the story of the glittering plain-第6部分
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〃There is no need to talk of ransom;〃 said the elder; 〃thou mayst go
out of this house when thou wilt; nor will any meddle with thee if
thou strayest about the Isle; when I have set a mark on thee and
given thee a token: nor wilt thou be hindered if thou hast a mind to
leave the Isle; if thou canst find means thereto; moreover as long as
thou art in the Isle; in this house mayst thou abide; eating and
drinking and resting with us。〃
〃How then may I leave this Isle?〃 said Hallblithe。
The elder laughed: 〃In a ship;〃 said he。
〃And when;〃 said Hallblithe; 〃shall I find a ship that shall carry
Said the old carle; 〃Whither wouldest thou my son?〃 Hallblithe was
silent a while; thinking what answer he should make; then he said:
〃I would go to the land of the Glittering Plain。〃
〃Son; a ship shall not be lacking thee for that voyage;〃 said the
elder。 〃Thou mayst go to…morrow morn。 And I bid thee abide here to…
night; and thy cheer shall not be ill。 Yet if thou wilt believe my
word; it will be well for thee to say as little as thou mayst to any
man here; and that little as little proud as maybe: for our folk are
short of temper and thou knowest there is no might against many。
Indeed it is not unlike that they will not speak one word to thee;
and if that be so; thou hast no need to open thy mouth to them。 And
now I will tell thee that it is good that thou hast chosen to go to
the Glittering Plain。 For if thou wert otherwise minded; I wot not
how thou wouldest get thee a keel to carry thee; and the wings have
not yet begun to sprout on thy shoulders; raven though thou be。 Now
I am glad that thou art going thy ways to the Glittering Plain to…
morrow; for thou wilt be good company to me on the way: and I deem
that thou wilt be no churl when thou art glad。〃
〃What;〃 said Hallblithe; 〃art thou wending thither; thou old man?〃
〃Yea;〃 said he; 〃nor shall any other be on the ship save thou and I;
and the mariners that waft us; and they forsooth shall not go aland
there。 Why should not I go; since there are men to bear me aboard?〃
Said Hallblithe; 〃And when thou art come aland there; what wilt thou
〃Thou shalt see; my son;〃 said the Long…hoary。 〃It may be that thy
good wishes shall be of avail to me。 But now since all this may only
be if I live through this night; and since my heart hath been warmed
by the good mead; and thy fellowship; and whereas I am somewhat
sleepy; and it is long past noon; go forth into the hall; and leave
me to sleep; that I may be as sound as eld will let me to…morrow。
And as for thee; folk; both men and women; shall presently come into
the hall; and I deem not that any shall meddle with thee; but if so
be that any challenge thee; whatsoever may be his words; answer thou
to him; 'THE HOUSE OF THE UNDYING;' and there will be an end of it。
Only look thou to it that no naked steel cometh out of thy scabbard。
Go now; and if thou wilt; go out of doors; yet art thou safer within
doors and nigher unto me。〃
So Hallblithe went back into the main hall; and the sun had gotten
round now; and was shining into the hall; through the clerestory
windows; so that he saw clearly all that was therein。 And he deemed
the hall fairer within than without; and especially over the shut…
beds were many stories carven in the panelling; and Hallblithe beheld
them gladly。 But of one thing he marvelled; that whereas he was in
an island of the strong…thieves of the waters; and in their very home
and chiefest habitation; there were no ships or seas pictured in that
imagery; but fair groves and gardens; with flowery grass and fruited
trees all about。 And there were fair women abiding therein; and
lovely young men; and warriors; and strange beasts and many marvels;
and the ending of wrath and beginning of pleasure and the crowning of
love。 And amidst these was pictured oft and again a mighty king with
a sword by his side and a crown on his head; and ever was he smiling
and joyous; so that Hallblithe; when he looked on him; felt of better
heart and smiled back on the carven image。
So while Hallblithe looked on these things; and pondered his case
carefully; all alone as he was in that alien hall; he heard a noise
without of talking and laughter; and presently the pattering of feet
therewith; and then women came into the hall; a score or more; some
young; some old; some fair enough; and some hard…featured and
uncomely; but all above the stature of the women whom he had seen in
his own land。
So he stood amidst the hall…floor and abided them; and they saw him
and his shining war…gear; and ceased their talking and laughter; and
drew round about him; and gazed at him; but none said aught till an
old crone came forth from the ring; and said 〃Who art thou; standing
under weapons in our hall?〃
He knew not what to answer; and held his peace; and she spake again:
