八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > the return of the king >


the return of the king-第53部分

小说: the return of the king 字数: 每页4000字

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borne far away out of the darkness and the fire。
     When Sam awoke; he found that he was lying on some soft bed; but over him gently swayed 
wide beechen boughs; and through their young leaves sunlight glimmered; green and gold。 All the 
air was full of a sweet mingled scent。
     He remembered that smell: the fragrance of Ithilien。 'Bless me!' he mused。 'How long have I 
been asleep?' For the scent had borne him back to the day when he had lit his little fire under the 
sunny bank; and for a moment all else between was out of waking memory。 He stretched and drew 
a deep breath。 'Why; what a dream I've had!' he muttered。 'I am glad to wake!' He sat up and then he 
saw that Frodo was lying beside him; and slept peacefully; one hand behind his head; and the other 
resting upon the coverlet。 It was the right hand; and the third finger was missing。
     Full memory flooded back; and Sam cried aloud: 'It wasn't a dream! Then where are we?'
     And a voice spoke softly behind: 'In the land of Ithilien; and in the keeping of the King; and he 
awaits you。' With that Gandalf stood before him; robed in white; his beard now gleaming like pure 
snow in the twinkling of the leafy sunlight。 'Well; Master Samwise; how do you feel?' he said。
     But Sam lay back; and stared with open mouth; and for a moment; between bewilderment and 
great joy; he could not answer。 At last he gasped: 'Gandalf! I thought you were dead! But then I 
thought I was dead myself。 Is everything sad going to e untrue? What's happened to the world?'
     'A great Shadow has departed;' said Gandalf; and then he laughed and the sound was like music; 
or like water in a parched land; and as he listened the thought came to Sam that he had not heard 
laughter; the pure sound of merriment; for days upon days without count。 It fell upon his ears like 
the echo of all the joys he had ever known。 But he himself burst into tears。 Then; as a sweet rain 
will pass down a wind of spring and the sun will shine out the clearer; his tears ceased; and his 
laughter welled up; and laughing he sprang from his bed。
     'How do I feel?' he cried。 'Well; I don't know how to say it。 I feel; I feel' – he waved his arms in 
the air – 'I feel like spring after winter; and sun on the leaves; and like trumpets and harps and all 
the songs I have ever heard!' He stopped and he turned towards his master。 'But how's Mr。 Frodo?' 
he said。 'Isn't it a shame about his poor hand? But I hope he's all right otherwise。 He's had a cruel 
     'Yes; I am all right otherwise;' said Frodo; sitting up and laughing in his turn。 I fell asleep again 
waiting for you; Sam; you sleepyhead。 I was awake early this morning; and now it must be nearly 
     'Noon?' said Sam; trying to calculate。 'Noon of what day?'
     'The fourteenth of the New Year;' said Gandalf; 'or if you like; the eighth day of April in the 
Shire reckoning。 But in Gondor the New Year will always now begin upon the twenty…fifth of 
March when Sauron fell; and when you were brought out of the fire to the King。 He has tended you; 
and now he awaits you。 You shall eat and drink with him。 When you are ready I will lead you to 
     'The King?' said Sam。 'What king; and who is he?'
     'The King of Gondor and Lord of the Western Lands;' said Gandalf 'and he has taken back all his 
ancient realm。 He will ride soon to his crowning; but he waits for you。'
     'What shall we wear?' said Sam; for all he could see was the old and tattered clothes that they 
had journeyed in; lying folded on the ground beside their beds。
     'The clothes that you wore on your way to Mordor;' said Gandalf。 'Even the orc…rags that you 
bore in the black land; Frodo; shall be preserved。 No silks and linens; nor any armour or heraldry 
could be more honourable。 But later I will find some other clothes; perhaps。'
     Then he held out his hands to them; and they saw that one shone with light。 'What have you got 
there?' Frodo cried。 'Can it be – ?'
     'Yes; I have brought your two treasures。 They were found on Sam when you were rescued。 The 
Lady Galadriel's gifts: your glass; Frodo; and your box; Sam。 You will be glad to have these safe 
     When they were washed and clad; and had eaten a light meal; the Hobbits followed Gandalf。 
They stepped out of the beech…grove in which they had lain; and passed on to a long green lawn; 
glowing in sunshine; bordered by stately dark…leaved trees laden with scarlet blossom。 Behind them 
they could hear the sound of falling water; and a stream ran down before them between flowering 
banks; until it came to a greenwood at the lawn's foot and passed then on under an archway of trees; 
through which they saw the shimmer of water far away。
     As they came to the opening in the wood; they were surprised to see knights in bright mail and 
tall guards in silver and black standing there; who greeted them with honour and bowed before 
them。 And then one blew a long trumpet; and they went on through the aisle of trees beside the 
singing stream。 So they came to a wide green land; and beyond it was a broad river in a silver haze; 
out of which rose a long wooded isle; and many ships lay by its shores。 But on the field where they 
now stood a great host was drawn up; in ranks and panies glittering in the sun。 And as the 
Hobbits approached swords were unsheathed; and spears were shaken; and horns and trumpets sang; 
and men cried with many voices and in many tongues:

