八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > 圣光日引(中英对照txt版) >



小说: 圣光日引(中英对照txt版) 字数: 每页4000字

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of the circumcision for the truth of God; to confirm the promises made unto the fathers。 — In whom also ye are cir…cumcised with the circumcision made without hands; in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ。 — You; being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh; hath he quickened together with him; having forgiven you all trespasses。 Put off concerning the former conversation the old man; which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and 。。。 put on the new man; which after God is created in righteousness。 ROM。 3:1。  Rom。 3:2。 …Jer。 4:4。 …Lev。 26:41;42。 Rom。 15:8。 …Col。 2:11。 …Col。 2:13。 Eph。 4:22…24。 
七月二十一日  晚课 
  殿里的幔子从上到下裂为两半(太27:51)。   主耶稣被卖的那一夜,拿起饼来,祝谢了,就擘开,说:这是我的身体,为你们舍的。你们应当如此行,为的是记念我(林前11:23,24)。我所要赐的粮,就是我的肉,为世人之生命所赐的(约6:51)。   你们若不吃人子的肉,不喝人子的血,就没有生命在你们里面。吃我肉喝我血的人就有永生,……吃我肉喝我血的人常在我里面,我也常在他里面。永活的父怎样差我采,我又因父活着;照样,吃我肉的人也要因我活着。这话叫你们厌弃吗?倘或你们看见人子升到他原来所在之处,怎么样呢?叫人活着的乃是灵,肉体是无益的(约6:53,54,56,57,61…63)。 是藉着他给我们开了一条又新、又活的路从幔子经过,这幔子就是他的身体。……来到 神面前(来10:20,22)。 The veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom。          The Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: and when he had given thanks; he brake it; and said; Take; eat: this is my body; which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me。 — The bread that I will give is my flesh; which I will give for the life of the world。 
Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man; and drink his blood; ye have no life in you。 Whoso eateth my flesh; and drinketh my blood; hath eternal life。 He that eateth my flesh; and drinketh my blood; dwelleth in me; and I in him。 As the living Father hath sent me; and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me; even he shall live by me。 Doth this offend you? What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing。  A new and living way; which he hath consecrated for us; through the veil; that is to say; his flesh; let us draw near。 MATT。 27:51。  I Cor。 11:23;24。 …John 6:51。 John 6:53;54;56;57;61…63。 Heb。 10:20;22。 
七月二十二日  早课 
  他死是向罪死了,只有一次;他活是向 神活着(罗6:10)。 他被列在罪犯之中(赛53:12)。基督一次被献,担当了多人的罪(来9:28)。他被挂在木头上,亲身担当了我们的罪,使我们既然在罪上死,就得以在义上活(彼前2:24)。他一次献祭,便叫那得以成圣的人永远完全(来10:14)。这位既是永远常存的,他祭司的职任就长久不更换。凡靠着他进到 神面前的人,他都能拯救到底,因为他是长远活着,替他们祈求(来7:24,25)。惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死。现在我们既靠着他的血称义,就更要藉着他免去 神的忿怒(罗5:8,9)。基督既在肉身受苦,你们也当将这样的心志作为兵器,因为在肉身受过苦的,就已经与罪断绝了。你们存这样的心,从今以后就可以不从人的情欲,只从 神的旨意在世度余下的光阴(彼前4:1,2)。 In that he died; he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth; he liveth unto God。    He was numbered with the transgressors。 — Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many。 — Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree; that we; being dead to sins; should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed。 — By one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified。 This man; because he continueth ever; hath an unchangeable priesthood。 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that e unto God by him; seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them。 — While we were yet sinners Christ died for us。 Much more then; being now justified by his blood; we shall be saved from wrath through him。 Forasmuch 。。。 as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh; arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men; but to the will of God。          ROM。 6:10。  Isa。 53:12。 …Heb。 9:28。 I Pet。 2:24。 …Heb。 10:14。 Heb。 7:24;25。 …Rom。 5:8;9。 I Pet。 4:1;2。 
七月二十二日  晚课 
  保守自己常在 神的爱中(犹21)。 
