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side and was ready to row。 As soon as there was room for rowing; his panion rejoined him and the boat began to move more rapidly。
〃At last we are off!〃 exclaimed Porthos。
〃Alas;〃 said Athos; 〃we depart alone。〃
〃Yes; but all four together and without a scratch; which is a consolation。〃
〃We are not yet at our destination;〃 observed the prudent D'Artagnan; 〃beware of misadventure。〃
〃Ah; my friend!〃 cried Porthos; 〃like the crows; you always bring bad omens。 Who could intercept us on such a night as this; pitch dark; when one does not see more than twenty yards before one?〃
〃Yes; but to…morrow morning 〃
〃To…morrow we shall be at Boulogne。〃
〃I hope so; with all my heart;〃 said the Gascon; 〃and I confess my weakness。 Yes; Athos; you may laugh; but as long as we were within gunshot of the pier or of the vessels lying by it I was looking for a frightful discharge of musketry which would crush us。〃
〃But;〃 said Porthos; with great wisdom; 〃that was impossible; for they would have killed the captain and the sailors。〃
〃Bah! much Monsieur Mordaunt would care。 You don't imagine he would consider a little thing like that?〃
〃At any rate;〃 said Porthos; 〃I am glad to hear D'Artagnan admit that he is afraid。〃
〃I not only confess it; but am proud of it;〃 returned the Gascon; 〃I'm not such a rhinoceros as you are。 Oho! what's that?〃
〃The Lightning;〃 answered the captain; 〃our felucca。〃
〃So far; so good;〃 laughed Athos。
They went on board and the captain instantly conducted them to the berth prepared for them a cabin which was to serve for all purposes and for the whole party; he then tried to slip away under pretext of giving orders to some one。
〃Stop a moment;〃 cried D'Artagnan; 〃pray how many men have you on board; captain?〃
〃I don't understand;〃 was the reply。
〃Explain it; Athos。〃
Groslow; on the question being interpreted; answered; 〃Three; without counting myself。〃
D'Artagnan understood; for while replying the captain had raised three fingers。 〃Oh!〃 he exclaimed; 〃I begin to be more at my ease; however; whilst you settle yourselves; I shall make the round of the boat。〃
〃As for me;〃 said Porthos; 〃I will see to the supper。〃
〃A very good idea; Porthos;〃 said the Gascon。 〃Athos lend me Grimaud; who in the society of his friend Parry has perhaps picked up a little English; and can act as my interpreter。〃
〃Go; Grimaud;〃 said Athos。
D'Artagnan; finding a lantern on the deck; took it up and with a pistol in his hand he said to the captain; in English; 〃e;〃 (being; with the classic English oath; the only English words he knew); and so saying he descended to the lower deck。
This was divided into three partments one which was covered by the floor of that room in which Athos; Porthos and Aramis were to pass the night; the second was to serve as the sleeping…room for the servants; the third; under the prow of the ship; was under the temporary cabin in which Mordaunt was concealed。
〃Oho!〃 cried D'Artagnan; as he went down the steps of the hatchway; preceded by the lantern; 〃what a number of barrels! one would think one was in the cave of Ali Baba。 What is there in them?〃 he added; putting his lantern on one of the casks。
The captain seemed inclined to go upon deck again; but controlling himself he answered:
〃Port wine。〃
〃Ah! port wine! 'tis a fort;〃 said the Gascon; 〃since we shall not die of thirst。 Are they all full?〃
Grimaud translated the question; and Groslow; who was wiping the perspiration from off his forehead; answered:
〃Some full; others empty。〃
D'Artagnan struck the barrels with his hand; and having ascertained that he spoke the truth; pushed his lantern; greatly to the captain's alarm; into the interstices between the barrels; and finding that there was nothing concealed in them:
〃e along;〃 he said; and he went toward the door of the second partment。
〃Stop!〃 said the Englishman; 〃I have the key of that door;〃 and he opened the door; with a trembling hand; into the second partment; where Musqueton and Blaisois were preparing supper。
Here there was evidently nothing to seek or to apprehend and they passed rapidly to examine the third partment。
This was the room appropriated to the sailors。 Two or three hammocks hung upon the ceiling; a table and two benches posed the entire furniture。 D'Artagnan picked up two or three old sails hung on the walls; and meeting nothing to suspect; regained by the hatchway the deck of the vessel。
〃And this room?〃 he asked; pointing to the captain's cabin。
〃That's my room;〃 replied Groslow。
〃Open the door。〃
The captain obeyed。 D'Artagnan stretched out his arm in which he held the lantern; put his head in at the half opened door; and seeing that the cabin was nothing better than a shed:
〃Good;〃 he said。 〃If there is an army on board it is not here that it is hidden。 Let us see what Porthos has found for supper。〃 And thanking the captain; he regained the state cabin; where his friends were。
