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ding。 — The wisdom that is from above。 — The depth saith; It is not in me: and the sea saith; It is not with me。 — We are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father; even so we also should walk in newness of life。 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death; we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection。 Let us lay aside every weight; and the sin which doth so easily beset us; and let us run with patience the race that is set before us。 — God 。。。 hath quick…ened us together with Christ; 。。。 and hath raised us up together; and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus。 They that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country。 — Seek ye the LORD; all ye meek of the earth; which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness; seek meekness。 COL。 3:1。 Prov。 4:5。 …Jas。 3:17。 …Job 28:14。 …Rom。 6:4;5。 Heb。 12:1。 …Eph。 2:4…6。 Heb。 11:14。 …Zeph。 2:3。
七月三十日 晚课
尼哥底母,就是从前去见耶稣的(约7:50)。 彼得远远地跟着耶稣(太26:58)。官长中却有好些信他的,只因法利赛人的缘故,就不承认,恐怕被赶出会堂。这是因他们爱人的荣耀过于爱 神的荣耀(约12:42,43)。惧怕人的,陷入网罗,惟有倚靠耶和华的,必得安稳(箴29:25)。 到我这里来的,我总不丢弃他(约6:37)。压伤的芦苇,他不折断;将残的灯火,他不吹灭(赛42:3)。信心像一粒芥菜种(太17:20)。 神赐给我们不是胆怯的心,乃是刚强、仁爱、谨守的心。你不要以给我们的主作见证为耻(提后1:7,8)。小子们哪,你们要住在主里面。这样,他若显现,我们就可以坦然无惧;当他来的时候,在他面前也不至于惭愧(约壹2:28)。凡在人面前认我的,我在我天上的父面前也必认他(太10:32)。 Nicodemus 。。。 he that came to Jesus by night。 Peter followed him afar off。 — Among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him; lest they should be put out of the synagogue: for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God。 — The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe。 Him that eth to me I will in no wise cast out。 — A bruised reed shall he not break; and the smoking flax shall he not quench。 — Faith as a grain of mustard seed。
God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power; and
of love; and of a sound mind。 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord。 — Little children; abide in him; that; when he shall appear; we may have con…fidence; and not be ashamed before him at his ing。 — Whosoever 。。。 shall confess me before men; him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven。 JOHN 7:50。 Matt。 26:58。 …John 12:42;43。 …Prov。 29:25。 John 6:37。 …Isa。 42:3。 …Matt。 17:20。 II Tim。 1:7;8。 …I John 2:28。 …Matt。 10:32。
七月三十一日 早课
你要和我同受苦难,好像基督耶稣的精兵(提后2:3)。 我已立他作万民的见证,为万民的君王和司令(赛55:4)。 原来那为万物所属、为万物所本的,要领许多的儿子进荣耀里去,使救他们的元帅因受苦难得以完全,本是合宜的(来2:10)。我们进入 神的国,必须经历许多艰难(徒14:22)。 我们并不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。所以,要拿起 神所赐的全副军装(弗6:12,13)。我们不凭着血气争战。我们争战的兵器,本不是属血气的,乃是在 神面前有能力,可以攻破坚固的营垒(林后10:3,4)。 那赐诸般恩典的 神曾在基督里召你们,得享他永远的荣耀,等你们暂受苦难之后,必要亲自成全你们,坚固你们,赐力量给你们(彼前5:10)。 Endure hardness; as a good soldier of Jesus Christ。 I have given him for a witness to the people; a leader and a mander to the people。 — It became him; for whom are all things and by whom are all things; in bringing many sons unto glory; to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering。 — We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God。 We wrestle not against flesh and blood; but against principalities; against powers; against the rulers of the darkness of this world; against spiritual wickedness in high places。 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God。 — We do not war after the flesh: (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal; but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds。) The God of all grace; who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus; after that ye have suffered a while; make you perfect; stablish; strengthen; settle you。 II TIM。 2:3。 Isa。 55:4。 …Heb。 2:10。 …Acts 14:22。 Eph。 6:12;13。 …II Cor。 10:3;4。 I Pet。 5:10。
七月三十一日 晚课
