八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > the return of the king >


the return of the king-第47部分

小说: the return of the king 字数: 每页4000字

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     'We have e to a dead end; Sam;' said Frodo。 'If we go on; we shall only e up to that orc…
tower; but the only road to take is that road that es down from it – unless we go back。 We can't 
climb up westward; or climb down eastward。'
     'Then we must take the road; Mr。 Frodo;' said Sam。 'We must take it and chance our luck; if 
there is any luck in Mordor。 We might as well give ourselves up as wander about any more; or try 
to go back。 Our food won't last。 We've got to make a dash for it!'
     'All right; Sam;' said Frodo。 'Lead me! As long as you've got any hope left。 Mine is gone。 But I 
can't dash; Sam。 I'll just plod along after you。'
     'Before you start any more plodding; you need sleep and food; Mr。 Frodo。 e and take what 
you can get of them!'
     He gave Frodo water and an additional wafer of the waybread; and he made a pillow of his cloak 
for his master's head。 Frodo was too weary to debate the matter; and Sam did not tell him that he 
had drunk the last drop of their water; and eaten Sam's share of the food as well as his own。 When 
Frodo was asleep Sam bent over him and listened to his breathing and scanned his face。 It was lined 
and thin; and yet in sleep it looked content and unafraid。 'Well; here goes; Master!' Sam muttered to 
himself。 'I'll have to leave you for a bit and trust to luck。 Water we must have; or we'll get no 
     Sam crept out; and flitting from stone to stone with more than hobbit…care; he went down to the 
water…course; and then followed it for some way as it climbed north; until he came to the rock…steps 
where long ago; no doubt; its spring had e gushing down in a little waterfall。 All now seemed 
dry and silent; but refusing to despair Sam stooped and listened; and to his delight he caught the 
sound of trickling。 Clambering a few steps up he found a tiny stream of dark water that came out 
from the hill…side and filled a little bare pool; from which again it spilled; and vanished then under 
the barren stones。
     Sam tasted the water; and it seemed good enough。 Then he drank deeply; refilled the bottle; and 
turned to go back。 At that moment he caught a glimpse of a black form or shadow flitting among 
the rocks away near Frodo's hiding…place。 Biting back a cry; he leapt down from the spring and ran; 
jumping from stone to stone。 It was a wary creature; difficult to see; but Sam had little doubt about 
it: he longed to get his hands on its neck。 But it heard him ing and slipped quickly away。 Sam 
thought he saw a last fleeting glimpse of it; peering back over the edge of the eastward precipice; 
before it ducked and disappeared。
     'Well; luck did not let me down;' muttered Sam; 'but that was a near thing! Isn't it enough to 
have orcs by the thousand without that stinking villain ing nosing round? I wish he had been 
shot!' He sat down by Frodo and did not rouse him; but he did not dare to go to sleep himself。 At 
last when he felt his eyes closing and knew that his struggle to keep awake could not go on much 
longer; he wakened Frodo gently。
     'That Gollum's about again; I'm afraid; Mr。 Frodo;' he said。 'Leastways; if it wasn't him; then 
there's two of him。 I went away to find some water and spied him nosing round just as I turned back。 
I reckon it isn't safe for us both to sleep together; and begging your pardon; but I can't hold up my 
lids much longer。'
     'Bless you; Sam!' said Frodo。 'Lie down and take your proper turn! But I'd rather have Gollum 
than orcs。 At any rate he won't give us away to them – not unless he's caught himself。'
     'But he might do a bit of robbery and murder on his own;' growled Sam。 'Keep your eyes open; 
Mr。 Frodo! There's a bottle full of water。 Drink up。 We can fill it again when we go on。' With that 
Sam plunged into sleep。
     Light was fading when he woke。 Frodo sat propped against the rock behind; but he had fallen 
asleep。 The water…bottle was empty。 There was no sign of Gollum。
     Mordor…dark had returned; and the watch…fires on the heights burned fierce and red; when the 
hobbits set out again on the most dangerous stage of all their journey。 They went first to the little 
spring; and then climbing warily up they came to the road at the point where it swung east towards 
the Isenmouthe twenty miles away。 It was not a broad road; and it had no wall or parapet along the 
edge and as it ran on the sheer drop from its brink became deeper and deeper。 The hobbits could 
hear no movements; and after listening for a while they set off eastward at a steady pace。
     After doing some twelve miles; they halted。 A short way back the road had bent a little 
northward and the stretch that they had passed over was now screened from sight。 This proved 
disastrous。 They rested for some minutes and then went on; but they had not taken many steps 
when suddenly in the stillness of the night they heard the sound that all along they had secretly 
dreaded: the noise of marching feet。 It was still some way behind them; but looking back they could 
