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iableness; neither shadow of turning。 Wait on the Lord; be of good courage; and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait; I say; on the LORD。 — It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD。 — Shall not God avenge his own elect; which cry day and night unto him; though he bear long with them? Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him eth my salvation。 My soul; wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him。 SONG 3:1。 Hos。 14:1;2。 Jas。 1:13…17。 Psa。 27:14。 …Lam。 3:26。 …Luke 18:7。 Psa。 62:1;5。
十一月十一日 早课
神领他们稳稳妥妥的(诗78:53)。 我已指教你走智慧的道,引导你行正直的路(箴4:11)。
到我所预备的地方去(出23:20)。他们在一切苦难中,他也同受苦难,并且他面前的使者拯救他们。他以慈爱和怜悯救赎他们,在古时的日子常保抱他们、怀搋他们(赛63:9)。他们不是靠自己的刀剑得地土,也不是靠自己的膀臂得胜,乃是靠你的右手、你的膀臂和你脸上的亮光,因为你喜悦他们(诗44:3)。照样,你也引导你的百姓,要建立自己荣耀的名(赛63:14)。耶和华啊,求你因我的仇敌,凭你的公义引领我,使你的道路在我面前正直(诗5:8)。求你发出你的亮光和真实,好引导我,带我到你的圣山,到你的居所。我就走到 神的祭坛,到我最喜乐的 神那里。 神啊,我的 神!我要弹琴称赞你(诗43:3,4)。 He led them on safely。 I lead in the way of righteousness; in the midst of the paths of judgment。 Behold; I send an Angel before thee; to keep thee in the way; and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared。 — In all their affliction he was afflicted; and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them; and carried them all the days of old。 They got not the land in possession by their own sword; neither did their own arm save them: but thy right hand; and thine arm; and the light of thy countenance; because thou hadst a favour unto them。 — So didst thou lead thy people; to make thyself a glorious name。 Lead me; O LORD; in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face。 — O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill; and to thy tabernacles。 Then will I go unto the altar of God; unto God my exceeding joy: yea; upon the harp will I praise thee; O God my God。 PSA。 78:53。 Prov。 8:20。 Exo。 23:20。 …Isa。 63:9。 Psa。 44:3。 …Isa。 63:14。 Psa。 5:8。 …Psa。 43:3;4。
十一月十一日 晚课
你们已经洗净、成圣、称义了(林前6:11)。 他儿子耶稣的血也洗净我们一切的罪(约壹1:7)。因他受的刑罚,我们得平安,因他受的鞭伤,我们得医治(赛53:5)。基督爱教会,为教会舍己。要用水藉着道把教会洗净,成为圣洁,可以献给自己,作个荣耀的教会,毫无玷污、皱纹等类的病,乃是圣洁没有瑕疵的(弗5:25…27)。就蒙恩得穿光明洁白的细麻衣。这细麻衣就是圣徒所行的义(启19:8)。 我们心中天良的亏欠已经洒去,身体用清水洗净了,就当存着诚心和充足的信心来到 神面前(来10:22)。 谁能控告 神所拣选的人呢?有 神称他们为义了(罗8:33)。 得赦免其过的,这人是有福的。凡心里没有诡诈,耶和华不算为有罪的,这人是有福的(诗32:1,2)。
Ye are washed; 。。。 ye are sanctified; 。。。 ye are justified。
The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin。 — The chas…tisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed。 Christ 。。。 loved the church; and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word; that he might present it to himself a glorious church; not having spot; or wrinkle; or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish。 — To her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen; clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints。 — Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith; having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience; and our bodies washed with pure water。 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth。 — Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven。 Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity; and in whose spirit there is no guile。 I COR。 6:11。 I John 1:7。 …Isa。 53:5。 Eph。 5:25…27。 …Rev。 19:8。 …Heb。 10:22。 Rom。 8:33。 …Psa。 32:1;2。
十一月十二日 早课
依着 神的意思忧愁,就生出没有后悔的懊悔来,以致得救(林后7:10)。 彼得想起耶稣所说的话:鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。他就出去痛哭(太26:75)。我们若认自己的罪, 神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义。他儿子耶稣的血也洗净我们一切的罪(约壹1:9,7)。 我的罪孽追上了我,使我不能昂首。这罪孽比我的头发还多,我就心寒胆战。耶和华啊,求你开恩搭救我;耶和华啊,求你速速帮助我(诗40:12,13)。你当归向你的 神,谨守仁爱、公平,常常等候你的 神(何12:6)。 神所要的祭,就是忧伤的灵。 神啊,忧伤痛悔的心,你必不轻看(诗5l:17)。他医好伤心的人,裹好他们的伤处(诗147:3)。世人哪,耶和华已指示你何为善,他向你所要的是什么呢?只要你行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心,与你的 神同行(弥6:8)。 Godly sorrow worketh repentance not to be repented of。 Peter remembered the word of Jesus; which said unto him; Before the cock crow; thou shalt deny me thrice。 And he went out; and wept bitterly。 — If we confess our sins; he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins; and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness。 — The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin。 Mine iniquities have taken hold upon me; so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of my head: therefore my heart faileth me。 Be pleased; O LORD; to deliver me: O LORD; make haste to help me。
Turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment; and
wait on thy God con…tinually。 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart; O God; thou wilt not despise。 — He healeth the broken in heart; and bindeth up their wounds。 — He hath shewed thee; O man; what is good: and what doth the LORD require of thee; but to do justly; and to love mercy; and to walk humbly with thy God? II COR。 7:10。 Matt。 26:75。 …I John 1:9。 …I John 1:7。 Psa。 40:12;13。 Hos。 12:6。 Psa。 51:17。 …Psa。 147:3。 …Mic。 6:8。
十一月十二日 晚课
你平安吗?……她说:平安(王下4:26)。 有信心(林后4:13)。似乎要受责罚,却是不至丧命的;似乎忧愁,却是常常快乐的;似乎贫穷,却是叫许多人富足的;似乎一无所有,却是样样都有的(林后6:9,10)。 我们四面受敌,却不被困住:心里作难,却不至失望;遭逼迫,却不被丢弃;打倒了,却不至死亡。身上常带着耶稣的死,使耶稣的生也显明在我们身上(林后4:8…10)。所以,我们不丧胆。外体虽然毁坏,内心却一天新似一天。我们这至暂至轻的苦楚,要为我们成就极重无比永远的荣耀。原来我们不是顾念所见的,乃是顾念所不见的,因为所见的是暂时的,所不见的是永远的(林后4:16…18)。亲爱的兄弟啊,我愿你凡事兴盛,身体健壮,正如你的灵魂兴盛一样(约参:2)。 Is it well with thee? And she answered; it is well。 We having the same spirit of faith。 As chastened; and not killed; as sorrowful; yet alway rejoicing; as poor; yet making many rich; as having nothing; and yet possessing all things。 We are troubled on every side; yet not distressed; we are perplexed; but not in despair; persecuted; but not forsaken; cast down; but not destroyed; always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus; that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body。 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish; yet the inward man is renewed day by day。 For our light affliction; which is but for a moment; worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen; but at the things which are not seen。 Beloved; I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health; even as thy soul prospereth。 II KGS。 4:26。 II Cor。 4:13。 II Cor。 6:9;10。 II Cor。 4:8…10;16…18。 III John 2。
十一月十三日 早课
要凭爱心行事,正如基督爱我们,为我们舍了自己,当作馨香的供物和祭物献与 神(弗5:2)。你们蒙了重生,不是由于能坏的种子,乃是由于不能坏的种子,是藉着 神活泼常存的道(彼前l:23)。求你用真理使他们成圣,你的道就是真理(约17:17)。人若不是从水和圣灵生的,就不能进 神的国(约3:5)。他便救了我们,并不是因我们自己所行的义,乃是照他的怜悯,藉着重生的洗和圣灵的更新(多3:5)。主的话将我救活了(诗119:50)。耶和华的律法全备,能苏醒人心;耶和华的法度确定,能使愚人有智慧;耶和华的训词正直,能快活人的心;耶和华的命令清洁,能明亮人的眼目(诗19:7,8)。 Christ loved the church; and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word。 Walk in love; as Christ also hath loved us; and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour。 Being born again; not of corruptible seed; but of incorruptible; by the word of God; which liveth and abideth for ever。 — Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth。 — Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit; he cannot enter into the kingdom of God。 — Not by works of righteousness which we have done; but according to his mercy he saved us; by the washing of regeneration; and renewing of the Holy Ghost。 — Thy word hath quickened me。 The law of the LORD is perfect; converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure; making wise the simple。 The statutes of the LORD are right; rejoicing the heart: the mandment of the LORD is pure; enlightening the eyes。 EPH。 5:25;26。 Eph。 5:2。 I Pet。 1:23。 …John 17:17。 …John 3:5。 …Tit。 3:5。 …Psa。 119:50。 Psa。 19:7;8。
十一月十三日 晚课
我们两下藉着他被一个圣灵所感,得以进到父面前(弗2:18)。 我在他们里面,你在我里面,使他们完完全全地合而为一(约17:23)。你们奉我的名无论求什么,我必成就,叫父因儿子得荣耀。你们若奉我的名求什么,我必成就。我要求父,父就另外赐给你们一位保惠师,叫他永远与你们同在,就是真理的圣灵,乃世人不能接受的。因为不见他,也不认识他;你们却认识他,因他常与你们同在,也要在你们里面(约14:13,14,16,17)。身体只有一个,圣灵只有一个,正如你们蒙召,同有一个指望。一主,一信,一洗,一 神,就是众人的父,超乎众人之上,贯乎众人之中,也住在众人之内(弗4:4…6)。你们祷告的时候要说:我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣(路11:2)。弟兄们,我们既因耶稣的血得以坦然进入至圣所,是藉着他给我们开了一条又新又活的路,就当来到 神面前(来10:19,20,22)。 Through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father。 I in them; and thou in me; that they may be made perfect in one。
Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name; that will I do; that the Father may be glorified in the Son。 If ye shall ask any thing in my name; I will do it。 And I