men of invention and industry-第18部分
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Harrison; who was to accompany it to Lisbon。 Captain Proctor
answered the First Lord from Spithead; dated May l7th; 1736;
promising his attention to Harrison's comfort; but intimating his
fear that he had attempted impossibilities。 It is always so with
a new thing。 The first steam…engine; the first gaslight; the
first locomotive; the first steamboat to America; the first
electric telegraph; were all impossibilities!
This first chronometer behaved very well on the outward voyage in
the Centurion。 It was not affected by the roughest weather; or
by the working of the ship through the rolling waves of the Bay
of Biscay。 It was brought back; with Harrison; in the Orford
man…of…war; when its great utility was proved in a remarkable
manner; although; from the voyage being nearly on a meridian; the
risk of losing the longitude was comparatively small。 Yet the
following was the certificate of the captain of the ship; dated
the 24th June; 1737: 〃When we made the land; the said land;
according to my reckoning (and others); ought to have been the
Start; but; before we knew what land it was; John Harrison
declared to me and the rest of the ship's company that; according
to his observations with his machine; it ought to be the
Lizardthe which; indeed; it was found to be; his observation
showing the ship to be more west than my reckoning; above one
degree and twenty…six miles;〃that is; nearly ninety miles out
of its course!
Six days laterthat is; on the 30th Junethe Board of Longitude
met; when Harrison was present; and produced the chronometer with
which he had made the voyage to Lisbon and back。 The minute
states: 〃Mr。 John Harrison produced a new invented machine; in
the nature of clockwork; whereby he proposes to keep time at sea
with more exactness than by any other instrument or method
hitherto contrived; in order to the discovery of the longitude at
sea; and proposes to make another machine of smaller dimensions
within the space of two years; whereby he will endeavour to
correct some defects which he hath found in that already
prepared; so as to render the same more perfect; which machine;
when completed; he is desirous of having tried in one of His
Majesty's ships that shall be bound to the West Indies; but at
the same time represented that he should not be able; by reason
of his necessitous circumstances; to go on and finish his said
machine without assistance; and requested that he may be
furnished with the sum of 500L。; to put him in a capacity to
perform the same; and to make a perfect experiment thereof。〃
The result of the meeting was that 500L。 was ordered to be paid
to Harrison; one moiety as soon as convenient; and the other when
he has produced a certificate from the captain of one of His
Majesty's ships that he has put the machine on board into the
captain's possession。 Mr。 George Graham; who was consulted;
urged that the Commissioners should grant Harrison at least
1000L。; but they only awarded him half the sum; and at first only
a moiety of the amount voted。 At the recommendation of Lord
Monson; who was present; Harrison accepted the 250L。 as a help
towards the heavy expenses which he had already incurred; and was
again about to incur; in perfecting the invention。 He was
instructed to make his new chronometer of less dimensions; as the
one exhibited was cumbersome and heavy; and occupied too much
space on board。
He accordingly proceeded to make his second chronometer。 It
occupied a space of only about half the size of the first。 He
introduced several improvements。 He lessened the number of the
wheels; and thereby diminished friction。 But the general
arrangement remained the same。 This second machine was finished
in 1739。 It was more simple in its arrangement; and less
cumbrous in its dimensions。 It answered even better than the
first; and though it was not tried at sea its motions were
sufficiently exact for finding the longitude within the nearest
limits proposed by Act of Parliament。
Not satisfied with his two machines; Harrison proceeded to make a
third。 This was of an improved construction; and occupied still
less space; the whole of the machine and its apparatus standing
upon an area of only four square feet。 It was in such
forwardness in January; 1741; that it was exhibited before the
Royal Society; and twelve of the most prominent members signed a
certificate of 〃its great and excellent use; as well for
determining the longitude at sea as for correcting the charts of
the coasts。〃 The testimonial concluded: 〃We do recommend Mr。
Harrison to the favour of the Commissioners appointed by Act of
Parliament as a person highly deserving of such further
encouragement and assistance as they shall judge proper and
sufficient to finish his third machine。〃 The Commissioners
granted him a further sum of 500L。 Harrison was already reduced
