八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1 >


雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1-第84部分

小说: 雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1 字数: 每页4000字

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e Constitutional; presented this mutation as a triumph of the priestly party。
  Jean Valjean changed his number in the galleys。
  He was called 9;430。
  However; and we will mention it at once in order that we may not be obliged to recur to the subject; the prosperity of M。 sur M。 vanished with M。 Madeleine; all that he had foreseen during his night of fever and hesitation was realized; lacking him; there actually was a soul lacking。
  After this fall; there took place at M。 sur M。 that egotistical division of great existences which have fallen; that fatal dismemberment of flourishing things which is acplished every day; obscurely; in the human munity; and which history has noted only once; because it occurred after the death of Alexander。 Lieutenants are crowned kings; superintendents improvise manufacturers out of themselves。
  Envious rivalries arose。
  M。 Madeleine's vast workshops were shut; his buildings fell to ruin; his workmen were scattered。
  Some of them quitted the country; others abandoned the trade。
  Thenceforth; everything was done on a small scale; instead of on a grand scale; for lucre instead of the general good。 There was no longer a centre; everywhere there was petition and animosity。
  M。 Madeleine had reigned over all and directed all。 No sooner had he fallen; than each pulled things to himself; the spirit of bat succeeded to the spirit of organization; bitterness to cordiality; hatred of one another to the benevolence of the founder towards all; the threads which M。 Madeleine had set were tangled and broken; the methods were adulterated; the products were debased; confidence was killed; the market diminished; for lack of orders; salaries were reduced; the workshops stood still; bankruptcy arrived。
  And then there was nothing more for the poor。 All had vanished。
  The state itself perceived that some one had been crushed somewhere。 Less than four years after the judgment of the Court of Assizes establishing the identity of Jean Valjean and M。 Madeleine; for the benefit of the galleys; the cost of collecting taxes had doubled in the arrondissement of M。 sur M。; and M。 de Villele called attention to the fact in the rostrum; in the month of February; 1827。