〃Whither wouldest thou; what seekest thou?〃
Then answered Hallblithe: 〃THE HOUSE OF THE UNDYING。〃
None answered; and the other women all fell away from him at once;
and went about their business hither and thither through the hall。
But the old crone took him by the hand; and led him up to the dais;
and set him next to the midmost high…seat。 Then she made as if she
would do off his war…gear; and he would not gainsay her; though he
deemed that foes might be anear; for in sooth he trusted in the old
carle that he would not bewray him; and moreover he deemed it would
be unmanly not to take the risks of the guesting; according to the
custom of that country。
So she took his armour and his weapons and bore them off to a shut…
bed next to that wherein lay the ancient man; and she laid the gear
within it; all save the spear; which she laid on the wall…pins above;
and she made signs to him that therein he was to lie; but she spake
no word to him。 Then she brought him the hand…washing water in a
basin of latten; and a goodly towel therewith; and when he had washed
she went away from him; but not far。
This while the other women were busy about the hall; some swept the
floor down; and when it was swept strawed thereon rushes and handfuls
of wild thyme: some went into the buttery and bore forth the boards
and the trestles: some went to the chests and brought out the rich
hangings; the goodly bankers and dorsars; and did them on the walls:
some bore in the stoups and horns and beakers; and some went their
ways and came not back a while; for they were busied about the
cooking。 But whatever they did; none hailed him; or heeded him more
than if he had been an image; as he sat there looking on。 None save
the old woman who brought him the fore…supper; to wit a great horn of
mead; and cakes and dried fish。
So was the hall arrayed for the feast very fairly; and Hallblithe sat
there while the sun westered and the house grew dim; and dark at
last; and they lighted the candles up and down the hall。 But a
little after these were lit; a great horn was winded close without;
and thereafter came the clatter of arms about the door; and exceeding
tall weaponed men came in; one score and five; and strode two by two
up to the foot of the dais; and stood there in a row。 And Hallblithe
deemed their war…gear exceeding good; they were all clad in ring…
locked byrnies; and had steel helms on their heads with garlands of
gold wrought about them and they bore spears in their hands; and
white shields hung at their backs。 Now came the women to them and
unarmed them; and under their armour their raiment was black; but
they had gold rings on their arms; and golden collars about their
necks。 So they strode up to the dais and took their places on the
high…seat; not heeding Hallblithe any more than if he were an image
of wood。 Nevertheless that man sat next to him who was the chieftain
of all and sat in the midmost high…seat; and he bore his sheathed
sword in his hand and laid it on the board before him; and he was the
only man of those chieftains who had a weapon。
But when these were set down there was again a noise without; and
there came in a throng of men armed and unarmed who took their places
on the end…long benches up and down the hall; with these came women
also; who most of them sat amongst the men; but some busied them with
the serving: all these men were great of stature; but none so big as
the chieftains on the high…seat。
Now came the women in from the kitchen bearing the meat; whereof no
little was flesh…meat; and all was of the best。 Hallblithe was duly
served like the others; but still none spake to him or even looked on
him; though amongst themselves they spoke in big; rough voices so
that the rafters of the hall rang again。
When they had eaten their fill the women filled round the cups and
the horns to them; and those vessels were both great and goodly。 But
ere they fell to drinking uprose the chieftain who sat furthest from
the midmost high…seat on the right and cried a health: 〃THE TREASURE
OF THE SEA!〃 Then they all stood up and shouted; women as well as
men; and emptied their horns and cups to that health。 Then stood up
the man furthest on the left and cried out; 〃Drink a health to the
Undying King!〃 And again all men rose up and shouted ere they drank。
Other healths they drank; as the 〃Cold Keel;〃 the 〃Windworn Sail;〃
the 〃Quivering Ash〃 and the 〃Furrowed Beach。〃 And the wine and mead
flowed like rivers in that hall of the Wild Men。 As for Hallblithe;
he drank what he would but stood not up; nor raised his cup to his
lips when a health was drunk; for he knew not whether these men were
his friends or his foes; and he deemed it would be little…minded to
drink to their healths; lest he might be drinking death and confusion
to his own kindred。
But when men had drunk a while; again a horn blew at the nether end
of the hall; and straightway folk arose from the e