身体只有一个,圣灵只有一个。我们两下藉着他被一个圣灵所感,得以进到父面前。这样,你们不再作外人和客旅,是与圣徒同国,是 神家里的人了。并且被建造在使徒和先知的根基上,有基督耶稣自己为房角石,各房靠他联络得合式,渐渐成为主的圣殿。你们也靠他同被建造,成为 神藉着圣灵居住的所在(弗4:4;2:18…22)。 看哪,弟兄和睦同居,是何等地善,何等地美!这好比那贵重的油浇在亚伦的头上,流到胡须,又流到他的衣襟(诗133:1,2)。 你们既因顺从真理,洁净了自己的心,以致爱弟兄没有虚假,就当从心里彼此切实相爱(彼前1:22)。 The unity of the Spirit。 There is one body; and one Spirit。 — Through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father。 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners; but fellow…citizens with the saints and of the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets; Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone; in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: in whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit。 Behold; how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down upon the beard; even Aaron's beard; that went down to the skirts of his garments。 Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren; see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently。 EPH。 4:3。 Eph。 4:4。 …Eph。 2:18…22。 Psa。 133:1;2。 I Pet。 1:22。
八月一日 早课
圣灵所结的果子,就是信实(加5:22)。 你们得救是本乎恩,也因着信。这并不是出于自己,乃是神所赐的(弗2:8)。人非有信,就不能得 神的喜悦(来1l:6)。信他的人,不被定罪;不信的人,罪已经定了,因为他不信 神独生子的名(约3:18)。我信!但我信不足,求主帮助(可9:24)!凡遵守主道的,爱 神的心在他里面实在是完全的(约壹2:5)。惟独使人生发仁爱的信心才有功效(加5:6)。没有行为的信心是死的(雅2:20)。我们行事为人是凭着信心,不是凭着眼见(林后5:7)。我已经与基督同钉十字架,现在活着的不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着;并且我如今在肉身活着,是因信 神的儿子而活,他是爱我,为我舍己(加2:20)。你们虽然没有见过他,却是爱他。如今虽不得看见,却因信他就有说不出来、满有荣光的大喜乐,并且得着你们信心的果效,就是灵魂的救恩(彼前l:8,9)。 The fruit of the Spirit is 。。。 faith。
By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God。 — Without faith it is impossible to please him。 — He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already; because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God。 — Lord; I believe; help thou
mine unbelief。 Whoso keepeth his word; in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him。 — Faith worketh by love。 — Faith without works is dead。 We walk by faith; not by sight。 — I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I; but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God; who loved me; and gave himself for me。 — Whom having not seen; ye love; in whom; though now ye see him not; yet believing; ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory; receiving the end of your faith; even the salvation of your souls。 GAL。 5:22。 Eph。 2:8。 …Heb。 11:6。 …John 3:18。 …Mark。 9:24。 I John 2:5。 …Gal。 5:6。 …Jas。 2:20。 II Cor。 5:7。 …Gal。 2:20。 …I Pet。 1:8;9。
八月一日 晚课
主是满心怜悯,大有慈悲(雅5:11)。 父亲怎样怜恤他的儿女,耶和华也怎样怜恤敬畏他的人(诗103:13)。耶和华有恩惠,有怜悯。他必永远记念他的约(诗111:4,5)。保护你的必不打盹。保护以色列的,也不打盹也不睡觉(诗121:3,4)。如鹰搅动巢窝,在雏鹰以上两翅扇展,接取雏鹰,背在两翼之上。这样,耶和华独自引导他,并无外邦 神与他同在(申32:11,12)。他的怜悯不至断绝。每早晨这都是新的。你的诚实极其广大(耶哀3:22,23)!耶稣出来,见有许多的人,就怜悯他们,治好了他们的病人(太14:14)。耶稣基督昨日今日一直到永远,是一样的(来13:8)。就是你们的头发也都被数过了。两个麻雀不是卖一分银子吗?若是你们的父不许,一个也不能掉在地上。所以,不要惧怕(太10:30,29,31)。 The Lord is very pitiful; and of tender mercy。 Like as a father pitieth his children; so the LORD pitieth them that fear him。 — The LORD is gracious and full of passion。 He will ever be mindful of his covenant。 He that keepeth thee will not slumber。 Behold; he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep。 — As an eagle stirreth up her nest; fluttereth over her young; spreadeth abroad her wings; taketh them; beareth them on her wings: so the LORD alone did lead him; and there was no strange god with him。 His passions fail not。 They are new every morning: great is thy faith…fulness。 Jesus went forth; and saw a great multitude; and was moved with pas…sion toward them; and he healed their sick。 — The same yesterday; and today; and forever。 The very hairs of your head are all numbered。 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father。 Fear ye not therefore。 JAS。 5:11。 Psa。 103:13。 …Psa。 111:4;5。 Psa。 121:3;4。 …Deut。 32:11;12。 Lam。 3:22;23。 Matt。 14:14。 …Heb。 13:8。 Matt。 10:30;29;31。
八月二日 早课
从创世以来,被杀之羔羊(启13:8)。 要无残疾、一岁的公羊羔。要在黄昏的时候,以色列全会众把羊羔宰了。各家要取点血,涂在吃羊羔的房屋左右的门框上和门楣上。我一见这血,就越过你们去(出12:5…7,13)。所洒的血(来12:24)。我们逾越节的羔羊基督,已经被杀献祭了(林前5:7)。他按着 神的定旨先见被交与人(徒2:23)。是按他的旨意和恩典。这恩典是万古之先在基督耶稣里赐给我们的(提后1:9)。我们藉这爱子的血得蒙救赎,过犯得以赦免(弗l:7)。基督既在肉身受苦,你们也当将这样的心志作为兵器,因为在肉身受过苦的,就已经与罪断绝了。你们存这样的心,从今以后就可以不从人的情欲,只从 神的旨意在世度余下的光阴(彼前4:1,2)。 The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world。 Your lamb shall be without blemish; 。。。 and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall ki