八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > 圣光日引(中英对照txt版) >



小说: 圣光日引(中英对照txt版) 字数: 每页4000字

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随时随事亲自给你们平安(帖后3:16)。愿耶和华赐福给你,保护你。愿耶和华使他的脸光照你,赐恩给你。愿耶和华向你仰脸,赐你平安(民6:24…26)。  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth; give I unto you。           The world passeth away; and the lust thereof。 — Surely every man walketh in a vain shew: surely they are disquieted in vain: he heapeth up riches。 and knoweth not who shall gather them。 — What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death。  Martha; Martha; thou are careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part; which shall not be taken away from her。 — I would have you without carefulness。  These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace。 In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer: I have overe the world。 — The Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means。 — The LORD bless thee; and keep thee: the LORD make his face shine upon thee; and be gracious unto thee: the LORD lift up his countenance upon thee; and give thee peace。          JOHN 14:27。  I John 2:17。 …Psa。 39:6。 …Rom。 6:21。 Luke 10:41;42。 …I Cor。7:32。 John 16。33。 …II Thes。 3:16。 …Num。 6:24…26。 
五月二十二日  晚课 
  我们的软弱有圣灵帮助(罗8:26)。   保惠师,就是圣灵(约14:26)。岂不知你们的身子就是圣灵的殿么?这圣灵是从 神而来,住在你们里头的(林前6:19)。你们立志行事,都是 神在你们心里运行(腓2:13)。   我们本不晓得当怎样祷告,只是圣灵亲自用说不出来的叹息替我们祷告。鉴察人心的,晓得圣灵的意思,因为圣灵照着神的旨意替圣徒祈求(罗8:26,27)。   他知道我们的本体,思念我们不过是尘土(诗103:14)。压伤的芦苇,他不折断;将残的灯火,他不吹灭(赛42:3)。   你们心灵固然愿意,肉体却软弱了(太26:41)。 耶和华是我的牧者,我必不至缺乏。他使我躺卧在青草地上,领我在可安歇的水边(诗23:l,2)。  The Spirit helpeth our infirmities。           The forter; which is the Holy Ghost。 — What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you; which ye have of God? — It is God which worketh in you。  
 We know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which can not be uttered。 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit; because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God。  He knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust。 — A bruised reed shall he not break; and the smoking flax shall he not quench。  The spirit indeed is willing; but the flesh is weak。   The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want。 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters。          ROM。 8:26。  John 14:26。 …I Cor。 6:19。 …Phi。 2:13。 Rom。 8:26;27。 Psa。 103:14。 …Isa。 42:3。 Matt。 26:41。 Psa。 23:1;2。 
五月二十三日  早课 
  要将这两块宝石安在以弗得的两条肩带上,为以色列人作记念石。亚伦要在两肩上担他们的名子,在耶和华面前作为记念(出28:12)。   这位既是永远常存的,他祭司的职任就长久不更换。凡靠着他进到 神面前的人,他都能拯救到底,因为他是长远活着,替他们祈求(来7:24,25)。那能保守你们不失脚,叫你们无瑕无疵、欢欢喜喜站在他荣耀之前的我们的救主独一的 神(犹24)。 我们既然有一位已经升入高天尊荣的大祭司,就是 神的儿子耶稣,便当持定所承认的道。因我们的大祭司并非不能体恤我们的软弱,他也曾凡事受过试探,与我们一样,只是他没有犯罪。所以我们只管坦然无惧地来到施恩的宝座前(来4:14…16)。耶和华所亲爱的,必同耶和华安然居住,耶和华终日遮庇他,也住在他两肩之中(申33:12)。  Thou shalt put the two stones upon the shoulders of the ephod for stones of memorial unto the children of Israel: and Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord。           Jesus 。。。 because he continueth ever; hath an unchangeable priesthood。 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that e unto God by him; seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them。 — Him that is able to keep you from falling; and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory。                                   Seeing 。。。 that we have a great high priest; that is passed into the heavens; Jesus the Son of God; let us hold fast our profession。 For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are; yet without sin。 Let us therefore e boldly unto the throne of grace。  The beloved of the LORD shall dwell in safety by him: and the LORD shall cover him all the day long; and he shall dwell between his shoulders。          
EXO。 28:12。 Heb。 7:24;25。 …Jude 24。 Heb。 4:14…16。 Deut。 33:12。 
五月二十三日  晚课 
