八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 新东方白易礼语法笔记 >



小说: 新东方白易礼语法笔记 字数: 每页4000字

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  a。 did; set     b。 had done; should be set     c。 do; be set     d。 had done; must be set6。 Mother suggested that I ___ my homework first before watching TV。
  a。 did    b。 do   c。 shall do    d。 have done7。 My suggestion was that the meeting ____ off till next week。
  a。 to put    b。 be put    c。 should put   d。 be putting8。 The suggestion has been made ___the basketball game ___ put off。
  a。 for; to    b。 that; be    c。 which; should be     d。 to; being9。 The mander ordered that the wounded ___ to hospital right away。
  a。 to be sent   b。 be sent    c。 send     d。 should send10。 The order came that the medical suppliers ____ to the village without delay。
  a。 would be sent    b。 should send     c。 be sent    d。 must be sent11。 They requested that he ____ on the radio
  a。 spoke    b。 speaks    c。 speak     d。 would speak12。 It is important that we ___ wild animals。
  a。 will protect   b。 should protect    c。 shall protect    d。 are protecting13。 It is necessary that the problem ____ at once。
  a。 solves     b。 should solve    c。 should be solved   d。 will be solved14。 It is strange that he ____ interest in much of his research。
  a。 should have lost   b。 would lose   c。 had lost    d。 will lose15。 Had you listened to the doctor; you ___ all right now。
  a。 are   b。 were   c。 would be  d。 would have been16。 ___ I be free tomorrow; I could go with you。
  a。 Could    b。 Should    c。 Might    d。 Must17。 ___ to do the work; I should do it some other way。
  a。 If were I  B。 I were   c。 Were I   d。 Was I18。 ___ today; he would get there by Friday。
  a。 Would he leave    b。 Was he leaving    c。 Were he to leave   d。 If he leave19。 ____ your letter; I would have written back two days ago。
  a。 If I received    b。 Should I receive    c。 Had I received    d。 If I could have received20。 ____; he would have passed the exam。
  a。 If he were to study       b。 If he studied hard
  c。 Had he studied hard      d。 Should he study hard21。 Should it rain; the crops ___。
  a。 would be saved   b。 would have been saved   c。 will be saved   d。 had been saved22。 You ___ earlier。 The bus left a moment ago。
  a。 would e     b。 should have e      c。 may e       d。 have e23。 He treated me as though ___ his own son。
  a。 I am     b。 I would be    c。 I was     d。 I were24。 He smiled as if he ____ my thought。
  a。 read   b。 was reading    c。 had read    d。 has read25。 I ____ you some money; but I hadn’t any on me then。
  a。 would lend    b。 would have lent     c。 could lend     d。 may have lent26。 He talks as if he ____。a。 knows all about it  b。 has known all about it  c。 knew all about it  d。 knowing all about it27。 “Have you ever been to Beijing?”  “No; but I wish I ___。”
  a。 have      b。 will         c。 do         d。 had28。 Where is Xiao Zhang? I wish I ____ him at once。
  a。 can find    b。 will find     c。 could find   d。 could have found29。 I wish I ___ there then。
  a。 was       b。 were        c。 had been    d。 would be30。 It is time we ___ to bed。
  a。 must go    b。 will go      c。 went       d。 have gone31。 If I ____ you; I would try again。
  a。 am        b。 was         c。 were       d。 be32。 _____; all the students would hear。
  a。 If the teacher had spoken louder        b。 If the teacher will speak louder
  c。 Had the teacher spoken louder         d。 If the teacher spoke louder33。 What should we do if it ____ tomorrow?
  a。 should snow   b。 would snow   c。 snow    d。 will snow34。 If you _____ 5 minutes earlier; you _____ him。
  a。 should e; had seen    b。 came; would see
  c。 e; will see          ?d。 had e; would have seen35。 If only I ____ my watch。
  a。 hadn’t lost    b。 haven’t lost     c。 didn’t lose    d。 don’t lose36。 You _____ such a serious mistake if you had followed his advice。
  a。 may not make             b。 might have not madec。 shouldn’t have made        d。 might not have made37。 He ____ the test; but he wasn’t careful enough。
  a。 could have passed  b。 were able to pass  c。 must have passed  d。 might be able to pass38。 We ____ the work on time without your help。