  Before proceeding further; it will be to the purpose to narrate in some detail; a singular occurrence which took place at about the same epoch; in Montfermeil; and which is not lacking in coincidence with certain conjectures of the indictment。
  There exists in the region of Montfermeil a very ancient superstition; which is all the more curious and all the more precious; because a popular superstition in the vicinity of Paris is like an aloe in Siberia。 We are among those who respect everything which is in the nature of a rare plant。
  Here; then; is the superstition of Montfermeil: it is thought that the devil; from time immemorial; has selected the forest as a hiding…place for his treasures。
  Goodwives affirm that it is no rarity to encounter at nightfall; in secluded nooks of the forest; a black man with the air of a carter or a wood…chopper; wearing wooden shoes; clad in trousers and a blouse of linen; and recognizable by the fact; that; instead of a cap or hat; he has two immense horns on his head。
  This ought; in fact; to render him recognizable。
  This man is habitually engaged in digging a hole。 There are three ways of profiting by such an encounter。
  The first is to approach the man and speak to him。
  Then it is seen that the man is simply a peasant; that he appears black because it is nightfall; that he is not digging any hole whatever; but is cutting grass for his cows; and that what had been taken for horns is nothing but a dung…fork which he is carrying on his back; and whose teeth; thanks to the perspective of evening; seemed to spring from his head。 The man returns home and dies within the week。
  The second way is to watch him; to wait until he has dug his hole; until he has filled it and has gone away; then to run with great speed to the trench; to open it once more and to seize the 〃treasure〃 which the black man has necessarily placed there。
  In this case one dies within the month。
  Finally; the last method is not to speak to the black man; not to look at him; and to flee at the best speed of one's legs。 One then dies within the year。
  As all three methods are attended with their special inconveniences; the second; which at all events; presents some advantages; among others that of possessing a treasure; if only for a month; is the one most generally adopted。
  So bold men; who are tempted by every chance; have quite frequently; as we are assured; opened the holes excavated by the black man; and tried to rob the devil。 The success of the operation appears to be but moderate。
  At least; if the tradition is to be believed; and in particular the two enigmatical lines in barbarous Latin; which an evil Norman monk; a bit of a sorcerer; named Tryphon has left on this subject。 This Tryphon is buried at the Abbey of Saint…Georges de Bocherville; near Rouen; and toads spawn on his grave。
  Accordingly; enormous efforts are made。
  Such trenches are ordinarily extremely deep; a man sweats; digs; toils all night for it must be done at night; he wets his shirt; burns out his candle; breaks his mattock; and when he arrives at the bottom of the hole; when he lays his hand on the 〃treasure;〃 what does he find? What is the devil's treasure?
  A sou; sometimes a crown…piece; a stone; a skeleton; a bleeding body; sometimes a spectre folded in four like a sheet of paper in a portfolio; sometimes nothing。 This is what Tryphon's verses seem to announce to the indiscreet and curious:〃Fodit; et in fossa thesauros condit opaca; 
  As; nummas; lapides; cadaver; simulacra; nihilque。〃
  It seems that in our day there is sometimes found a powder…horn with bullets; sometimes an old pack of cards greasy and worn; which has evidently served the devil。
  Tryphon does not record these two finds; since Tryphon lived in the twelfth century; and since the devil does not appear to have had the wit to invent powder before Roger Bacon's time; and cards before the time of Charles VI。
  Moreover; if one plays at cards; one is sure to lose all that one possesses! and as for the powder in the horn; it possesses the property of making your gun burst in your face。
  Now; a very short time after the epoch when it seemed to the prosecuting attorney that the liberated convict Jean Valjean during his flight of several days had been prowling around Montfermeil; it was remarked in that village that a certain old road…laborer; named Boulatruelle; had 〃peculiar ways〃 in the forest。
  People thereabouts thought they knew that this Boulatruelle had been in the galleys。 He was subjected to certain police supervision; and; as he could find work nowhere; the administration employed him at reduced rates as a road…mender on the cross…road from Gagny to Lagny。
  This Boulatruelle was a man who was viewed with disfavor by the inhabitants of the district as too respectful; too humble; too prompt in removing his cap to every one; and trembling and smiling in the presence of the gendarmes;probably affiliated to robber bands; they said; suspected of lying in ambush at verge of copses at nightfall。 The only thing in his favor was that he was a drunkard。
  This is what people thought they had noticed:
  Of late; Boulatruelle had taken to quitting his task of stone…breaking and care of the road at a very early hour; and to betaking himself to the forest with his pickaxe。
  He was encountered towards evening in the most deserted clearings; in the wildest thickets; and he had the appearance of being in search of something; and sometimes he was digging holes。
  The goodwives who passed took him at first for Beelzebub; then they recognized Boulatruelle; and were not in the least reassured thereby。
  These encounters seemed to cause Boulatruelle a lively displeasure。
  It was evident that he sought to hide; and that there was some mystery in what he was doing。
  It was said in the village:
  〃It is clear that the devil has appeared。 Boulatruelle has seen him; and is on the search。
  In sooth; he is cunning enough to pocket Lucifer's hoard。〃
  The Voltairians added; 〃Will Boulatruelle catch the devil; or will the devil catch Boulatruelle?〃
  The old women made a great many signs of the cross。
  In the meantime; Boulatruelle's manoeuvres in the forest ceased; and he resumed his regular occupation of roadmending; and people gossiped of something else。
  Some persons; however; were still curious; surmising that in all this there was probably no fabulous treasure of the legends; but some fine windfall of a more serious and palpable sort than the devil's bank…bills; and that the road…mender had half discovered the secret。
  The most 〃puzzled〃 were the school…master and Thenardier; the proprietor of the tavern; who was everybody's friend; and had not disdained to ally himself with Boulatruelle。
  〃He has been in the galleys;〃 said Thenardier。
  Good God! no one knows who has been there or will be there。〃
  One evening the schoolmaster affirmed that in former times the law would have instituted an inquiry as to what Boulatruelle did in the forest; and that the latter would have been forced to speak; and that he would have been put to the torture in case of need; and that Boulatruelle would not have resisted the water test; for example。
  〃Let us put him to the wine test;〃 said Thenardier。
  They made an effort; and got the old road…mender to drinking。 Boulatruelle drank an enormous amount; but said very little。 He bined with admirable art; and in masterly proportions; the thirst of a gormandizer with the discretion of a judge。 Nevertheless; by dint of returning to the charge and of paring and putting together the few obscure words which he did allow to escape him; this is what Thenardier and the schoolmaster imagined that they had made out:
  One morning; when Boulatruelle was on his way to his work; at daybreak; h

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