Porthos had found nothing; and with him fatigue had prevailed over hunger。 He had fallen asleep and was in a profound slumber when D'Artagnan returned。 Athos and Aramis were beginning to close their eyes; which they half opened when their panion came in again。
〃Well!〃 said Aramis。
〃All is well; we may sleep tranquilly。〃
On this assurance the two friends fell asleep; and D'Artagnan; who was very weary; bade good…night to Grimaud and laid himself down in his cloak; with naked sword at his side; in such a manner that his body barricaded the passage; and it should be impossible to enter the room without upsetting him。
Port Wine
In ten minutes the masters slept; not so the servants …hungry; and more thirsty than hungry。
Blaisois and Musqueton set themselves to preparing their bed which consisted of a plank and a valise。 On a hanging table; which swung to and fro with the rolling of the vessel; were a pot of beer and three glasses。
〃This cursed rolling!〃 said Blaisois。 〃I know it will serve me as it did when we came over。〃
〃And to think;〃 said Musqueton; 〃that we have nothing to fight seasickness with but barley bread and hop beer。 Pah!〃
〃But where is your wicker flask; Monsieur Musqueton? Have you lost it?〃 asked Blaisois。
〃No;〃 replied Musqueton; 〃Parry kept it。 Those devilish Scotchmen are always thirsty。 And you; Grimaud;〃 he said to his panion; who had just e in after his round with D'Artagnan; 〃are you thirsty?〃
〃As thirsty as a Scotchman!〃 was Grimaud's laconic reply。
And he sat down and began to cast up the accounts of his party; whose money he managed。
〃Oh; lackadaisy! I'm beginning to feel queer!〃 cried Blaisois。
〃If that's the case;〃 said Musqueton; with a learned air; 〃take some nourishment。〃
〃Do you call that nourishment?〃 said Blaisois; pointing to the barley bread and pot of beer upon the table。
〃Blaisois;〃 replied Musqueton; 〃remember that bread is the true nourishment of a Frenchman; who is not always able to get bread; ask Grimaud。〃
〃Yes; but beer?〃 asked Blaisois sharply; 〃is that their true drink?〃
〃As to that;〃 answered Musqueton; puzzled how to get out of the difficulty; 〃I must confess that to me beer is as disagreeable as wine is to the English。〃
〃What! Monsieur Musqueton! The English do they dislike wine?〃
〃They hate it。〃
〃But I have seen them drink it。〃
〃As a punishment。 For example; an English prince died one day because they had put him into a butt of Malmsey。 I heard the Chevalier d'Herblay say so。〃
〃The fool!〃 cried Blaisois; 〃I wish I had been in his place。〃
〃Thou canst be;〃 said Grimaud; writing down his figures。
〃How?〃 asked Blaisois; 〃I can? Explain yourself。〃
Grimaud went on with his sum and cast up the whole。
〃Port;〃 he said; extending his hand in the direction of the first partment examined by D'Artagnan and himself。
〃Eh? eh? ah? Those barrels I saw through the door?〃
〃Port!〃 replied Grimaud; beginning a fresh sum。
〃I have heard;〃 said Blaisois; 〃that port is a very good wine。〃
〃Excellent!〃 exclaimed Musqueton; smacking his lips。 〃Excellent; there is port wine in the cellar of Monsieur le Baron de Bracieux。〃
〃Suppose we ask these Englishmen to sell us a bottle;〃 said the honest Blaisois。
〃Sell!〃 cried Musqueton; about whom there was a remnant of his ancient marauding character left。 〃One may well perceive; young man; that you are inexperienced。 Why buy what one can take?〃
〃Take!〃 said Blaisois; 〃covet the goods of your neighbor? That is forbidden; it seems to me。〃
〃Where forbidden?〃 asked Musqueton。
〃In the mandments of God; or of the church; I don't know which。 I only know it says; ‘Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods; nor yet his wife。'〃
〃That is a child's reason; Monsieur Blaisois;〃 said Musqueton in his most patronizing manner。 〃Yes; you talk like a child I repeat the word。 Where have you read in the Scriptures; I ask you; that the English are your neighbors?〃
〃Where; that is true;〃 said Blaisois; 〃at least; I can't now recall it。〃
〃A child's reason I repeat it;〃 continued Musqueton。 〃If you had been ten years engaged in war; as Grimaud and I have been; my dear Blaisois; you would know the difference there is between the goods of others and the goods of enemies。 Now an Englishman is an enemy; this port wine belongs to the English; therefore it belongs to us。〃
〃And our masters?〃 asked Blaisois; stupefied by this harangue; delivered with an air of profound sagacity; 〃will they be of your opinion?〃
Musqueton smiled disdainfully。
〃I suppose that you think it necessary that I should disturb the repose of these illustrious lords to say; ‘Gentlemen; your servant; Musqueton; is thirsty。' What does Monsieur Bracieux care; think you; whether I am thirsty or not?〃
〃'Tis a very expensive wine;〃 said Blaisois; shaking his head。
〃Were it liquid gold; Monsieur Blaisois; our masters would not deny themselves this wine。 Know that Monsieur de Bracieux is rich enough to drink a tun of port wine; even if obliged to pay a pistole for every drop。〃 His manner became more and more lofty every instant; t