的,我也常在他里面,这人就多结果子;因为离了我,你们就不能作什么(约15:4,5)。圣灵所结的果子就是仁爱(加5:22)。你们多结果子,我父就因此得荣耀,你们也就是我的门徒了。我爱你们,正如父爱我一样,你们要常在我的爱里。你们若遵守我的命令,就常在我的爱里;正如我遵守了我父的命令,常在他的爱里(约15:8…10)。凡遵守主道的,爱 神的心在他里面实在是完全的(约壹2:5)。 你们要彼此相爱,像我爱你们一样,这就是我的命令(约15:12)。惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死, 神的爱就在此向我们显明了(罗5:8)。 神就是爱,住在爱里面的,就是住在 神里面, 神也住在他里面(约壹4:16)。 Keep yourselves in the love of God。          Abide in me; and I in you。 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself; except it abide in the vine; no more can ye; except ye abide in me。 I am the vine; ye are the branches: He that abideth in me; and I in him; the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing。          The fruit of the Spirit is love。 Herein is my Father glorified; that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples。 As the Father hath loved me; so have I loved you: continue ye in my love。 If ye keep my mandments; ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's mandments; and abide in his love。 — Whoso keepeth his word; in him verily is the love of God perfected。 This is my mandment; That ye love one another; as I have loved you。 — God mendeth his love toward us; in that; while we were yet sinners; Christ died for us。 — God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God; and God in him。 JUDE 21。  John 15:4;5。 Gal。 5:22。 John 15:8…10。 …I John 2:5。 John 15:12。 …Rom。 5:8。 …I John 4:16。 
七月二十三日  早课 
  主已经近了(腓4:5)。   但那日子、那时辰,没有人知道,连天上的使者也不知道,子也不知道,惟有父知道。你们要谨慎,儆醒祈祷,因为你们不晓得那日期几时来到。我对你们所说的话,也是对众人说:要儆醒(可13:32,33,37)。主所应许的尚未成就,有人以为他是耽延,其实不是耽延,乃是宽容你们,不愿有一人沉沦,乃愿人人都悔改(彼后3:9)。主来的日子近了。审判的主站在门前了(雅5:8,9)。我必快来(启22:20)。   这一切既然都要如此销化,你们为人该当怎样圣洁、怎样敬虔(彼后3:11)。 万物的结局近了,所以你们要谨慎自守,儆醒祷告(彼前4:7)。你们腰里要束上带,灯也要点着。自己好像仆人等候主人从婚姻的筵席上回来。他来到叩门,就立刻给他开门(路12:35,36)。 Then eth the end。          Of that day and that hour knoweth no man; no; not the angels which are in heaven; neither the Son; but the Father。 Take ye heed; watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is。 And what I say unto you I say unto all; Watch。 — The Lord is not slack concerning his promise; as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us…ward; not willing that any should perish; but that all should e to repentance。 — The ing of the Lord draweth nigh。 The judge standeth before the door。 — Surely I e quickly。 Seeing 。。。 that all these things shall be dissolved; what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness? The end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober; and watch unto prayer。 — Let your loins be girded about; and your lights burning; and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord; when he will return from the wedding; that when he eth and knocketh; they may open unto him immediately。          I COR。 15:24。  Matt。 13:32;33;37。 …II Pet。 3:9。 …Jas。 5:8;9。 …Rev。 22:20。 II Pet。 3:11。 I Pet。 4:7。 …Luke 12:35;36。 
七月二十三日  晚课 
  请弟兄们为我们祷告(帖前5:25)。   你们中间有病了的呢,他就该请教会的长老来,他们可以奉主的名为他祷告。出于信心的祈祷要救那病人,主必叫他起来, ……你们要互相代求,使你们可以得医治。义人祈祷所发的力量是大有功效的。以利亚与我们是一样性情的人,他恳切祷告,求不要下雨,雨就三年零六个月不下在地上。他又祷告,天就降下雨来,地也生出土产(雅5:14…18)。   靠着圣灵,随时多方祷告祈求,并要在此儆醒不倦,为众圣徒祈求(弗6:18)。 我怎样不住的提到你们(罗1:9)。他在祷告之间,常为你们竭力地祈求,愿你们在 神一切的旨意上得以完全,信心充足,能站立得稳(西4:12)。 Brethren; pray for us。          Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him。 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick; and the Lord shall raise him up。 Pray one for another; that ye may be healed。 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much。 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are; and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months。 And he prayed again; and the heaven gave rain; and the earth brought forth her fruit。 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit; and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints。 
Without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers。 — Always labouring fervently for you in prayers; 
that ye may stand perfect and plete in all the will of God。          I THES。 5:25。  Jas。 5:14…18。 Eph。 6:18。 Rom。 1:9。 …Col。 4:12。 
七月二十四日  早课 
  在患难中要忍耐(罗12:12)。   这是出于耶和华,愿他凭自己的意旨而行(撒上3:18)。我虽有义,也不回答他,只要向那审判我的恳求(伯9:15)。赏赐的是耶和华,收取的也是耶和华;耶和华的名是应当称颂的(伯l:21)。嗳!难道我们从 神手里得福,不也受祸吗(伯2:10)。   耶稣哭了(约11:35)。他多受痛苦,常经忧患。他诚然担当我们的忧患,背负我们的痛苦(赛53:3,4)。 主所爱的,他必管教,又鞭打凡所收纳的儿子(来12:6)。凡管教的事,当时不觉得快乐,反觉得愁苦,后来却为那经练过的人结出平安的果子,就是义(来12:11)。照他荣耀的权能,得以在各样的力上加力,好叫你们凡事欢欢喜喜的忍耐宽容(西l:11)。在世上你们有苦难,但你们可以放心,我已经胜了世界(约16:33)。 Patient in tribulation。 It is the LORD: let him do what seemeth him good。 — Whom; though I were righteous; yet would I not answer; but I would make supplication to my judge。 — The LORD gave; and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD。 — What? shall we receive good at the hand of God; and shall we not receive evil? Jesus w

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