to necessitous circumstances by his continuous application to the
improvement of the timekeepers。 He had also got into debt; and
required further assistance to enable him to proceed with their
construction; but the Commissioners would only help him by
Although Harrison had promised that the third machine would be
ready for trial on August 1; 1743; it was not finished for some
years later。 In June; 1746; we find him again appearing before
the Board; asking for further assistance。 While proceeding with
his work he found it necessary to add a new spring; 〃having spent
much time and thought in tempering them。〃 Another 500L。 was
voted to enable him to pay his debts; to maintain himself and
family; and to complete his chronometer。
Three years later he exhibited his third machine to the Royal
Society; and on the 30th of November; 1749; he was awarded the
Gold Medal for the year。 In presenting it; Mr。 Folkes; the
President; said to Mr。 Harrison; 〃I do here; by the authority and
in the name of the Royal Society of London for the improving of
natural knowledge; present you with this small but faithful token
of their regard and esteem。 I do; in their name congratulate you
upon the successes you have already had; and I most sincerely
wish that all your future trials may in every way prove
answerable to these beginnings; and that the full accomplishment
of your great undertaking may at last be crowned with all the
reputation and advantage to yourself that your warmest wishes may
suggest; and to which so many years so laudably and so diligently
spent in the improvement of those talents which God Almighty has
bestowed upon you; will so justly entitle your constant and
unwearied perseverance。〃
Mr。 Folkes; in his speech; spoke of Mr。 Harrison as 〃one of the
most modest persons he had ever known。 In speaking;〃 he
continued; 〃of his own performances; he has assured me that; from
the immense number of diligent and accurate experiments he has
made; and from the severe tests to which he has in many ways put
his instrument; he expects he shall be able with sufficient
certainty; through all the greatest variety of seasons and the
most irregular motions of the sea; to keep time constantly;
without the variation of so much as three seconds in a week; a
degree of exactness that is astonishing and even stupendous;
considering the immense number of difficulties; and those of very
different sorts; which the author of these inventions must have
had to encounter and struggle withal。〃
Although it is common enough now to make first…rate
chronometers sufficient to determine the longitude with almost
perfect accuracy in every clime of the worldit was very
different at that time; when Harrison was occupied with his
laborious experiments。 Although he considered his third machine
to be the ne plus ultra of scientific mechanism; he nevertheless
proceeded to construct a fourth timepiece; in the form of a
pocket watch about five inches in diameter。 He found the
principles which he had adopted in his larger machines applied
equally well in the smaller; and the performances of the last
surpassed his utmost expectations。 But in the meantime; as his
third timekeeper was; in his opinion; sufficient to supply the
requirements of the Board of Longitude as respected the highest
reward offered; he applied to the Commissioners for leave to try
that instrument on board a royal ship to some port in the West
Indies; as directed by the statute of Queen Anne。
Though Harrison's third timekeeper was finished about the year
1758; it was not until March 12; 1761; that he received orders
for his son William to proceed to Portsmouth; and go on board the
Dorsetshire man…of…war; to proceed to Jamaica。 But another
tedious delay occurred。 The ship was ordered elsewhere; and
William Harrison; after remaining five months at Portsmouth;
returned to London。 By this time; John Harrison had finished his
fourth timepiecethe small one; in the form of a watch。 At
length William Harrison set sail with this timekeeper from
Portsmouth for Jamaica; on November 18th; 1761; in the Deptford
man…of…war。 The Deptford had forty…three ships in convoy; and
arrived at Jamaica on the l9th of January; 1762; three days
before the Beaver; another of His Majesty's ships…of…war; which
had sailed from Portsmouth ten days before the Deptford; but had
lost her reckoning and been deceived in her longitude; having
trusted entirely to the log。 Harrison's timepiece had corrected
the log of the Deptford to the extent of three degrees of
longitude; whilst several of the ships in the fleet lost as much
as five degrees! This shows the haphazard way in which
navigation was conducted previous to the invention of the marine
When the Deptford arrived at Port Royal; Jamaica; the timekeeper
was found to be only five and one tenth seconds in error; and
during the voyage of four months; on its return to Portsmouth on
March 26th; 1762; it