八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > creatures that once were men >


creatures that once were men-第10部分

小说: creatures that once were men 字数: 每页4000字

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Judas。  We will calculate how much it will take to break the 

factory down to its very foundations。  We will make an estimate 

of it all; counting the time it will take too; and we will make 

honest Judas pay two thousand roubles besides。〃


〃He will never give it!〃 cried Vaviloff; but his eyes shone 

with a greedy light。

〃You lie!  He will give it 。 。 。 Use your brains 。 。 。 What else 

can he do?  But look here; Egorka; mind you; don't go in for 

doing it on the cheap。  They are sure to fry to buy you off。 

Don't sell yourself cheap。  They will probably use threats; but 

rely upon us。 。 。 。〃


The Captain's eyes were alight with happiness; and his face 

with excitement。  He worked upon Vaviloff's greed; and urging 

upon him the importance of immediate action in the matter; 

went away in a very joyful and happy frame of mind。

*       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *

In the evening everyone was told of the Captain's discovery; 

and they all began to discuss Petunikoff's future predicament; 

painting in vivid colors his excitement and astonishment on the 

day the court messenger handed him the copy of the summons。  

The Captain felt himself quite a hero。  He was happy and all 

his friends highly pleased。  The heap of dark and tattered

figures that lay in the courtyard made noisy demonstrations of 

pleasure。  They all knew the merchant; Petunikoff; who passed 

them very often; contemptuously turning up his eyes and giving 

them no more attention than he bestowed on the other heaps of 

rubbish lying on the ground。  He was well fed; and that 

exasperated them still more; and now how splendid it was that 

one of themselves had struck a hard blow at the selfish 

merchant's purse!  It gave them all the greatest pleasure。 The 

Captain's discovery was a powerful instrument in their hands。 

Every one of them felt keen animosity toward all those who were 

well fed and well dressed; but in some of them this feeling was 

only beginning to develop。  Burning interest was felt by those 

〃creatures that once were men〃 in the prospective fight between

Kuvalda and Petunikoff; which they already saw in imagination。


For a fortnight the inhabitants of the dosshouse awaited the 

further development of events; but Petunikoff never once visited 

the building。  It was known that he was not in town; and that 

the copy of the petition had not yet been handed to him。  

Kuvalda raged at the delays of the civil court。  It is improbable 

that anyone had ever awaited the merchant with such impatience as 

did this bare…footed brigade。

〃He isn't even thinking of coming; the wretch! 。 。 。〃

〃That means that he does not love me!〃 sang Deacon Taras; leaning 

his chin on his hand and casting a humorous glance toward the 


At last Petunikoff appeared。  He came in a respectable cart with 

his son playing the role of groom。  The latter was a red…cheeked; 

nice…looking youngster; in a long square…cut overcoat。  He wore 

smoked eyeglasses。  They tied the horse to an adjoining tree; the 

son took the measuring instrument out of his pocket and gave it 

to his father; and they began to measure the ground。  Both were 

silent and worried。

〃Aha!〃 shouted the Captain gleefully。

All those who were in the dosshouse at the moment came out to 

look at them and expressed themselves loudly and freely in 

reference to the matter。

〃What does the habit of thieving mean?  A man may sometimes make 

a big mistake when he steals; standing to lose more than he 

gets;〃 said the Captain; causing much laughter among his staff 

and eliciting various murmurs of assent。

〃Take care; you devil!〃 shouted Petunikoff; 〃lest I have you in 

the police court for your words!〃


〃You can do nothing to me without witnesses 。 。 。 Your son cannot 

give evidence on your side〃 。 。 。 the Captain warned him。

〃Look out all the same; you old wretch; you may be found guilty 

too!〃  And Petunikoff shook his fist at him。  His son; deeply 

engrossed in his calculations; took no notice of the dark group 

of men; who were taking such a wicked delight in adding to his 

father's discomfiture。  He did not even once look in their 


〃The young spider has himself well in hand;〃 remarked Abyedok; 

watching young Petunikoff's every movement and action。  Having 

taken all the measurements he desired; Ivan Andreyevitch knit 

his brows; got into the cart; and drove away。  His son went with 

a firm step into Vaviloff's eating…house; and disappeared behind 

the door。

〃Ho; ho! That's a determined young thief! 。 。 。 What will happen 

next; I wonder 。 。 。?〃 asked Kuvalda。

〃Next? Young Petunikoff will buy out Egor Vaviloff;〃 said 

Abyedok with conviction; and smacked his lips as if the idea 

gave him great pleasure。

〃And you are glad of that?〃 Kuvalda asked him gravely。

〃I am always pleased to see human calculations miscarry;〃 

explained Abyedok; rolling his eyes and rubbing his hands with 

delight。  The Captain spat angrily on the ground and was silent。 

They all stood in front of the tumble…down building; and silently 

watched the doors of the eating…house。  More than an hour passed



Then the doors opened and Petunikoff came out as silently as he 

had entered。  He stopped for a moment; coughed; turned up the 

collar of his coat; glanced at the men; who were following all 

his movements with their eyes; and then went up the street 

toward the town。

The Captain watched him for a moment; and turning to Abyedok 

said smilingly:

〃Probably you were right after all; you son of a scorpion and 

a wood…louse!  You nose out every evil thing。  Yes; the face 

of that young swindler shows that be has got what he wanted。 。 。 

I wonder how much Egorka has got out of them。  He has evidently 

taken something 。 。 。 He is just the same sort of rogue that

they are 。 。 。 they are all tarred with the same brush。 He has 

got some money; and I'm damned if I did not arrange the whole 

thing for him! It is best to own my folly 。 。 。 Yes; life is 

against us all; brothers 。 。 。 and even when you spit upon 

those nearest to you; the spittle rebounds and hits your own 


Having satisfied himself with this reflection; the worthy Captain 

looked round upon his staff。  Every one of them was disappointed; 

because they all knew that something they did not expect had 

taken place between Petunikoff and Vaviloff; and they all felt 

that they had been insulted。  The feeling that one is unable to 

injure anyone is worse than the feeling that one is unable to do 

good; because to do harm is far easier and simpler。

〃Well; why are we loitering here?  We have nothing more to wait 

for 。 。 。 except the reward that I shall get outout of Egorka; 

。 。 。〃 said the Captain; looking angrily at the eating…house。 

〃So our peaceful life under the roof of Judas has come to an end。 


Judas will now turn us out 。 。 。 So do not say that I have not 

warned you。〃

Kanets smiled sadly。

〃What are you laughing at; jailer?〃 Kuvalda asked。

〃Where shall I go then?〃

〃That; my soul; is a question that fate will settle for you; so 

do not worry;〃 said the Captain thoughtfully; entering the 

dosshouse。  〃The creatures that once were men〃 followed him。

〃We can do nothing but await the critical moment;〃 said the 

Captain; walking about among them。  〃When they turn us out we 

shall seek a new place for ourselves; but at present there is 

no use spoiling our life by thinking of it 。 。 。 In times of 

crisis one becomes energetic 。 。 。 and if life were fuller of 

them and every moment of it so arranged that we were compelled 

to tremble for our lives all the time 。 。 。 By God! life would be

livelier and even fuller of interest and energy than it is!〃

〃That means that people would all go about cutting one another's 

throats;〃 explained Abyedok smilingly。

〃Well; what about it?〃 asked the Captain angrily。  He did not 

like to hear his thoughts illustrated。

〃Oh! Nothing! When a person wants to get anywhere quickly he 

whips up the horses; but of course it needs fire to make engines 

go。 。 。 。〃

〃Well; let everything go to the Devil as quickly as possible。 

I'm sure I should be pleased if the earth suddenly opened up or 

was burned or destroyed somehow 。 。 。 only I were left to the 

last in order to see the others consumed。 。 。 。〃


〃Ferocious creature!〃 smiled Abyedok。

〃Well; what of that?  I 。 。 。 I was once a man 。 。 。 now I am 

an outcast 。 。 。 that means I have no obligations。  It means 

that I am free to spit on everyone。  The nature of my present 

life means the rejection of my past 。 。 。 giving up all relations 

toward men who are well fed and well dressed; and who look upon 

me with contempt because I am inferior to them in the matter of 

feeding or dressing。  I must develop something new within myself; 

do you understand?  Something that will make Judas Petunikoff and 

his kind tremble and perspire before me!〃

〃Ah!  You have a courageous tongue!〃 jeered Abyedok。

〃Yes 。 。 。 You miser!〃  And Kuvalda looked at him contemptuously。 

〃What do you understand?  What do you know?  Are you able to 

think?  But I have thought and I have read 。 。 。 books of which 

you could not have understood one word。〃

〃Of course!  One cannot eat soup out of one's hand 。 。 。 But 

though you have read and thought; and I have not done that or 

anything else; we both seem to have got into pretty much the 

same condition; don't we?〃

〃Go to the Devil!〃 shouted Kuval

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