八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 新东方白易礼语法笔记 >



小说: 新东方白易礼语法笔记 字数: 每页4000字

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  With the boy leading the way; we found his house with no difficulty。由这孩子领路,我们毫不费劲地找到他的家。
  With him to give us a lead; our team is bound to turn out well。有他给我们带头,我们对一定能搞好。
  1、指出下列句子中的独立主格结构:1) My work having been finished; I went home。…My work having been finished2)The woman sat smiling; surrounded by her flowers; a faraway look in her eyes。
  …A faraway look in her eyes3) My watch having been lost; I didn' t know what time it was。
  …My watch having been lost4) He came into the room; his face red with cold。
  … his face red with cold5) There an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair alone; head bowed; her back to most of the others。
  … Head bowed。 her back to mast of the others6) A man came in; his face hidden by an upturned coat collar and a cap pulled law over his brow。
  … His face hidden by an upturned……。
  2、 用独立主格结构改正下列句子:1) Being cold; he put on his overcoat。…It being cold; …2) Being no bus; we had to walk home。… There being no bus; 。。。3) Getting colder; same birds are flying away to the south。… It getting colder; 。。。4) Being ill; Mr。 Li taught the lesson in place of Mr。 Wang。… Mr。 Wang being ill; Mr。 Li taught。。5) Asia is the largest continent; being about 43 million square kilometer。……,its size (area) being about 43…。
  3、 用独立主格结构将括号内的汉语译成英语填空:1)Bing Bing entered the room; _____ (手里拿着一个大苹果)。 (with) a big apple in his hand。2)  _____(下课了),the children ran out of the class room。
  …The class being over3) The little girl waited at the bus stop for a long time; _____(鼻子冻得通红)。
  …her nose red with cold4)  Here es the Shanghai train; _____ (从福州来的火车)
  …the Fuzhou train to e half an hour later。5)  He was doing his homework。_____ (他的父亲坐在旁边)6)  ____(谁也没有什么可说的); the meeting was closed。
  …Nobody having any more to say
  She likes to eat well。她好吃
  We all like good food。我们都喜欢好饭菜。
  Everybody was happy with the decision。 人人都对这个决定感到高兴。
  I am a doctor。我是个医生。
  二、概念一致1。 And连接的两个或多个单数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式
  His opinion and mine are different他的观点和我的是不同的。
  Bob and Peter are deadly rivals。 Bob和peter是死对头。
  What she says and what she does are totally different。 她说的和做的完全不同。
  Bread and milk has been my breakfast for years。 牛奶面包多年来一直是我的早餐。
  Her lawyer and old friend is going to marry her。她的律师和老朋友要娶她。
  All this effort and sacrifice has e to nothing。 所有这些努力和牺牲都白费了。
  由and连接的单数主语分别有many a,ever y,each,no修饰时,动词用单数。
  如:During the holidays; every train and every plane was crowded。假期期间每列火车及每架飞机都非常拥挤。
  No boy and no girl has the right to refuse education。 男孩和女孩都没有拒绝教育的权利。
  Man a man and man a woman was moved b this picture。许多男男女女都被这幅画感动。2。如果主语是一个抽象概念(如不定式、动名词、主语从句等)谓语动词用单数形式。如果主语是用and连接的两个或多个抽象概念,谓语动词用复数形式。如:Swimming jogging and cycling are all goad farms of sports exercises。游泳、慢跑和骑自行车都是很好的运动形式。To live to eat is not a very goad attitude toward life。 活着就是为了吃不是好的生活态度。To live to eat and to eat to live are very different attitudes toward life。以what,who,why,haw; whether等wh一词引起的从句做主语时,谓语动词通常用单数;由and连接的两个主句如果指两件事,动词用复数。例如:What he is doing is not clear yet他在干什么还不清楚What he is doing and whether I know him are two different things。他在干什么和我是否认识他是两件不同的事。What she told me is none of your business。 她和我说的什么用不着你管。What she told me and what she told you are totally different things。以what从句为主语的“主一系一表SVC〃句型中,如果主句的表语是复数,主句谓语动词用复数形式;what从句本身是复数意义,主句谓语动词也可用复数。如:What I need buy now are four tea cups and a pair of sports shoes。我需要买的是四只茶杯和一双运动鞋。What were thought to be five dogs were actually five sheep。被认为是五条狗的东西实际上是五只羊。3。集体名词family,class,crew(全体船员或机组人员),crowd; group; mittee; audience; government; public; team; staff; population等做主语时,若作为一个整体看待,后面谓语动词用单数; 如就其中每一个成员来考虑时,则用复数。例如: My family is a big one。我家人多。
  My family are all music lovers。 我全家人都爱好音乐。
  Eighty percent of China' s population are peasants。 百分之八十的中国人口是农民。
  China has a huge population。 中国有众多的人口。
