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men of invention and industry-第14部分

小说: men of invention and industry 字数: 每页4000字

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years; so as to determine the best proportions of the screw; and

the proportions then ascertained have since been the principal

guides of engineering practice。

The Rattler was at length tried in a water tournament with the

paddle…steamer Alecto; and signally defeated her。  Francis Pettit

Smith; like Gulliver; may be said to have dragged the whole

British fleet after him。  Were the paddle our only means of

propulsion; our whole naval force would be reduced to a nullity。 

Hostile gunners would wing a paddle…steamer as effectuaily as a

sportsman wings a bird; and all the plating in the world would

render such a ship a mere helpless log on the water。

The Admiralty could no longer defer the use of this important

invention。  Like all good things; it made its way slowly and by

degrees。  The royal naval authorities; who in 1833 backed the

side paddles; have since adopted the screw in most of the

ships…of…war。  In all long sea…going voyages; also; the screw is

now the favourite mode of propulsion。  Screw ships of prodigious

size are now built and launched in all the ship…building ports of

Britain; and are sent out to navigate in every part of the world。

The introduction of iron as the material for shipbuilding has

immensely advanced the interests of steam navigation; as it

enables the builders to construct vessels of great size with the

finest lines; so as to attain the highest rates of speed。

One might have supposed that Francis Pettit Smith would derive

some substantial benefit from his invention; or at least that the

Ship Propeller Company would distribute large dividends among

their proprietors。  Nothing of the kind。  Smith spent his money;

his labour; and his ingenuity in conferring a great public

benefit without receiving any adequate reward; and the company;

instead of distributing dividends; lost about 50;000L。 in

introducing this great invention; after which; in 1856; the

patent…right expired。  Three hundred and twenty…seven ships and

vessels of all classes in the Royal Navy had then been fitted

with the screw propeller; and a much larger number in the

merchant service; but since that time the number of screw

propellers constructed is to be counted by thousands。

In his comparatively impoverished condition it was found

necessary to do something for the inventor。  The Civil Engineers;

with Robert Stephenson; M。P。; in the chair; entertained him at a

dinner and presented him with a handsome salver and claret jug。 

And that he might have something to put upon his salver and into

his claret jug; a number of his friends and admirers subscribed

over 2000L。 as a testimonial。  The Government appointed him

Curator of the Patent Museum at South Kensington; the Queen

granted him a pension on the Civil List for 200L。 a year; he was

raised to the honour of knighthood in l87l; and three years later

he died。

Francis Pettit Smith was not a great inventor。  He had; like many

others; invented a screw propeller。  But; while those others had

given up the idea of prosecuting it to its completion; Smith

stuck to his invention with determined tenacity; and never let it

go until he had secured for it a complete triumph。  As Mr。

Stephenson observed at the engineer's meeting:  〃Mr。 Smith had

worked from a platform which might have been raised by others; as

Watt had done; and as other great men had done; but he had made a

stride in advance which was almost tantamount to a new invention。

It was impossible to overrate the advantages which this and other

countries had derived from his untiring and devoted patience in

prosecuting the invention to a successful issue。〃  Baron Charles

Dupin compared the farmer Smith with the barber Arkwright: 〃He

had the same perseverance and the same indomitable courage。 

These two moral qualities enabled him to triumph over every

obstacle。〃  This was the merit of 〃Screw〃 Smiththat he was

determined to realize what his predecessors had dreamt of

achieving; and he eventually accomplished his great purpose。

Footnotes for Chapter II。

'1' In the Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects

for 1860; it was pointed out that the general dimensions and form

of bottom of this ship were very similar to the most famous

line…of…battle ships built down to the end of last century; some

of which were then in existence。

'2' According to the calculation of Mr。 Chatfield; of Her

Majesty's dockyard at Plymouth; in a paper read before the

British Association in 1841 on shipbuilding。

'3' The phrase 〃wooden walls〃 is derived from the Greek。  When

the city of Athens was once in danger of being attacked and

destroyed; the oracle of Delphi was consulted。  The inhabitants

were told that there was no safety for them but in their 〃wooden

walls;〃that is their shipping。  As they had then a powerful

fleet; the oracle gave them rational advice; which had the effect

of saving the Athenian people。

'4' An account of these is given by Bennet Woodcraft in his

Sketch of the Origin and Progress of Steam Navigation; London;