  那夜王睡不着觉(斯6:1)。   你叫我不能闭眼(诗77:4)。谁像耶和华我们的 神呢?……他自己谦卑,观看天上地下的事(诗113:5,6)。   在天上的万军和世上的居民中,他都凭自己的意旨行事(但4:35)。你的道在海中,你的路在大水中,你的脚踪无人知道。人的愤怒要成全你的荣美,人的余怒你要禁止(诗77:19;76:10)。   耶和华的眼目遍察全地,要显大能帮助向他心存诚实的人(代下16:9)。我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱 神的人得益处(罗8:28)。 两个麻雀不是卖一分银子吗?若是你们的父不许,一个也不能掉在地上。就是你们的头发也都被数过了(太10:29,30)。  On that night could not the king sleep。           Thou holdest mine eyes waking。 — Who is like unto the LORD our God; 。。。 who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven; and in the earth!  He doeth according to his will in the army of heaven; and among the inhabitants of the earth。 — Thy way is in the sea; and thy path in the great waters; and thy footsteps are not known。 —  Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain。  The eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth; to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him。 — We know that all things work together for good to them that love God。  Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father。 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered。          ESTH。 6:1。  Psa。 77:4。 …Psa。 113:5;6。 Dan。 4:35。 …Psa。 77:19。 …Psa。 76:10。 II Chr。 16:9。 …Rom。 8:28。 Matt。 10:29;30。 
五月二十四日  早课 
  不要叫 神的圣灵担忧,你们原是受了他的印记,等候得赎的日子来到(弗4:30)。   圣灵的爱(罗15:30)。保惠师,就是圣灵(约14:26)。他们在一切苦难中,他也同受苦难,并且他面前的使者拯救他们。他以慈爱和怜悯救赎他们,在古时的日子常保抱他们、怀搋他们。他们竟悖逆,使主的圣灵担忧;他就转作他们的仇敌,亲自攻击他们(赛63:9,10)。   神将他的灵赐给我们,从此就知道我们是住在他里面,他也住在我们里面(约壹4:13)。你们既然信他,就受了所应许的圣灵为印记。这圣灵是我们得基业的凭据,直等到 神之民被赎(弗1:13,14)。我说:你们当顺着圣灵而行,就不放纵肉体的情欲了。因为情欲和圣灵相争,圣灵和情欲相争,这两个是彼此相敌,使你们不能作所愿意作的(加5:16,17)。 我们的软弱有圣灵帮助(罗8:26)。 
 Grieve not the holy Spirit of God; whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemp…tion。           The love of the Spirit。 — The forter; which is the Holy Ghost。 — In all their affliction he was afflicted; and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them; and carried them all the days of old。 But they rebelled; and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he turned to be their enemy; and he fought against them。  Hereby know we that we dwell in him; and he in us; because he hath given us of his Spirit。 — After that ye believed; ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise; which is the earnest of the inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession。 — This I say then; Walk in the Spirit; and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh。 For the flesh lusteth against the spirit; and the spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would。  The Spirit helpeth our infirmities。          EPH。 4:30。  Rom。 15:30。 …John 14:26。 …Isa。 63:9;10。 I John 4:13。 …Eph。 1:13;14。 …Gal。 5:16;17。 Rom。 8:26。 
五月二十四日  晚课 
  我要回到原处,等他们自觉有罪,寻求我面(何5:15)。   你们的罪孽使你们与 神隔绝,你们的罪恶使他掩面不听你们(赛59:2)。我的良人却已转身走了。……我寻找他,竟寻不见;我呼叫他,他却不回答(歌5:6)。我向他掩面发怒,他却仍然随心背道。我看见他所行的道,也要医治他(赛57:17,18)。这事临到你身上,不是你自招的吗?不是因耶和华你 神引你行路的时候,你离弃他吗(耶2:17)? 于是起来,往他父亲那里去。相离还远,他父亲看见,就动了慈心,跑去抱着他的颈项,连连与他亲嘴(路15:20)。我必医治他们背道的病,甘心爱他们,因为我的怒气向他们转消(何14:4)。我们若认自己的罪, 神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义(约壹1:9)。  I will go and return to my place; till they acknowledge their offence; and seek my face。           Your iniquities have separated between you and your God; your sins have hid his face from you。 — My beloved had withdrawn himself; and was gone: 。。。 I sought him; but I could not find him; I called him; but he gave me no answer。 — I hid me; and was wroth; and he went on forwardly in the way of his heart。 I have seen his ways; and will heal him。 — Hast thou not procured this unto thyself; in that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God when he led thee by the way? 
 He arose; and came to his father。 But when he was yet a great way off; his father saw him; and had passion; and ran; and fell on his neck; and kissed him。 — I will heal their backsliding;  I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away。  If we confess our sins; he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins; and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness。          HOS。 5:15。  Isa。 59:2。 …Song 5:6。 …Isa 57:17;18。 …Jer。 2:17。 Luke 15:20。 …Hos。 14:4。 I John 1:9。 
五月二十五日  早课 
  敬畏你、投靠你的人,你为他们所积存的,是何等大呢(诗31:19)!   从古以来人未曾听见、未曾耳闻、未曾眼见在你以外有什么神为等候他的人行事(赛64:4)。 神为爱他的人所预备的,是眼睛未曾看见,耳朵未曾听见,人心也未曾想到的。只有 神藉着圣灵向我们显明了(林前2:9,10)。你必将生命的道路指示我。在你面前有满足的喜乐,在你右手中有永远的福乐(诗16:11)。   神啊,你的慈爱何其宝贵!世人投靠在你翅膀的荫下。他们必因你殿里的肥甘得以饱足,你也必叫他们喝你乐河的水(诗36:7,8)。 惟独敬虔,凡事都有益处,因有今生和来生的应许(提前4:8)。  How great is thy goodness; which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee!          Since the beginning of the world men have not heard; nor perceived by the ear; neither hath the eye seen; O God; beside thee; what he h

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