumber of absolute confidence peculiar to her age。
  The arms of mothers are made of tenderness; in them children sleep profoundly。
  As for the mother; her appearance was sad and poverty…stricken。 She was dressed like a working…woman who is inclined to turn into a peasant again。
  She was young。
  Was she handsome?
  Perhaps; but in that attire it was not apparent。
  Her hair; a golden lock of which had escaped; seemed very thick; but was severely concealed beneath an ugly; tight; close; nun…like cap; tied under the chin。
  A smile displays beautiful teeth when one has them; but she did not smile。 Her eyes did not seem to have been dry for a very long time。 She was pale; she had a very weary and rather sickly appearance。 She gazed upon her daughter asleep in her arms with the air peculiar to a mother who has nursed her own child。
  A large blue handkerchief; such as the Invalides use; was folded into a fichu; and concealed her figure clumsily。
  Her hands were sunburnt and all dotted with freckles; her forefinger was hardened and lacerated with the needle; she wore a cloak of coarse brown woollen stuff; a linen gown; and coarse shoes。 It was Fantine。
  It was Fantine; but difficult to recognize。
  Nevertheless; on scrutinizing her attentively; it was evident that she still retained her beauty。 A melancholy fold; which resembled the beginning of irony; wrinkled her right cheek。
  As for her toilette; that aerial toilette of muslin and ribbons; which seemed made of mirth; of folly; and of music; full of bells; and perfumed with lilacs had vanished like that beautiful and dazzling hoar…frost which is mistaken for diamonds in the sunlight; it melts and leaves the branch quite black。
  Ten months had elapsed since the 〃pretty farce。〃
  What had taken place during those ten months?
  It can be divined。
  After abandonment; straightened circumstances。
  Fantine had immediately lost sight of Favourite; Zephine and Dahlia; the bond once broken on the side of the men; it was loosed between the women; they would have been greatly astonished had any one told them a fortnight later; that they had been friends; there no longer existed any reason for such a thing。
  Fantine had remained alone。 The father of her child gone;alas! such ruptures are irrevocable; she found herself absolutely isolated; minus the habit of work and plus the taste for pleasure。
  Drawn away by her liaison with Tholomyes to disdain the pretty trade which she knew; she had neglected to keep her market open; it was now closed to her。
  She had no resource。 Fantine barely knew how to read; and did not know how to write; in her childhood she had only been taught to sign her name; she had a public letter…writer indite an epistle to Tholomyes; then a second; then a third。
  Tholomyes replied to none of them。 Fantine heard the gossips say; as they looked at her child: 〃Who takes those children seriously!
  One only shrugs one's shoulders over such children!〃
  Then she thought of Tholomyes; who 

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