'5' See Industrial Biography; pp。 183…197;

'6' The story is told in Scribner's Monthly Illustrated Magazine;

for April 1879。  Ericsson's modest bill was only 15;000 for two

years' labour。  He was put off from year to year; and at length

the Government refused to pay the amount。  〃The American

Government;〃 says the editor of Scribner; 〃will not appropriate

the money to pay it; and that is all。  It is said to be the

nature of republics to be ungrateful; but must they also be


'7' Memoirs of the Life and Services of Rear…Admiral Sir William

Symonds; Kt。; p。 332。



No man knows who invented the mariner's compass; or who first

hollowed out a canoe from a log。  The power to observe accurately

the sun; moon; and planets; so as to fix a vessel's actual

position when far out of sight of land; enabling long voyages to

be safely made; the marvellous improvements in ship…building;

which shortened passages by sailing vessels; and vastly reduced

freights even before steam gave an independent force to the

carriereach and all were done by small advances; which together

contributed to the general movement of mankind。。。。  Each owes all

to the others。  The forgotten inventors live for ever in the

usefulness of the work they have done and the progress they have

striven for。〃H。 M。 Hyndman。

One of the most extraordinary things connected with Applied

Science is the method by which the Navigator is enabled to find

the exact spot of sea on which his ship rides。  There may be

nothing but water and sky within his view; he may be in the midst

of the ocean; or gradually nearing the land; the curvature of the

globe baffles the search of his telescope; but if he have a

correct chronometer; and can make an astronomical observation; he

may readily ascertain his longitude; and know his approximate

positionhow far he is from home; as well as from his intended

destination。  He is even enabled; at some special place; to send

down his grappling…irons into the sea; and pick up an electrical

cable for examination and repair。

This is the result of a knowledge of Practical Astronomy。  〃Place

an astronomer;〃 says Mr。 Newcomb; 〃on board a ship; blindfold

him; carry him by any route to any ocean on the globe; whether

under the tropics or in one of the frigid zones; land him on the

wildest rock that can be found; remove his bandage; and give him

a chronometer regulated to Greenwich or Washington time; a

transit instrument with the proper appliances; and the necessary

books and tables; and in a single clear night he can tell his

position within a hundred yards by observations of the stars。 

This; from a utilitarian point of view; is one of the most

important operations of Practical Astronomy。〃'2'

The Marine Chronometer was the outcome of the crying want of the

sixteenth century for an instrument that should assist the

navigator to find his longitude on the pathless ocean。  Spain was

then the principal naval power; she was the most potent monarchy

in Europe; and held half America under her sway。  Philip III。 

offered 100;000 crowns for any discovery by means of which the

longitude might be determined by a better method than by the log;

which was found very defective。  Holland next became a great

naval power; and followed the example of Spain in offering 30;000

florins for a similar discovery。  But though some efforts were

made; nothing practical was done; principally through the

defective state of astronomical instruments。  England succeeded

Spain and Holland as a naval power; and when Charles II。

established the Greenwich Observatory; it was made a special

point that Flamsteed; the Astronomer…Royal; should direct his

best energies to the perfecting of a method for finding the

longitude by astronomical observations。  But though Flamsteed;

together with Halley and Newton; made some progress; they were

prevented from obtaining ultimate success by the want of

efficient chronometers and the defective nature of astronomical


Nothing was done until the reign of Queen Anne; when a petition

was presented to the Legislature on the 25th of May; 1714; by

〃several captains of Her Majesty's ships; merchants in London;

and commanders of merchantmen; in behalf of themselves; and of

all others concerned in the navigation of Great Britain;〃 setting

forth the importance of the accurate discovery of the longitude;

and the inconvenience and danger to which ships were subjected

from the want of some suitable method of discovering it。  The

petition was referred to a committee; which took evidence on the

subject。  It appears that Sir Isaac Newton; with his

extraordinary sagacity; hit the mark in his report。  〃One is;〃 he

said; 〃by a watch to keep time e

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