八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 新东方白易礼语法笔记 >



小说: 新东方白易礼语法笔记 字数: 每页4000字

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  (一)虚拟语气用于表示假设的条件状语从句,状语从句相当于汉语的“假如…” “要是…”等。请看一个句子:
  If she invites me tomorrow; I shall go to the party。 如果她明天邀请我参加聚会,我就去。
  请把这句话与下面虚拟语气的带条件从句的主从复合句进行比较:1) If she invited me; I should go to the party。 假如她邀请我参加聚会,我就去。(说话人认为邀请的可能性较小或不可能。)这句话主句谓语动词用过去将来时,从句谓语动词用一般过去时,其含义是:
  She will probably not invite me; so I shall not go to the party。  她很可能不会邀请我参加聚会,所以我不会去。2) If she had invited me yesterday; I should have gone to the party。 假如她昨天邀请我参加聚会,我就去了。这句话主句谓语动词用“should + have + 过去分词”形式,从句用过去完成时,对过去发生的事情进行虚拟假设,表示与过去事实相反的情况,其含义是:
  She didn’t invite me yesterday; so I didn’t go to the party。 她昨天没有邀请我参加聚会,因此我没有去。3) If she should invite me tomorrow; I should go to the party。 如果她明天邀请我参加聚会,我会去的。这句话主句谓语动词用过去将来时,从句谓语动词也用过去将来时,表示的意思是,“邀请我”的可能性较小,对将来要发生的情况表示怀疑。其含义是:
  It is unlikely that she will invite me tomorrow; so I shall not go to the party。 明天她不可能会邀请我,因此我不会去。
  现将虚拟语气在条件句中的各种具体形式和用法分述如下:1、对现在的虚拟,表示与现在事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词用过去式(be的过去式用were。而主句中的谓语动词用would (should; could; might) + 动词原形。见下表:条件状语从句的动词形式主句的动词形式If+主语+动词过去式(be的过去式were。在口语等非正式场合中,I,he,she,it等后面也可用was。但在If I were you中,一定要用were,不能用was。I (we)should+动词原形主语+would (might;could)十动词原形1、例句:If I were you; I should study English。(fact: I am not you; so I shall not study English。)If he had time; he would attend the meeting。(fact: He does not have time; so he will not attend the meeting。)If they didn’t take physical exercises every day; they wouldn’t be so healthy。(fact: They take physical exercises every day; so they are very healthy。)If you went to bed earlier; you would not be so sleepy in the morning。(fact: You often go to bed late; so you are always sleepy in the morning。)If this were the case; it would be very awkward。(fact: This is not the case; so it is not awkward。)
  Now let’s do some translation:要是没有虚拟语气,英语就会容易多了。If there were no subjunctive mood; English would be much easier。如果我是你,我就在房屋周围种些树。If I were you; I would (should) plant some trees around the house。如果我把头发染成蓝色,人人都会笑话我。If I dyed my hair blue; everybody would laugh at me。 Or: I would (should) be laughed at by everybody。要不是她这么忙,她就会出席今天下午的会议了。If she were not so busy; she would attend the meeting this afternoon。
  2、对过去的虚拟,表示与过去的事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词用过去完成时;主句的谓语动词用would (should; could; might)+过去分词。见下表:
  条件状语从司的动词形式主句的动词形式If+主语+had+过去分词i(we)should+have+过去分词主语+could (might;could)+have + 过去分词例句:If you had taken my advice; you wouldn’t have failed in the examination。(fact: You did not take my advice; so you have failed in the examination。)I would have checked my paper again if I had had more time at yesterday’s examination。(fact: I did not have more time at yesterday’s exam; so I didn’t check my paper again。)He would have already recovered from his illness if he had seen the doctor in time。 (fact: He didn’t see the doctor in time; so he has not recovered from his illness。)If we had known that she was to arrive yesterday; we could have met her at the station。(fact: We didn’t know that she was to arrive yesterday; so we could not meet her at the station。)You didn’t let me drive。 If we had driven in turn; you wouldn’t have got so tired。(fact: We didn’t drive in turn; so you have got so tired。)
  Now let’s do some translation:要是有人警告过他,他就不会吃那个食物了。If he had been warned; he would not have taken that food。如果你服从命令的话,灾难就不会发生了。If you had obeyed the order; the disaster could not have happened。假如你早接受了那个有经验的老工人的意见,你的试验就不会失败了。If you had taken the old experienced worker’s advice; you wouldn’t have failed in the experiment。如果我知道你要来的话,我就去机场接你了。If I had known that you were to arrive; I would have met you at the airport。如果我的律师上周六在这里,他就会阻止我去了。If my lawyer had been here last Saturday; he would have prevented me from going。要是她工作更努力些,她本是成功的。If she had worked harder; she would have succeeded。会上我没有见到你妹妹。如果她来了,她就见到我哥哥了。I didn’t see your younger sister at the meeting。 If she had e; she would have met my elder brother。