           _'Long live the Halflings! Praise them with great praise!
           Cuio i Pheriain anann! Aglar'ni Pheriannath!
           Praise them with great praise; Frodo and Samwise!
           Daur a Berhael; Conin en Ann?n! Eglerio!
           Praise them!
           A laita te; laita te! Andave laituvalmet!
           Praise them!
           Cormacolindor; a laita tárienna!
           Praise them! The Ring…bearers; praise them with great praise!'_

     And so the red blood blushing in their faces and their eyes shining with wonder; Frodo and Sam 
went forward and saw that amidst the clamorous host were set three high…seats built of green turves。 
Behind the seat upon the right floated; white on green; a great horse running free; upon the left was 
a banner; silver upon blue; a ship swan…prowed faring on the sea; but behind the highest throne in 
the midst of all a great standard was spread in the breeze; and there a white tree flowered upon a 
sable field beneath a shining crown and seven glittering stars。 On the throne sat a mail…clad man; a 
great sword was laid across his knees; but he wore no helm。 As they drew near he rose。 And then 
they knew him; changed as he was; so high and glad of face; kingly; lord of Men; dark…haired with 
eyes of grey。
     Frodo ran to meet him; and Sam followed close behind。 'Well; if that isn't the crown of all!' he 
said。 'Strider; or I'm still asleep!'
     'Yes; Sam; Strider;' said Aragorn。 'It is a long way; is it not; from Bree; where you did not like 
the look of me? A long way for us all but yours has been the darkest road。'
     And then to Sam's surprise and utter confusion he bowed his knee before them; and taking them 
by the hand; Frodo upon his right and Sam upon his left; he led them to the throne; and setting them 
upon it; he turned to the men and captains who stood by and spoke; so that his voice rang over all 
the host; crying:
     'Praise them with great praise!'
     And when the glad shout had swelled up and died away again; to Sam's final and plete 
satisfaction and pure joy; a minstrel of Gondor stood forth; and knelt; and begged leave to sing。 
And behold! he said:
     'Lo! lords and knights and men of valour unashamed; kings and princes; and fair people of 
Gondor; and Riders of Rohan; and ye sons of Elrond; and Dúnedain of the North; and Elf and 
Dwarf; and greathearts of the Shire; and all free folk of the West; now listen to my lay。 For I will 
sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers and the Ring of Doom。'
     And when Sam heard that he laughed aloud for sheer delight; and he stood up and cried: 'O great 
glory and splendour! And all my wishes have e true!' And then he wept。
     And all the host laughed and wept; and in the midst of their merriment and tears the clear voice 
of the minstrel rose like silver and gold; and all men were hushed。 And he sang to them; now in the 
Elven…tongue; now in the speech of the West; until their hearts; wounded with sweet words; 
overflowed; and their joy was like swords; and they passed in thought out to regions where pain 
and delight flow together and tears are the very wine of blessedness。
     And at the last; as the Sun fell from the noon and the shadows of the trees lengthened; he ended。 
'Praise them with great praise!' he said and knelt。 And then Aragorn stood up; and all the host arose; 
and they passed to pavilions made ready; to eat and drink and make merry while the day lasted。
     Frodo and Sam were led apart and brought to a tent; and there their old raiment was taken off; 
but folded and set aside with honour; and clean linen was given to them。 Then Gandalf came and in 
his arms; to the wonder of Frodo; he bore the sword and the elven…cloak and the mithril…coat that 
had been taken from him in Mordor。 For Sam he brought a coat of gilded mail; and his elven…cloak 
all healed of the soils and hurts that it had suffered; and then he laid before them two swords。
     'I do not wish for any sword;' said Frodo。
     'Tonight at least you should wear one;' said Gandalf。
     Then Frodo took the small sword that had belonged to Sam; and had been laid at his side in 
Cirith Ungol。 'Sting I gave to you Sam;' he said。
     'No; master! Mr。 Bilbo gave it to you; and it goes with his silver coat; he would not wish anyone 
else to wear it now。'
     Frodo gave way; and Gandalf; as if he were their esquire; knelt and girt the sword…belts about 
them; and then rising he set circlets of silver upon their heads。 And when they were arrayed they 
went to the great feast; and they sat at the King's table with Gandalf; and King éomer of Rohan; 
and the Prince Imrahil and all the chief captains; and there also were Gi

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