see the twinkle of torches ing round the bend less than a mile away; and they were moving fast: 
too fast for Frodo to escape by flight along the road ahead。
     'I feared it; Sam;' said Frodo。 'We've trusted to luck; and it has failed us。 We're trapped。' He 
looked wildly up at the frowning wall; where the road…builders of old had cut the rock sheer for 
many fathoms above their heads。 He ran to the other side and looked over the brink into a dark pit 
of gloom。 'We're trapped at last!' he said He sank to the ground beneath the wall of rock and bowed 
his head。
     'Seems so;' said Sam。 'Well; we can but wait and see。' And with that he sat down beside Frodo 
under the shadow of the cliff。
     They did not have to wait long。 The orcs were going at a great pace。 Those in the foremost files 
bore torches。 On they came; red flames in the dark; swiftly growing。 Now Sam too bowed his head; 
hoping that it would hide his face when the torches reached them; and he set their shields before 
their knees to hide their feet。
     'If only they are in a hurry and will let a couple of tired soldiers alone and pass on!' he thought。
     And so it seemed that they would。 The leading orcs came loping along; panting; holding their 
heads down。 They were a gang of the smaller breeds being driven unwilling to their Dark Lord's 
wars; all they cared for was to get the march over and escape the whip。 Beside them; running up 
and down the line; went two of the large fierce _uruks_; cracking lashes and shouting。 File after file 
passed; and the tell…tale torchlight was already some way ahead。 Sam held his breath。 Now more 
than half the line had gone by。 Then suddenly one of the slave…drivers spied the two figures by the 
road…side。 He flicked a whip at them and yelled: 'Hi; you! Get up!' They did not answer; and with a 
shout he halted the whole pany。
     'e on; you slugs!' he cried。 'This is no time for slouching。' He took a step towards them; and 
even in the gloom he recognized the devices on their shields。 'Deserting; eh?' he snarled。 'Or 
thinking of it? All your folk should have been inside Ud?n before yesterday evening。 You know 
that。 Up you get and fall in; or I'll have your numbers and report you。'
     They struggled to their feet; and keeping bent; limping like footsore soldiers; they shuffled back 
towards the rear of the line。 'No; not at the rear!' the slave…driver shouted。 'Three files up。 And stay 
there; or you'll know it; when I e down the line!' He sent his long whip…lash cracking over their 
heads; then with another crack and a yell he started the pany off again at a brisk trot。
     It was hard enough for poor Sam; tired as he was; but for Frodo it was a torment; and soon a 
nightmare。 He set his teeth and tried to stop his mind from thinking; and he struggled on。 The 
stench of the sweating orcs about him was stifling; and he began to gasp with thirst。 On; on they 
went; and he bent all his will to draw his breath and to make his legs keep going; and yet to what 
evil end he toiled and endured he did not dare to think。 There was no hope of falling out unseen: 
Now and again the orc…driver fell back and jeered at them。
     'There now!' he laughed; flicking at their legs。 'Where there's a whip there's a will; my slugs。 
Hold up! I'd give you a nice freshener now; only you'll get as much lash as your skins will carry 
when you e in late to your camp。 Do you good。 Don't you know we're at war?'
     They had gone some miles; and the road was at last running down a long slope into the plain; 
when Frodo's strength began to give out and his will wavered。 He lurched and stumbled。 
Desperately Sam tried to help him and hold him up; though he felt that he could himself hardly stay 
the pace much longer。 At any moment now he knew that the end would e: his master would 
faint or fall; and all would be discovered; and their bitter efforts be in vain。 'I'll have that big slave…
driving devil anyway;' he thought。
     Then just as he was putting his hand to the hilt of his sword; there came an unexpected relief。 
They were out on the plain now and drawing near the entrance to Ud?n。 Some way in front of it; 
before the gate at the bridge…end; the road from the west converged with others ing from the 
south; and from Barad…d?r。 Along all the roads troops were moving; for the Captains of the West 
were advancing and the Dark Lord was speeding his forces north。 So it chanced that several 
panies came together at the road…meeting; in the dark beyond the light of the watch…fires on the 
wall。 At once there was great jostling and cursing as each troop tried to get first to the gate and the 
ending of their march。 Though the drivers yelled and plied their whips; scuffles broke out and some 
blades were drawn。 A troop of heavy…armed _uruks_ from Barad…d?r charged into the Durthang 
line and threw them into confusion。
     Dazed as he was with pain and weariness; Sam woke up; grasped quickly at his chance; and 
threw himself to the ground; dragging Frodo down with him。 Orcs fell over them; snarling and 
cursing。 Slowly on hand and knee the hobbits crawled away out of the turmoil; until at last 
unnoticed they 

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