  3、表示与将来事实相反的假设,对将来表示怀疑,或将来的动作不太可能实现时,条件状语从句和主句的谓语动词有以下形式:(见表)条件状语从句的动词形式(三种)主句的动词形式(1)if十主语+动词过去式(be的过去式用were),通常要与一个表示将来的时间状语连用。(2)If+主语(任何人称和数)+should+动词原形(3)if+主语(任何人称和数)+were to+动词原形I(we)should+动词原形主语+would (might; could)+动词原形请看以下句子:1)If it rains tomorrow; our picnic will be put off。 (说明:The weather has been very changeable these days。) 条件状语从句的谓语动词用现在时,表示说话人认为下雨的可能性很大。2)If it rained tomorrow; our picnic would be put off。 (说明:The weather has been very good these days。) 条件状语从句的谓语动词用过去时,表示说话人认为下雨的可能性不大。3)If it should rain tomorrow; our picnic would be put off。 (万一明天下雨,我们的野餐就推迟)。条件状语从句的谓语动词用should+动词原形,说明下雨的可能性很小或没有可能,如果下雨,那将是出乎意料的。4)If it were to rain tomorrow; our picnic would be put off。这句话与上一句意思几乎一模一样。
  If I saw him tomorrow; I would pass your note to him。If she were to miss the train tomorrow; she might e back and start off again the day after tomorrow。
  万一你失败了,你准备怎么办?If you should fail; what would you do?要是我明天真的见到她,我就把真相告诉她。If I were to see her tomorrow; I would tell her the truth。万一明天下雨,会议就推迟。If it were to rain tomorrow; the meeting would be put off。我打赌巴西会赢得世界杯。要是巴西输了,我就请你搓一顿。I bet Brazil will win the World Cup。 If it should lose; I would treat you a meal。4、当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,动词的形式要根据它所表示的时间来调整。这与以上三种情况不同,虚拟语气的谓语动词形式没有遵循以上规律。For example:
  If you had worked hard; you would be very tired。 (从句说的是过去,主句指的是现在。)
  If he had followed the doctor’s advice; he would be quite all right now。
  If I were you; I would have gone home。
  Now let’s do some translation:如果她过去没有刻苦训练的话,就不会跑得这么快。(从句动作指的是过去,主句指的是现在的情况)(Fact: She has trained very hard; so she is able to run very fast now。)If she hadn’t trained so hard; she wouldn’t be able to run so fast。如果你当初每天都练习说英语的话,你的英语就会说得很好。(从句动作指的是过去,主句指的是现在的情况) (fact: You didn’t practice speaking English very hard every day; so you can’t speak English very well )If you had practiced speaking English every day; you would speak English well enough。
  5。 以上句型可以转换成以下形式:
  1)条件状语从句省略if:在书面语中,如果条件状语从句的谓语中有were; had 或should; 就可以省略if; 并将were; had 或should 放到句首,谓语主语之前,用 “Were/Had/Should + 主语”的形式。这种虚拟语气在意义上与带if 的条件状语从句相同。当然,如果从句没有were; had; 或should;就不能省略if。Now let’s look at some examples:
  If I were to do it; I’d do it some other way。 →Were I to do it; I’d do it some other way。
  If you should fail; try again。 →Should you fail; try again。
  If you had been here earlier; you would have seen him。 →Had you been here earlier; you would have seen him。但是,If you came tomorrow; we would have the meeting。这句话if 就不能省略。而且,在虚拟条件状语从句中,省略了if的倒装形式的句首不能用动词的缩略形式。如我们可以说:
  Were it not for the expense; I would go to Italy。
  但不能说:Weren’t it for the expense; I would go to Italy。Please do not use “if”:
  Were I you; I would get up early every morning。
  Had you arrived at the station ten minutes earlier yesterday; you could have caught the train。
  Should there be a meeting; I would e。
  Without air; there would be no living things。
  But for your help; I couldn’t have done it。
  Without electricity human life would be quite different today。
  Now let’s do some translation。 请用介词短语代替条件状语从句。
  But for (except; without) your help; I would have failed。
  Without proper means of control; a nuclear reactor would explode。
  It would produce bad results to do that。 用动词不定式 =If you did that/should do that; it would produce bad results。
  She would have e; but she wasn’t informed; nor invited。 (用but。)=She would have e; if she had been informed or invited。
  A more responsible person would not 

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