  a。 hadn’t finished  b。 didn’t have finished  c。 couldn’t have finished  d。 can’t have finished39。 If you ____ at school; you _____ a college student now。
  a。 had studied hard; would have been      b。 should have studied hard; should have been
  c。 had studied hard; would be            d。 would study hard; must have been40。 If only I ____ as young as you are!
  a。 being       b。 am       c。 be       d。 were
  二、改错1。 I wish that it is true。答案:is 改为were2。 The doctor suggests that she will not smoke。答案:will 改为should; 或去掉will3。 She insists that they must give her a receipt。答案:must 改为should; 或去掉must4。 Bill wished that he is more interested in his work。答案:is改为were5。 He would be a good sportsman now if he trained regularly。答案:trained 前面加上had6。 I wish that somebody teaches me to sew。答案:teaches 改为taught7。 I wish that you saw the charming opera yesterday。答案:saw 改为had seen8。 This is not my dictionary。 If it is mine I will lend it to you。答案:第二句话改为If it were mine I would lend it to you。9。 If my watch were not slow yesterday; I would not have been late。答案:were not 改为 had not been10。 If she had worked hard enough; she would pass the English exam。答案:would pass 改为would have passed11。 If we could finish our work a little earlier today; we shall go to see the film。答案:shall 改为should12。 What would be happened; if there were no sun; air or water?答案:be happened 改为happen13。 Should the weather fine; we might go on a trip。答案:fine 前面加上be14。 If it were not rain tomorrow; they might went to the Great Wall。答案:rain 前面加上to; went 改为go15。 Long lives our motherland!答案:lives 改为live
  七、非谓语动词Hello; everyone。 请看下面的翻译练习:1、我喜欢做饭。“ I like cooking。 ”
  本句中,“like”(喜欢)是谓语。“cooking”(做饭)是宾语,用动名词形式。又如:“ He likes cooking。 ”在英语中。谓语动词经常随着主语的人称、数而变化,但动名词作宾语时是不变的。2、对我来说,学英语不容易。“ It' s not easy for me to learn English。”3、从太空看,地球是个蓝色的球体。 “Seen from the space; the earth is a blue sphere。”
  请比较这些句子的中英文。在这几个汉语句子中,做饭、学英语、从太空看分别作句子的宾语、主语和状语,但是其动词形式“做”、“学”、“看”没有变化。而在这几句英语中,“做饭”变成了cooking; “学”变成了to learn,“看”变成了seen。 动词形式发生了变化,而且必须发生变化,因为这些句子有另外的谓语动词。因此这些动词叫做“非谓语动词”,又叫“非限定性动词”;他们没有人称和数的变化。这是英汉动词的巨大差别,也是中国人学英语的一个难点,同时也是在使用英语时容易犯错误的地方。需要特别注意的是:英语的单句一般只有而且必须有一个主谓结构,即一个谓语,如果单句中出现了另外的动词,这些动词就要改变形式。
  以上英语句子中cooking; to learn; seen 等具有动词特征,但是在句子中不能作谓语的动词形式,就叫动词的非谓语形式,也叫非谓语动词。
  我们再比较 “I like cooking。” 与 “He likes cooking。”这两句话主语不同,谓语动词like形式变了,但意义没有变化。而cooking 没有任何变化。再看 “It is not easy for me to learn English。” 和 “It is not easy for him to learn English。” “对我”for me; “对他”for him之后的 “to learn”没有任何变化。可以看出,非谓语动词是不随人称和数的变化而变化的,它们不受人称和数的限定,所以又叫“非限定动词”。
  (1)动词不定式:to study (to + 动词原形)
  (2)分词:studying (现在分词)、studied (过去分词)
  (3)动名词:studying (形式与现在分词相同)
  形态主动被动动词不定式一般To writeTo be written
  进行To be writing
  完成To have writtenTo have been written
  完成进行To have been writing
  现在分词和动名词一般WritingBeing written
  完成Having writtenHaving been written
  written一、一、 动词不定式其形式是“to+动词原形”。 to是不定式符号,无词义。其否定式是在to前面加上not; never等否定词。 不定式可以有自己的逻辑主语,由for引出,加在不定式短语前面。
  如果不定式逻辑上的主语是这个不定式所表示的动作的承受者,这个不定式一般要用被动语态。疑问词(who; whom; whose; what; which; when; where; why; how还包括whether)等后面加不定式构成不定式短语,可做主语,表语,宾语等。(一)作主语。 在不定式短语作主语的句子中,往往用 it 作形式主语,而不把不定式短语放在句子的后面。如:To die like that is a terrible thing。=It is a terrible thing to die like that。象那样死去是一件可怕的事。( it 作形式主语,把真正的主语to die like that放在后面)To know oneself is difficult。=It’s difficult to know oneself。有自知之明不容易。To tell a lie is not always easy。= It’s not always easy to tell a lie。撒谎并非总是容易。Never to offend anyone is my principle。     永远不得罪任何人就是我的原则。It’s against nature to remain single。         保持单身是违反自然的。To see is to believe。                     ??眼见为实。For a dog to die like that is a terrible thing。 = It is a terrible thing for a dog to die like that。一条狗象那样死去是一件可怕的事。(for a dog是不定式的主语)For one to know everything is impossible。= It’s impossible for one to know everything。一个人什么都知道是不可能的。For his brother John to go to sea seems natural。= It seems natural for his brother John to go to sea。   他兄弟John去当水手是很自然的事。It’ll be a great shame for you to forget her。       你要是把她忘了,那可太不应该了。It’s not proper for us not to accept the invitation。  我们不接受邀请不合适。(否定)It has not yet been decided when and where to discuss her resignation。 何时何地讨论她的辞职还没定。但是,下列形容词做表语时,不定式的逻辑主语由 of 引出:careless粗心的,clever聪明的,cruel残忍的,foolish愚蠢的,good好的,kind好心的 ,naughty淘气的,nice好的,polite礼貌的,right正确的,rude无礼的 ,sil

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