  The population of China is the largest in the world。 中国的人口是世界上最多的。People; police; cattle;(牛),militia(民兵),poultry(家禽),vermin(害出)等作主语时,后面的动词要用复数。如:There were many people waiting outside。 有许多人在外面等着。
  The police are searching far the murderer。 警察在搜捕凶手。
  The cattle are grazing in the fields。 一群牛在田野里吃草。
  Foliage(树叶),machinery(机械),equipment(设备) ;furniture(家具),merchandise(商品)等通常做不可数名词,动词用单数,
  如:The merchandise has arrived undamaged滴品已经到达,毫无损坏。
  All the machinery in the factory is made in China。 本工厂里的所有机械都是中国制造的,4。不定代词either,neither,ever y,each,one,the other; another以及所有的复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词只用单数,包括“every/each/no……and every/each/no……”作主语时。
  如:Every/Each plane and every/each pilot is ready to take off。
  No plane and no pilot is ready to take off。
  Here are two books。 Either of them is worth reading。
  Neither of these two dictionaries contains this ward。
  Everyone is here。 No one is absent。 大家都到了,没有人缺席。
  Somebody is using the phone。 有人在用电话。
  I have two sisters。 One is here; and the other is not here。
  Each day is better than the one before。 一天比一天好。
  Either day is OK。 两天中哪一天都行。5。 what,who,which,any,mare,some,half,mast,all,none。等代词可以是单数,也可以是复数,主要靠意思决定。但指不可数名词时作单数看待。
  例如:Which is your book? Which are your books?
  Here' s same mare (coffee)。 Here' re same more (tomatoes)。
  None of the books are/is easy enough for us。
  Most of
  Most of
  All of
  All of
  Some ofThe money was stolenSome ofThe member was there。Half of
  Half of
  None of
  None of
  Two thirds of
  Two third of由Many a或mare than one所修饰的词做主语时,意义上虽然是复数,但谓语动词用单数形式。none在代表不可数的东西时总是看作单数。如:Many a person is far his plan。 很多人赞成他的计划。
  Mare than one people is against his plan。 不止一个人反对他的计划。6。表示时间、重量、长度、价值等的单位名词,尽管是复数形式,如果作整体看待,动词都用单数形式。如果看作组成该数量的一个一个的个体,则动词用复数。如:Twenty miles is a long way to walk。 走二十英里可是很长的一段路。
  Ten years is a long time。十年很长。
  Eight minutes is enough。 八分钟够了。
  Twelve dollars is too dear。 十二美圆太贵了。
  There are six silver dollars in each of the stacking。 每只袜子里有六个一美元的银币。7。 “the+形容词”表示一类人时,谓语动词用复数。表示抽象概念或指个别事物时谓语动词用单数。如:The old are well taken care of。 老人得到很好的照顾。
  The beautiful is laved by all。 人人都爱美,
  The difficulty we do at once。 The impassible takes a little loner。
  困难的事情我们马上做。不可能的事情需要稍微长一点的时间。还有the unknown(未知的事物),the unexpected(出乎意料的事),等等。8。 如果主语由〃a kind/sort/type of this kind/sort/type of +名词”组成,不管名词是单数还是复数,动词通常用单数。如:This kind of man annoys me。 =This kind of men annoys me。 这种人让我烦。
  This kind of apple is very expensive。 = This kind of apples is…这种苹果很贵。类似的还有:a portion of(一部分),a series of(一系列),a pile of(一堆),a panel of (一个小组委员会),
  如:A series of accidents has happened here。 这里发生过一系列事故。9。 Means作“方法、手段”讲时,单复数同形,其前面有each; every; neither; either;等单数a念的定语时,谓语动词用单数;若有all; both,these等复数概念的定语时谓语动词用复数。
  “None of the means”作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。
  如:There is/are no means of learning what is happening。 没法知道正在发生什么事。
  No means is /are left untried。 没有没试过的方法了。
  Every means is to an end。 每一种手段都能达到一种目的。
  A bicycle is a means of transport。 自行车是一种交通手段。
  All possible means have/Every possible means has been tried。所有的方法都试过了。三、就近一致1。当主语由either。。。。。。 or。 neither。。。。。。 nor ; not only 。。。。。。 but(also) 或or连接时,谓语动词通常和最临近的那个主语一致。
  例如:Either you or he is to do the work。 不是你就是他来做这件事。
  Not only you but also Tom often es late to class。 不光是你,汤姆上课也迟到。
  Neither the children nor the teacher knows anything about it。
  孩子们和老师都不知道这件事。2。当there be结构后面有并列主语时,谓语也和最临近的那个一致。
  如:There is a dictionary and many books on the table。
  There' re ten chairs and a table in the house。
  Here is a pen; a few envelopes and same paper far you。
  如:Where is your mother and sisters?
  Is your sister and her husband ing to see you?
  One in ten are expected to take part in the contest。
  预计每十个人就有一个要来参加这次比赛。3。做主语的名词或代词后接with,together with,along with,as well as等短语时,谓语动词一般和前面名词或代词一致。这些短语前后可用可不用逗号。
  如:A woman with a baby is ing to the hospital
  The girl; as well as the bays ; has learned to

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